pa-ba / calculating-compilers-for-concurrency

Agda formalisation for "Calculating compilers for concurrency"

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This repository contains the supplementary material for the paper Calculating Compilers for Concurrency. The material includes Agda formalisations of all calculations in the paper along with the all the required background theory, i.e. definitions and laws for (codensity) choice trees.

To typecheck all Agda files, use the included makefile by simply invoking make in this directory. All source files in this directory have been typechecked using version 2.6.3 of Agda and version 1.7.2 of the Agda standard library.


Choice Trees

CTree.agda: This is the top-level module containing all definitions and properties concerning choice trees:

  • Definitions.agda: Definition of choice trees and some basic operations on them.
  • Parallel.agda: Definition of the parallel composition operators and concurrent effect handlers.
  • Transitions.agda: Definition of the labelled transition system semantics of choice trees.
  • Bisimilarity.agda: Definition of the bisimilarity relation and its properties
  • IndexedBisimilarity.agda: Definition of the step-indexed bisimilarity relation and its properties. This includes all the laws mentioned in the paper. These laws are proved in various submodules:
    • Definitions.agda: Defines the step-indexed bisimilarity relation.
    • BasicProperties.agda: Proves that indexed bisimilarity is an equivalence relation and a congruence for the constructors of the choice tree type.
    • Bind.agda: Proves congruence law for >>=.
    • MonadLaws.agda: Proves the monad laws.
    • Interp.agda: Proves proves congruence laws for interp and interpSt along with the interpSt-fmap laws.
    • NonDeterminism.agda: Proves that the congruence law for non-deterministic choice and that the non-deterministic fragment forms an idempotent, commutative monoid
    • Parallel.agda: Proves the laws for parallel composition operators.

Codensity Choice Trees

CCTree.agda: This is the top-level module containing all definitions and properties concerning codensity choice trees:

  • Definitions.agda: Definition of codensity choice trees and all operations on them.
  • IndexedBisimilarity.agda: Definition of both the bisimilarity and the step-indexed bisimilarity relation and their properties. This includes all the laws mentioned in the paper.

Compiler calculations from the paper

Termination arguments

In some cases, Agda's termination checker rejects the definition of the virtual machine exec. In these cases, the termination checker is disabled for exec (using the TERMINATING pragma) and termination is proved manually in the following modules:

Agda formalisation vs. paper proofs

In the paper, we use an idealised Haskell-like syntax for all definitions. Here we outline how this idealised syntax is translated into Agda.

Identifier names

The paper uses Haskell conventions for identifier names, which are different in Agda. For examples, constructors must start with a upper case letter in Haskell, whereas constructors typically start with a lower case letter in Agda. As a consequence the constructors of the CTree type are named slightly differently in the Agda code (see below). Similarly, while we use fmap for the functor map in the paper, we use map in the Agda code.

Sized coinductive types

In the paper, we use the codata syntax to distinguish coinductively defined data types from inductive data types. In particular, we use this for the CTree type:

data CTree e a where
   Now  :: a -> CTree e a
   (⊕) :: CTree e a -> CTree e a -> CTree e a
   Zero :: CTree e a
   Eff  :: e b -> (b -> CTree e a) -> CTree e a
   Step :: CTreeInf e a -> CTree e a

codata CTreeInf e a = Delay (CTree e a)

In Agda we use coinductive record types to represent coinductive data types. Moreover, we use sized types to help the termination checker to recognise productive corecursive function definitions. Therefore, the CTree type has an additional parameter of type Size:

  data CTree (E : Set  Set) (A : Set) (i : Size) : Set₁ where
    now  : (v : A)  CTree E A i
    _⊕_  : (p q : CTree E A i)  CTree E A i
    : CTree E A i
    eff  :  {B}  (e : E B)  (c : B  CTree E A i)  CTree E A i
    later : (p : ∞CTree E A i)  CTree E A i

  record ∞CTree (E : Set  Set) (A : Set) (i : Size) : Set₁ where
    constructor delay
      force : {j : Size< i}  CTree E A j

Mutual inductive and co-inductive definitions

The semantic functions eval and exec are well-defined because recursive calls take smaller arguments (either structurally or according to some measure), or are guarded by Later. For example, in the case of the lambda calculus, eval is applied to the structurally smaller x and y in the case of Add or is guarded by Later in the case for App:

eval :: Expr -> Env -> CCTree ChanEff Value
eval (Val n)      e  = return (Num n)
eval (Add x y)    e  = do Num n <- eval x e
                          Num m <- eval y e
                          return (Num (n + m))
eval (Var n)      e  = lookup n e
eval (Abs x)      e  = return (Clo x e)
eval (App x y)    e  = do Clo x' e' <- eval x e
                          v <- eval y e
                          later (eval x' (v : e'))
eval (Send x y)   e  = do Num c <- eval x e
                          Num n <- eval y e
                          send c n
                          return (Num n)
eval (Receive x)  e  = do Num c <- eval x e
                          n <- receive c
                          return (Num n)
eval (Fork x)     e  = do c <- newChan
                          eval x (Num c : e) sp ⃗ sp return (Num c)

