oxxio / gpt4_langchain_pdf-detailed-walktrough


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


  • Openai account with payment option.
    • Check in this section, if your openai account is appropiate: issues-with-openai.
    • As rough estimate: 1000pdf pages cost about 1€.
  • Pinecone account.


Every change I did in the gpt4-pdf-chatbot-langchain project, I have included in the "gpt4-pdf-chatbot-langchain" folder. It should give you a quick overview on what changes need to be done. It needs your api-keys, namespace, .. though. It is not ment to be copied to your gpt4-pdf-chatbot-langchain project.

Join the discord if you have questions

Project setup

Download the project

Download the project: https://github.com/mayooear/gpt4-pdf-chatbot-langchain

Install nodejs and npm

Install Node.js and npm. Official website: https://nodejs.org/en/download

Verfiy that everything is installed with the following terminal commands.

  • Your version may differ, it is only important that node has version 18 or higher.


Install all required packages

Open a terminal at the top level of the project and run "npm install" to install all necessary dependencies.


Create a ".env"

Create a file named ".env" inside your project.


Openai api key

Go to https://platform.openai.com/overview and got "View API keys".


Click "+ Create new secrete key" and copy the key in your ".env" file image

Pinecone api key

Go to https://app.pinecone.io/organizations/ and create an api key there as well. Add them to the ".env" file.


Pinecone index

Create a new pinecone index with the Dimension 1536.


It should look similar to this:


Add pinecone index to the ".env" file

Add the information from your index correct to the .env file. At this point it should look like this:


(Optional) Set namespace in config/pinecone.ts

Give the namespace for your vectors a name in "config/pinecone.ts".


All vectors that are ingested will be available by this namespace in your pinecone index. The name you defined in "config/pinecone.ts" will be used to store your ingested data in this namespace, but also lookup your data on a question to the chatbot.

  • It is not possible to search data in multiple namespaces simultaneously.


Docs folder

Create a folder "docs" where you have your pdf files.


Ingest your pdf

Run "npm run ingest" in a terminal. This will ingest your pdf into the pinecone database. Remove the pdf document from the "docs" folder, otherwise it will be ingested a second time if you run "npm run ingest" again.

The terminal must be in the project folder at the top level. I have installed "gpt4-pdf-chatbot-langchain" in "Documents". image

Start appliation

Start the application with "npm run dev" in the terminal. Open a browser and go to the address http://localhost:3000/. You should see the project. image

Alternative ingest with python

To trouble shoot it might be useful to take a look at my python reimplementation at ingest. It gives more control over each step of ingest.


Issues with openai

Paid account

Check if you have a paid account. If you see the following message, you need to set up a paid account.

Api keys

Another issue can be that your api key is not working. Create a new one and test it again. image


  • ucl
  • angelina-magidova-synder
  • chaudhary_181




Language:TypeScript 100.0%