ozgunozerk / howmuch

Open-Source Portfolio Aggregator and Report Generator

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


HowMuch is an open-source Aggregate Portfolio Tracker and Report Generator. It is a flutter project, and being developed for both Android and iOS.

It solves 2 problems:

  1. Tracking multiple assets from multiple categories.
  2. Generating reports for custom date intervals.

The Problem:

I started developing this application due to my personal needs.

  1. I have assets in the following 3 categories: stock, crypto, forex.
  2. In each category, I have several assets.
  3. I am of course buying and selling some assets throughout my investing journey.
  4. Day by day, it becomes way harder to keep track of "HowMuch did I earn from this investment"...
    • this is especially true, if I made several buy-sell on the same asset (say, I bought and sold BTC from different prices, multiple times).

imagine keeping track of all the assets...

At one point, I got tired, and stopped keeping track of them. But that disturbed me. Since, my future decisions could be much more informed if I knew:

  • HowMuch I deposited to stock, HowMuch I profited from crypto, HowMuch I withdrew from forex,
  • HowMuch did I earn from AAPL, HowMuch did I deposit to ETH, etc.

And it would be even more wonderful, if I could retrieve this information based on custom time periods (say, for the last 2 months only).

I did some research, but couldn't find any good application. And you know, as a developer, there was only one solution left:


How it works (roughly)

You enter your assets (manually, for security reasons), and HowMuch keeps track of your portfolio.

HowMuch categorizes your assets, and generates reports for you. These reports include, HowMuch have:

  • your portfolio,
  • your categories,
  • and your assets


These reports are super intuitive and easy to understand, you can inspect them at 3 different levels (from general to detailed):


HowMuch displays the reports it generates to you at 3 different levels:

  1. Dashboard -> [high-level summary]
    • current balance of your whole portfolio
    • rate change of your overall balance
    • deposit/withdrawal
    • amount change
  2. Category level (per category, for example: stock) -> [mid-level summary]
    • current balance of the category: total amount of assets in this category
    • rate change for the category
    • deposit/withdrawal
    • amount change
  3. Asset level (per asset, for example: AAPL) -> [low-level summary]
    • total amount of the asset
    • rate change for the asset
    • amount change


Category page:


  • You can add assets from the following categories:
    • Stocks (AAPL, AMZN, etc.)
    • Crypto currencies (BTC, ETH, etc.)
    • Forex (USD, EUR, gold, platinum, etc.)
    • Bist100 (AKBNK, THYAO, etc.)
  • Your assets will be grouped by their categories.
  • You can assign custom categories to your assets.
  • You can track your portfolio by daily generated reports.
  • You can enter custom dates for reports: a custom report will be generated for all the change happened in your portfolio during the time you entered.
  • Top gainers and top losers will be displayed for the report.

Top Gainers & Losers

Custom Date Selection:

What does an open-source mobile application mean?

  • It means, you can be a part of this application!
  • You can submit new feature requests,
  • You can submit bug reports,
  • You can submit your PR, and can enhance the application w.r.t your needs (if they align with the community's as well).
  • If you are just learning, or curious, just take a look at the source-code!
  • And all your contribution will be there at your phone, every time you use this application.

But deploying a mobile app is not free? How come this is open-sourced?

  • Having a developer apple account is not free, I'm covering the cost of it myself, no worries!
  • Publishing on Android (play store) is also not free, and that's ok as well :)
  • I'm using firebase as the backend solution, it is free till a threshold. If the app becomes popular, and we hit that threshold, I expect we will have some sponsors by that time 🎉

Technical Summary

Being a considerate developer, I documented all my decisions and insights to design decisions file. So that, you won't have to take wild-guesses on why the code is written the way it is.

  1. Frontend is a Flutter project (iOS and Android) -> dart
  2. Backend is Firebase -> TypeScript


  • GetX is used for state management (controllers, routing, etc.).
  • Tried to keep it as native and as minimal as possible.
  • It's my first time writing Flutter, so you better lower your expectations :D
  • This was a side-hustle, and somewhat a quick and dirty solution. Unfortunately, I did not have the extra time to spend on mobile-app testing. Feel free to open a PR for introducing tests on the Flutter side (we have tests on the Firebase side for TypeScript).


  • Nothing weird going on here, tried to follow most up-to-date best practices.
  • Client cannot access Firestore directly, has to call cloud functions for interacting with the database.
  • Tests are present, so you can take a look at them to get the big picture of the server.
  • You won't see the Firebase related configurations and files in the repository. This was a deliberate choice. These config files might be confusing for the ones who will create their own firebase project (they are generated automatically). And sharing them here will serve no purpose for the development of the app.
  • the code for the Firebase backend can be found in this repo

Non-code contributors (alphabetical order)


Open-Source Portfolio Aggregator and Report Generator

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Dart 99.0%Language:Ruby 0.6%Language:Swift 0.3%Language:Kotlin 0.1%Language:Objective-C 0.0%