ozdemircili / gifify

Convert any video file to an optimized animated GIF.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

gifify Dependency Status

Convert any video file to an optimized animated GIF. Either in it's full length or only a part of it.

It's like jclem/gifify but better in many ways from my point of view.

Demo time


This screencast was recorded with lolilolicon/FFcast then converted to a GIF with:

gifify screencast.mkv -o screencast.gif --resize 800:-1


I believe my gifify has some features that jclem/gifify is lacking, see:

  • command line interface
  • programmatic JavaScript (Node.JS) stream interface
  • unix friendly, supports stdin, stdout & | pipes
  • optimized! uses pornel/giflossy to generate light GIFS
  • lots of options: movie speed, fps, colors, compression, resize, from & to
  • no temp files used, everything happens in memory
  • fast!


Before using gifify, please install:


npm install -g gifify

Command line usage

> gifify -h

Usage: gifify [options] [file]


    -h, --help           output usage information
    -V, --version        output the version number
    --fps <n>            Frames Per Second, defaults to 10
    --from <position>    Start position, hh:mm:ss or seconds, defaults to 0
    --colors <n>         Number of colors, up to 255, defaults to 80
    --compress <n>       Compression (quality) level, from 0 (no compression) to 100, defaults to 40
    -o, --output <file>  Output file, defaults to stdout
    --resize <WxH>       Resize output, use -1 when specifying only width or height. `350x100`, `400x-1`, `-1x200`
    --speed <n>          Movie speed, defaults to 1
    --to <position>      End position, hh:mm:ss or seconds, defaults to end of movie

Programmatic Stream usage

See the example.

var fs = require('fs');
var gifify = require('gifify');
var path = require('path');

var input = path.join(__dirname, 'movie.mp4');
var output = path.join(__dirname, 'movie.gif');

var movie = fs.createReadStream(input);
var gif = fs.createWriteStream(output);

var options = {
  resize: '200:-1',
  from: 30,
  to: 35

gifify(movie, options, function done(err, gifReadStream) {
  if (err) {



On modern hardware GIF is the slowest and most expensive video codec. Can we please allow it to be obsoleted?




Giflossy is a fork of gifsicle, gifsicle author is currently working on integrating the lossy part in gifsicle.

So in little time we will be able to directly use gifsicle and gifiscle packages.


jclem/gifify was a great source of inspiration.


Convert any video file to an optimized animated GIF.


Language:JavaScript 100.0%