p1ngfl0yd / Chameleon

Chameleon: A tool for evading Proxy categorisation

Repository from Github https://github.comp1ngfl0yd/ChameleonRepository from Github https://github.comp1ngfl0yd/Chameleon

      _..-'-.   _.--'             '--.._
  _.-' (  0) Y''                        ''-.._
 (---.._,                                     '-._
  `---.,___.-\  \----......./  /..------...____   '-.
     _/  /  _/  /         __\  \   __\  \      `-.   \
    (((-'  (((-'         (((---'  (((---`         )  /
    Chameleon: @domchell, MDSec ActiveBreach  (__`-,


Chameleon is a tool which assists red teams in categorising their infrastructure under arbitrary categories. Currently, the tool supports arbitrary categorisation for Bluecoat, McAfee Trustedsource and IBM X-Force. However, the tool is designed in such a way that additional proxies can be added with ease.


usage: chameleon.py [-h] [--proxy <proxy>] [--check] [--submit]
                    [--domain <domain>]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --proxy <proxy>    Proxy type: a = all, b = bluecoat, m = mcafee, i = IBM
  --check            Perform check on current category
  --submit           Submit new category
  --domain <domain>  Domain to validate

Example 1: Checking the category of your website against all supported proxies:

$ python chameleon.py --proxy a --check --domain google.com

      _..-'-.   _.--'             '--.._
  _.-' (  0) Y''                        ''-.._
 (---.._,                                     '-._
  `---.,___.-\  \----......./  /..------...____   '-.
     _/  /  _/  /         __\  \   __\  \      `-.   \
    (((-'  (((-'         (((---'  (((---`         )  /
    Chameleon: @domchell, MDSec ActiveBreach  (__`-,

[-] Targeting Bluecoat WebPulse
[-] Checking category for google.com
[-] Your site is categorised as: Search Engines/Portals
[-] Targeting McAfee Trustedsource
[-] Getting anti-automation tokens
[-] Checking category for google.com
[-] Found category: - Search Engines
[-] Targeting IBM Xforce
[-] IBM xForce Check: google.com
[-] Domain categorised as Search Engines / Web Catalogues / Portals

Example 2: Submitting your domain for the financial category for McAfee proxy only:

$ python chameleon.py --proxy m --submit --domain foobar.com

      _..-'-.   _.--'             '--.._
  _.-' (  0) Y''                        ''-.._
 (---.._,                                     '-._
  `---.,___.-\  \----......./  /..------...____   '-.
     _/  /  _/  /         __\  \   __\  \      `-.   \
    (((-'  (((-'         (((---'  (((---`         )  /
    Chameleon: @domchell, MDSec ActiveBreach  (__`-,

[-] Targeting McAfee Trustedsource
[-] Getting anti-automation tokens
[-] Checking category for foobar.com
[-] Found category: - Personal Pages
[-] Submitting URL for finance category
[-] URL submitted, please wait up to 6 hours for categorisation

Caution: when attempting to categorise a site in Bluecoat, do not check the category first otherwise it will end up uncategorised! Individual hosts can however be categorised differently.


Chameleon was developed by Dominic Chell of the MDSec ActiveBreach team.

Categorisation checks for Bluecoat and IBM X-Force were reused based on code originally developed in DomainHunter and CatMyFish.


Chameleon: A tool for evading Proxy categorisation


Language:Python 100.0%