paduanton / car-shop-api

Restful API implementation of car shop system to handle cars and sales to the car owners

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Car Shop API is a Restful API project that implements a system to handle sales of Cars to Car Owners. This project is written in Python 3 Django + MySQL



Copy environment variables of the project:

cp .env.example .env

Build container and start development environment:

 docker-compose up --build

Run migrations:

 docker exec -it car-shop-web python migrate

After all these steps, the project will be running on port 8080: http://localhost:8000. All http requests send and receive JSON data.

To view changes in the database, go to http://localhost:8181/ on browser and you will be able to access phpmyadmin.

ER Database Diagram

(click the image to zoom it or just download the image and zoom it by yourself so you can see better all tables relationships)

Entity Relationship:

  • CarOwners 1 - N Cars


You can access the Restful API public documentarion in the link below or clicking here.

Also in the root dir there is a file called car-shop-api.postman_collection that you can import in your postman in order to see the API requests.


In all http calls you must have the header Accept:application/json. In http requests made with http POST verb you need to set the header Content-Type:application/json.

In order to make any http request data to the API you MUST first have an API secure token. In order to do that you must follow the next steps:

1 - Create a superuser

docker exec -it car-shop-web python createsuperuser --username paduanton --email

2 - Generate API token with username

To create a new token you can run the command below on bash or you can make a POST request to /api-token-auth (request details are on postman API docs)

docker exec -it car-shop-web python drf_create_token paduanton 

3 - Set Authorization: Token {your-token} header in all API requests

With your API token in hands you must set the Authorization header together with your token, after that your http header shoud look like this:

Authorization: Token 1dd260a72829986fad06988bfe80cc7431d3aa71

4 - Enjoy the API


The whole models layer and API endpoints are covered by unit/integration tests. To run the automated testing you can use the bash command below:

docker exec -it car-shop-web python test 


Restful API implementation of car shop system to handle cars and sales to the car owners


Language:Python 99.4%Language:Dockerfile 0.6%