pablitxn / storybook

Repository of layouts, components, documentation templates, snippets, and more about web development with Typescript and React

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Example app with Storybook

This example shows a default set up of Storybook. Also included in the example is a custom component included in both Storybook and the Next.js application.


As of v6.0, Storybook has built-in TypeScript support, so no configuration is needed. If you want to customize the default configuration, refer to the TypeScript docs.

How to use

Execute create-next-app with npm or Yarn to bootstrap the example:

npx create-next-app --example with-storybook with-storybook-app
# or
yarn create next-app --example with-storybook with-storybook-app

Run Storybook

npm run storybook
# or
yarn storybook

Build Static Storybook

npm run build-storybook
# or
yarn build-storybook

You can use Vercel to deploy Storybook. Specify storybook-static as the output directory.


Repository of layouts, components, documentation templates, snippets, and more about web development with Typescript and React


Language:HTML 72.0%Language:JavaScript 28.0%