p2edwards / kobo-no-docker

fighting complexity by making humans do more work

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kobo (some) docker

fighting complexity with simplicity by making humans do more work


As a developer, I would like to run things I don't change inside Docker (PostgreSQL, Redis, MongoDB, and—for now—Enketo Express). I would like full, manual control over running code that I do change (kpi Python, kpi JS, kobocat Python). I would like simplicity in configuration with sensible defaults and a minimum of mandatory customization.

to do

  • celery always eager done!
  • enketo bad news Parse Error: Expected HTTP/
    • should be fixed by kobotoolbox/kpi#3828
    • apparently not completely? try opening offline form in a new tab

oh no 😱

  • some changes are currently needed to the kpi and kobocat codebases. kpi.patch and kobocat.patch in this repository contain those changes. apply them with git apply; e.g. in your kpi source directory, run git apply < /path/to/kobo-no-docker/kpi.patch. sorry.
  • you have to manually create the directory jsapp/compiled inside your kpi source directory, otherwise npm run watch will fail on ExtractTranslationKeysPlugin with a ENOENT

getting started

  1. clone https://github.com/kobotoolbox/kpi and https://github.com/kobotoolbox/kobocat if you haven't already
  2. docker-compose up, which should yield:
    • enketo running on
    • postgres, on
    • redis, on
    • mongo, on
  3. virtualenv kpienv && virtualenv kcenv
    • tested with CPython3.8.10.final.0-64
  4. install os-level dependencies (sorry): sudo apt install python3-virtualenv gcc python3-dev gdal-bin libsqlite3-mod-spatialite
    • more about GDAL here (it's required during migrations. and it's only required then?)
    • libsqlite3-mod-spatialite is needed to run kobocat tests, or perhaps you could set TEST_DATABASE_URL and run them against a real Postgres database instead
    • you'll also need docker and docker-compose; tested with docker 20.10.12, docker-compose 1.25.0
  5. set up a kpi (python) development environment!
    1. open a new terminal
    2. . kpienv/bin/activate
    3. . envfile
    4. pip install pip-tools
    5. cd into your kpi source directory
    6. pip-sync dependencies/pip/dev_requirements.txt
    7. ./manage.py migrate
    8. ./manage.py runserver
      • ⚠️ not just any ol' runserver, okay?
  6. set up a kpi (javascript) development environment!
    1. open a new terminal
    2. cd into your kpi source directory
    3. nvm use 16, or whatever you cool kids like
    4. npm install --legacy-peer-deps
    5. npm install eslint eslint-plugin-react prettier --legacy-peer-deps
      • i'm sorry.
      • also, installing prettier this way doesn't seem to solve
        ERROR in Failed to load config "prettier" to extend from.
      • terrible workaround: edit node_modules/kobo-common/src/configs/.eslintrc.js and remove , 'prettier' from extends: ['eslint:recommended', 'prettier'],
    6. npm run watch
      • are you lucky today? i am! webpack 5.72.0 compiled successfully in 30238 ms
  7. set up a kobocat development environment!
    1. open a new terminal
    2. . kcenv/bin/activate
    3. . envfile
    4. pip install pip-tools
    5. cd into your kobocat source directory
    6. pip-sync dependencies/pip/dev.txt
      • HEY! how about we make that consistent with kpi, eh?
    7. ./manage.py migrate
    8. ./manage.py runserver
      • 🤓 didja see the 1 in 9001?

🥧 "don't forget to manage your pie"


  1. django is set to use the console email backend, so you can do things like create user accounts and read the activation email details right from the output of ./manage.py runserver
  2. it might also be helpful to have a superuser account:
    1. go to the terminal where kpi ./manage.py runserver is running
    2. press ctrl+z to suspend runserver
    3. ./manage.py createsuperuser
    4. once you're done, type fg and press enter to bring runserver back to the foreground
  3. help! i want to switch branches!
    1. you're generally responsible for knowing how to use ./manage.py migrate to apply database migrations (or revert them, by migrating backwards)
    2. let's say you'd like to back up your databases and start from scratch to avoid migration hassles:
      1. stop ⚠️ the database servers with docker-compose stop
      2. rename the storage directory to something else
      3. restart the database servers with docker-compose up
      4. check out the new branch you'd like to use
      5. for both kpi and kobocat, as described above, re-run ./manage.py migrate
        • since you're starting from a completely empty database, you have to migrate both applications even if you only changed the branch for one of them
      6. you'll also have to recreate user accounts


  • some things just don't work without nginx (like serving attachments? need to confirm)
  • periodic tasks (celery beat) are completely ignored for the sake of simplicity
  • apt install gdal-bin on the host unavoidable?
  • "pyuwsgi is the exact same code as uwsgi but" actually has binary wheels?
    • it'd sure be nice not to compile uwsgi from source
      • then we could remove gcc and python3-dev requirements
    • unbit/uwsgi#1218 (comment)
  • kpi copy fonts calls python not python3 (fails; i have only python2 and python3)
  • the wizard has not included a full inventory of his workshop
    • eslint not installed by npm install in kpi
    • npm install --legacy-peer-deps eslint-plugin-react
    • npm install requires --legacy-peer-deps??? (v16)
    • try installing prettier manually? (it didn't fix the issue)
      ERROR in Failed to load config "prettier" to extend from.
      Referenced from: /home/john/Local/kobo-dev/kpi/node_modules/kobo-common/src/configs/.eslintrc.js

can you use python 3.10?!


  1. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
  2. sudo apt install python3.10-full python3.10-dev
  3. sudo apt install libpq-dev, because psycopg2 >= 2.9 breaks everything and no psycopg2-binary exists for < 2.9 and Python 3.10
    • having psycopg2-binary==2.8.6 in the requirements, as the .patch files do, should not cause a problem: pip will automatically fall back to building from source
  4. create your virtualenv with python3.10 -m venv kpienv3.10 instead of virtualenv kpienv


fighting complexity by making humans do more work

License:GNU Affero General Public License v3.0


Language:JavaScript 100.0%