pacholoamit / Archlinux-dotfiles-bspwm

dotfiles for an immaculate desktop

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Glorious archlinux dotfiles repository for a glorious BSPWM desktop environment set up.




  • Terminal: alacritty
  • Window manager: bspwm (Tiling window manager)
  • Compositor: picom (for transparency & window border radius)
  • Polybar: Top appbar (w/ dual monitor support)
  • App menu: Rofi (nord theme)
  • Navigation control: sxhkd (should come with bspwm)
  • Terminal emulator: zsh & ohmyzsh (should be contained in .zshrc)

Installation & usage:

You may install using the various methods listed below

Option 1: easy install using GNU/stow

Note: Make sure the directories of the config files are deleted before running the stow command. Example if you were to use my alacritty settings. Make sure you delete the~/.config/alacritty directory otherwise you'll have errors.

cd ~

git clone

cd Archlinux-dotfiles-bspwm

stow <package> # I.E `stow alacritty` to use the alacritty config I have


# You may chain packages using the stow command

stow alacritty/ bspwm/ ....

The stow command creates a symlink between the file in the repository and your pc. For example, running:

stow alacritty/

will copy the alacritty config files in your ~/.config/alacritty directory. If for some reason your config files are placed elsewhere you may use the next option of install.

Options 2: manual install

cd ~

git clone

cd Archlinux-dotfiles-bspwm

mv alacritty ~/.config  # The 2nd argument is where you want to move your files to
                        # OR just copy and paste it

Polybar additional set up

Keep in mind this is a dual-monitor set up. Some additional edits to the config file will need to be done on the Polybar config files located at polybar/.config/polybar/config.

Dual monitors

For polybar config set up:

cd Archlinux-dotfiles-bspwm

xrandr -q | grep -w connected  # To get your monitor outputs

# Exxample output:
# DisplayPort-0 connected 1920x1080+1920+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 476mm x 268mm
# HDMI-A-0 connected primary 1920x1080+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 531mm x 299mm

micro polybar/.config/polybar/config

# Go to Line 26 for your primary monitor

enable-ipc = true
monitor = HDMI-A-0 # <--- Primary monitor here
width = 100%
height = 24

# Go to Line 86 for your secondary monitor

enable-ipc = true
monitor = DisplayPort-0 # <--- Secondary monitor here
width = 100%
height = 24

Then restart polybar/bspwm

For bspwmrc set up:

cd Archlinux-dotfiles-bspwm

micro bspwm/.config/bspwm/bspwmrc

#Delete line 6
# Set dual monitors
xrandr --output HDMI-A-0 --primary --rotate normal --output DisplayPort-0 --rotate normal --right-of HDMI-A-0 &

#Change line 38 & 39 to your desktop set up

bspc monitor HDMI-A-0 -d "1  " "2  " "3  " "4  " "5  " "6  " "7  "
bspc monitor DisplayPort-0 -d "8  "  "9  " "10  "

`Single monitor

For single monitor you'll need to edit both the polybar config file & bspwmrc file

For polybar config set up:

cd Archlinux-dotfiles-bspwm

xrandr -q | grep -w connected  # To get your monitor outputs

# Exxample output:
# DisplayPort-0 connected 1920x1080+1920+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 476mm x 268mm

micro polybar/.config/polybar/config

# Go to Line 26 for your primary monitor

enable-ipc = true
monitor = HDMI-A-0 # <--- Primary monitor here
width = 100%
height = 24

Delete [bar/top_external] So delete everything from Line 84 to 142

Then restart polybar/bspwm

For bspwmrc set up:

cd Archlinux-dotfiles-bspwm

micro bspwm/.config/bspwm/bspwmrc

#Delete line 6

xrandr --output HDMI-A-0 --primary --rotate normal --output DisplayPort-0 --rotate normal --right-of HDMI-A-0 &

# Delete line 38 & 39

bspc monitor HDMI-A-0 -d "1  " "2  " "3  " "4  " "5  " "6  " "7  "
bspc monitor DisplayPort-0 -d "8  "  "9  " "10  "

# Add this instead:

bspc monitor -d "1  " "2  " "3  " "4  " "5  " "6  " "7  " "8  "  "9  " "10  "


dotfiles for an immaculate desktop


Language:Shell 79.6%Language:Haskell 20.4%