pakozm / BrickPi_Lua

BrickPi Library in Lua, bindded from BrickPi_C

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BrickPi Lua Code (binding of BrickPi C)

This repository is a Lua binding library of BrickPi C code. It allows to program BrickPi using Lua programming language, and it is pretty cool.


This sofware needs Lua 5.2, which could be installed into raspbian wheezy by executing:

  • sudo apt-get install liblua5.2-dev
  • sudo apt-get install lua5.2

Installation is done by:

  • make
  • make install


In Lua, the library is loaded as a package:

brickpi = require "brickpi"

The brickpi package has the following functions:

  • boolean,error_message = brickpi.setup(): initializes the BrickPi C environment. Returns true if everything is ok, otherwise it returns false and an error message string.

  • brickpi.motorEnable(number, number, ...): initializes the given port numbers as motor ports.

  • brickpi.sensorType(port_number, type_number): initializes the given port number as sensor of the given type.

  • boolean,error_message = brickpi.setupSensors(): after motors and sensors initialization, this function setup the configuration. It returns true if everything is ok, otherwise it returns false and an error message string.

  • brickpi.sleep(seconds): sleeps the given number of seconds. The number is a double, so it is possible to sleep a fraction of a second.

  • boolean,error_message = brickpi.update(): this function updates the BrickPi C environment, providing motor update and sensor read.

  • brickpi.motorSpeed(port_number, port_number, ..., speed_number): sets the speed of the given list of motor ports to the given speed. The speed is a number between [-255,255].

  • speed_number = brickpi.motorSpeed(port_number): returns the speed set for the given motor port number.

  • brickpi.motorSteering(port1, port2, steer, power): sets the speed of two motors (port1 and port2) depending on the steer value (in range [-1,1]) and in the power value (in range [-1,1]). When steer=-1 or steer=1 the robot will spin over its center, setting the speed of one motor to 255power, and the other to -255power. When steer=0, speed of both motors is set to 255*power. A negative power value will change the direction of the movement of motors.

  • value, value, ... = brickpi.sensorValue(port_number, port_number, ...): reads the value of the sensors at the given port numbers.

  • boolean,error_message = brickpi.setTimeout(number): initializes the BrickPi motors timeout, given in seconds. The number is a double, so it is possible to give any fraction of a second. Returns true if everything is ok, otherwise it returns false plus an error message string.

The following port and sensor numbers are available:

  • brickpi.PORT_A
  • brickpi.PORT_B
  • brickpi.PORT_C
  • brickpi.PORT_D
  • brickpi.PORT_1
  • brickpi.PORT_2
  • brickpi.PORT_3
  • brickpi.PORT_4
  • brickpi.TYPE_MOTOR_PWM
  • brickpi.TYPE_MOTOR_SPEED
  • brickpi.TYPE_SENSOR_RAW
  • `brickpi.TYPE_SENSOR_LIGHT_ON``
  • brickpi.TYPE_SENSOR_I2C
  • brickpi.TYPE_SENSOR_I2C_9V

BrickPi C

More information on using C on the BrickPi can be found here:

BrickPi is a Raspberry Pi Board that connects LEGO MINDSTORMS motors and sensors to the Raspberry Pi.

Examples are given under "SensorExamples" for using the different sensors.

More information on hardware, firmware, and software can be found here:


BrickPi Library in Lua, bindded from BrickPi_C


Language:C 97.6%Language:Lua 2.4%