pacant / mib-main

Microservice based application for messages exchange

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Message in a Bottle

This is the main repository of Message in a Bottle application, self project of Advanced Software Engineering course, University of Pisa.

Team info


Name and Surname Email
Antonio Pace
Giulio Piva
Alessandro Cecchi
Francesco Carli


Clone the repository

To clone the repository you have to specify the recursive parameter, in this way:

git clone --recursive<team_leader_username>/<main-project>.git

All the submodules will be fetched from GitHub and they will be placed inside the project root.

Add a submodule

If you want to add a microservice (hence a submodule), you have to run the command:

git submodule add -b <branchName> <repoURL>

Pull the updates from all repositories

If a developer has pushed to branch and you want to pull the updates, you have to run the following command:

git submodule update --remote


If you are not familiar with git submodules or you have some doubts about it, you can check the git-scm documentation here.


Each micro-service has a single configuration file, placed inside the main project root, with the name <microservice_name>_ms.conf.

Build and run

Application is built with docker-compose. To build the environment you have to run

docker-compose build

To startup application you can issue the following command:

docker-compose up

Application Environment

The default application environment for this application is production.


Microservice based application for messages exchange