ozero / telegraf_sls_expressjs_example

Telegram Bot Example repository for Telegraf.js + Serverless framework + AWS Lambda (Node.js, Express.js)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Telegraf.js example with Serverless Framework Node Express API on AWS

based on : Serverless Framework Node Express API on AWS


Telegram bot token

  • Create a new bot with @BotFather, then get bot_token.
  • Copy serverless-env-dev.yml from sample.
cp serverless-env-dev.yml.sample serverless-env-dev.yml
  • Open serverless-env-dev.yml and paste the value into BOT_TOKEN you got above.

Configure env vars

  • Copy serverless.yml from sample.
cp serverless.yml.sample serverless.yml
  • Open serverless.yml and Edit YOURNAME, MY-APPNAME
  • Then do first deploy
sls deploy --stage dev
  • Open AWS management console and check the Lambda function you deployed.
  • Check the API Gateway that integrated with your Lambda function.
  • Make sure its end point url. https://<REST_API_ID>.execute-api.<AWS_REGION>.amazonaws.com/
  • Open serverless-env-dev.yml and paste the value REST_API_ID you got above.
  • Then deploy again
sls deploy --stage dev

Tell webhook url to Telegram API

  • Open url in your web brouwser. https://<REST_API_ID>.execute-api.<AWS_REGION>.amazonaws.com/setwebhook
  • Then start with your bot, type any text.

Update only the code

sls deploy function --function api --stage dev

Deploy to production

  • Make sure serverless-env-production.yml is correct.
  • Command to deploy is below
sls deploy --stage production


Telegram Bot Example repository for Telegraf.js + Serverless framework + AWS Lambda (Node.js, Express.js)


Language:JavaScript 100.0%