This translates to two mutually recursive functions in Agda, one for recursive calls (applied to smaller arguments) and one for co-recursive calls (guarded by Later). We use the prefix to distinguish the co-recursive function from the recursive function. For example, for the lambda calculus we write an eval and an ∞eval function:

  eval :  {i}  Expr  Env  CCTree ChanEff Value i
  eval (Val x)     e = return (Num x)
  eval (Add x y)   e = do n  eval x e >>= getNum
                          m  eval y e >>= getNum
                          return (Num (n + m))
  eval (Fork x)    e = do ch  newChan
                          eval x (Num ch ∷ e) ∥⃗ return (Num ch)
  eval (Send x y)  e = do ch  eval x e >>= getNum
                          n  eval y e >>= getNum
                          send ch n
                          return (Num n)
  eval (Receive x) e = do ch  eval x e >>= getNum
                          n  receive ch
                          return (Num n)
  eval (Abs x)     e = return (Clo x e)
  eval (Var n)     e = lookup n e
  eval (App x y)   e = do x' , e'  eval x e >>= getClo
                          v  eval y e
                          later (∞eval x' (v ∷ e'))

  ∞eval :  {i}  Expr  Env  ∞CCTree ChanEff Value i
  force (∞eval x e) = eval x e

Partial pattern matching in do notation

The Haskell syntax in the paper uses partial pattern matching in do notation, e.g. in the following fragment from section 8.2:

eval (Add x y) e = do Num n <- eval x e
                      Num m <- eval y e
                      return (Num (n + m))

To represent partial pattern matching in Agda, we use an auxiliary function (getNum : ∀ {i} → Value → CCTree e ℕ i for the code fragment above) that performs the pattern matching and behaves like the fail method if pattern matches fails:

eval (Add x y) e = do n  eval x e >>= getNum
                      m  eval y e >>= getNum
                      return (Num (n + m))

Codensity choice trees

In the paper, codensity choice trees are defined as elements of type

type CCTree e a = forall r . (a -> CTree e r) -> CTree e r

subject to two well-formedness properties:

  1. if k x ~ k' x for all x, then p k ~ p k' for all k, k' :: a -> CTree e b
  2. fmap f (p k) ~ p (\ r -> fmap f (k r)) for all k:: a -> CTree e b f :: b -> c

In the Agda formalisation, CCTree is instead defined syntactically, i.e.\ as nested inductive coinductive type:

  private data CCTree' (E : Set  Set) (A : Set) (i : Size) : Set₁ where
    now'   : (v : A)  CCTree' E A i
    later' : (p : ∞CCTree E A i)  CCTree' E A i
    _⊕'_   : (p q : CCTree' E A i)  CCTree' E A i
    ∅' : CCTree' E A i
    eff'   :  {B}  (e : E B)  (c : B  CCTree' E A i)  CCTree' E A i
    _>>='_ :  {B}  CCTree' E B i  (B  CCTree' E A i)  CCTree' E A i
    _∥⃗'_ :  {B}  CCTree' E B i  CCTree' E A i  CCTree' E A i
    interpSt' :  {F S}  {{_ : Concurrent F}}  S  ( {B}  S  F B  CTree E (B × S) ∞)  CCTree' F A i  CCTree' E A i

  record ∞CCTree E (A : Set) (i : Size) : Set₁ where
    constructor delay
      force : {j : Size< i}  CCTree' E A j

The type CCTree' is defined as an abstract type and thus is not exported. Instead, corresponding synonyms are exported:

CCTree : (Set  Set)  Set  Size  Set₁
CCTree = CCTree'

now   :  {E A i} (v : A)  CCTree E A i
now = now'


This syntax for CCTree is given a semantics via a semantics function

⟦_⟧ :  {i A E} {{_ : Concurrent E}}  CCTree E A i   {R}  (A  CTree E R i)  CTree E R i

which defines the semantics of each constructor of CCTree' as given in the paper. For example, the definition of >>= in the paper

>>= :: CCTree e a -> (a -> CCTree e b) -> CCTree e b
p >>= f = \c -> p (\v -> f v c)

translates into the following Agda definition:

⟦ p >>=' f ⟧ = λ c   ⟦ p ⟧ (λ v  ⟦ f v ⟧ c)

The two well-formedness properties codensity choice trees are then proved for this syntactically defined notion of codensity choice trees.

A more straightforward translation of the definition in the paper would be a sigma type consisting of the semantic notion of codensity choice trees, i.e. type ∀ {R} → (A → CTree E R i) → CTree E R i, and the two well-formedness properties. The above syntactic definition is a pragmatic alternative formalisation that makes it easier to use codensity choice trees. For example, this simplifies the definitions of the above-mentioned functions eval and ∞eval.


Agda formalisation for "Calculating compilers for concurrency"


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