pahud / c9-ide

Bring Your Own Cloud9 IDE with Docker

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This project aims to provide a containerized Cloud9 IDE environment on top of Cloud9 Core and help you bring up a Cloud9 IDE environment out-of-the-box in on-premise environment or other AWS regions which AWS Cloud9 is not available(e.g. AWS China Ningxia or Beijing region)


  • Everything in a single Docker container. A single make run or docker run and you are ready to go.
  • Shipped with Caddy as the reverse proxy with the automatic HTTPS capabilities. All traffic goes through SSL/TLS in transit and redirects HTTP to HTTPS.
  • Shipped with basic authentication(user/pass) support.
  • Docker in Docker support
  • Based on Amazon Linux 2 Docker image. You can just yum install anything you need.

Running in AWS China

  1. Launch an EC2 instance in public subnet and enabled the public IP address. Make sure the security group has HTTPS(tcp443) wide open( Don't worry, we will restrict the ACL later.

  2. SSH into this EC2 instance and install docker , make and git . In Amazon Linux 2 LTS:

    $ sudo yum install -y docker make git
    $ sudo service docker restart
    $ sudo service docker status (should see active (running))

    clone the repo

    $ git clone
    $ cd c9-ide
    // sudo as root
    $ sudo -s

    ECR get-login before we can pull the docker images from ECR in cn-northwest-1. Make sure you specify --registry-ids 937788672844 in the command line.

    $ aws --region cn-northwest-1 ecr get-login --registry-ids 937788672844 --no-include-email | sh
    WARNING! Using --password via the CLI is insecure. Use --password-stdin.
    WARNING! Your password will be stored unencrypted in /root/.docker/config.json.
    Configure a credential helper to remove this warning. See
    Login Succeeded

    IMPORTANT: make sure your EC2 has attached an IAM role with AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryReadOnly privileges or you may get aws configue error or fail to pull ECR images.

    # USE_ECR=1 MYUSERNAME=xxxxxx MYPASSWORD=xxxxxxx make run
    Unable to find image '' locally
    amazonlinux-full: Pulling from c9-ide
    2cbe74538cb5: Pull complete 
    3b4e8c37e8e3: Pull complete 
    81a68cf06e6c: Pull complete 
    9ccd8d11a336: Pull complete 
    e74e6335de2d: Pull complete 
    5a8c3961ae7f: Pull complete 
    d8e17efc1a44: Pull complete 
    21f545e8c008: Pull complete 
    d79d436325ea: Pull complete 
    6edbc6316129: Pull complete 
    5ee1c9a10823: Pull complete 
    384f16344ca4: Pull complete 
    2d8ac1c25f1b: Pull complete 
    7c61f3412edb: Pull complete 
    c02e24056413: Pull complete 
    05d4b580aa03: Pull complete 
    af4ff9de1323: Pull complete 
    78c03c5d08bc: Pull complete 
    Digest: sha256:552f481b9cd0572991eacd9fa9c632c503f815f52e616a82d5ec2e7cc114fda5
    Status: Downloaded newer image for

    make logtail to tail the log

    # make logtail
    Activating privacy features... 2019/02/10 04:06:20 [INFO][FileStorage:/root/.caddy] Started certificate maintenance routine
    2019/02/10 04:06:20 [INFO] acme: Registering account for
    2019/02/10 04:06:21 [INFO] [] acme: Obtaining bundled SAN certificate
    2019/02/10 04:06:22 [INFO] [] AuthURL:
    2019/02/10 04:06:22 [INFO] [] acme: use tls-alpn-01 solver
    2019/02/10 04:06:22 [INFO] [] acme: Trying to solve TLS-ALPN-01
    2019/02/10 04:06:29 [INFO] [] The server validated our request
    2019/02/10 04:06:29 [INFO] [] acme: Validations succeeded; requesting certificates
    2019/02/10 04:06:31 [INFO] [] Server responded with a certificate.
    2019/02/10 04:06:33
    2019/02/10 04:06:33
    WARNING: File descriptor limit 1024 is too low for production servers. At least 8192 is recommended. Fix with `ulimit -n 8192`.

    open your browser to http://<YOUR_EC2_PUBLIC_HOSTNAME>

    You will immediately see a pop-up window with https:// as the scheme, indicating all trafic is SSL/TLS encrypted in transit. Enter your MYUSERNAME and MYPASSWORD you previously passed in the make command and you will see the Cloud9 welcome page.

Clean up

just make clear and the running docker c9-ide container will be removed immediately.

# make clear
# docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES

Security Concern

  1. make sure to update the security group of this EC2 instance and allow your original IP only to reduce the attack surface. If possible, just leave HTTPS only.
  2. don't use the default MYUSERNAME and MYPASSWORD, which is defined in the Makefile

Images available

Name Description OS Ningxia ECR mirror
pahud/c9-ide:amazonlinux-full default image Amazon Linux
pahud/c9-ide:alpine-base minimal base image Alpine Linux
pahud/c9-ide:latest minimal base image(latest build) Alpine Linux

Data Persistence on the Host

Container Path Host Path Content
/root/.caddy ${PWD}/root/.caddy Metadata and Let's Encrypt Key and Cert #10
/workspace ${PWD}/workspace workspace data #12


Q: Can I pull images from Amazon ECR Ningxia or Beijing regions to speed up the pulling?

A: Yes, make sure:

  1. your EC2 has attached an IAM role with AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryReadOnly privileges.
  2. you need to run ecr get-login to get the docker login credentials
aws --region cn-northwest-1 ecr get-login --registry-ids 937788672844 --no-include-email | sh
  1. toggle USE_ECR=1 to enable the image pulling from Amazon ECR Ningxia region
(this will pull image straight from ECR in Ningxia region)

Q: Can I run docker inside the IDE(Docker in Docker support)?

A: Yes, see #4

Q: I need some extra tools. What can I do?

A: Just yum install it.


Bring Your Own Cloud9 IDE with Docker


Language:Shell 60.9%Language:Makefile 24.1%Language:Dockerfile 15.0%