padwalsagar / ContactMIS

Coding Assignment for CRUD operations on Contact Entity

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Coding Assignment - Application for maintaining contact information

Solution - Organization of Projects

Solution contains 3 projects

  1. Contact.API - Primary project which will expose the interface to client applications to consume Rest APIs to manage and maintain Contact information
  2. Contact.Service - This project contains the business layer logic
  3. Contact.Domain - This project contains Domain entities/data contracts which can be exchanged between REST application and client applications. Also this project has Contact Repository to interact with SQLExpress Database using Entity Framework (code first approach)

How to run the application

  1. Unzip the and open Solution file with Visual Studio
  2. Note that application uses SQLExpress local instance
  3. Simply run the application; it will start the Contact.API project on IISExpress with Url http://localhost:57693/
  4. Application is configured with Swagger UI; so API documentation page can be found at http://localhost:57693/swagger


Coding Assignment for CRUD operations on Contact Entity