owl-toolkit / owl

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A tool collection and library for Omega-words, ω-automata and Linear Temporal Logic (LTL).


If you want to cite Owl or one of the implemented constructions, then please refer to the help messages (./owl <subcommand> --help, ./owl bibliography --help) to find the correct reference to cite.

Quick Start

Download the latest release for your platform from the official website and perform the following steps:

  1. Unzip the distribution with: unzip -d <destination> owl-<platform>-<version>.zip
  2. Change into the directory containing the executable with: cd <destination>/bin

Usage Examples:

  • Translate a LTL formula to a deterministic Rabin automaton:
    $ ./owl ltl2dra -t SE20 -f 'F (a & G b)'
    HOA: v1
    tool: "owl ltl2dra" "<version string>"
    Start: 0
    acc-name: parity min odd 2
    Acceptance: 2 Fin(0) & Inf(1)
    properties: trans-acc no-univ-branch
    properties: deterministic unambiguous
    properties: complete
    AP: 2 "a" "b"
    State: 0
    [0 & !1 | !0] 0 {0}
    [0 & 1] 1 {1}
    State: 1
    [!1] 0 {0}
    [1] 1 {1}
  • Access the bibliography using:
    $ ./owl bibliography SE20
    Salomon Sickert, Javier Esparza:
    "An Efficient Normalisation Procedure for Linear Temporal Logic and Very Weak Alternating Automata". LICS 2020
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3373718.3394743
    BibTeX: https://dblp.uni-trier.de/rec/bibtex/conf/lics/SickertE20
  • Display an overview of all available subcommands:
    $ ./owl --help
    Usage: owl [-hV] COMMAND
    A tool collection and library for ω-words, ω-automata and linear temporal logic.
      -h, --help      Show this help message and exit.
      -V, --version   Print version information and exit.
      ltl2nba           Translate a linear temporal logic (LTL) formula into a
                          non-deterministic Büchi automaton (NBA).
      ltl2ngba          Translate a linear temporal logic (LTL) formula into a
                          non-deterministic generalized Büchi automaton (NGBA).
      ltl2ldba          Translate a linear temporal logic (LTL) formula into a
                          limit-deterministic Büchi automaton (LDBA).
      ltl2ldgba         Translate a linear temporal logic (LTL) formula into a
                          limit-deterministic generalized Büchi automaton (LDGBA).
      ltl2dpa           Translate a linear temporal logic (LTL) formula into a
                          deterministic parity automaton (DPA).
      ltl2dra           Translate a linear temporal logic (LTL) formula into a
                          deterministic Rabin automaton (DRA).
      ltl2dgra          Translate a linear temporal logic (LTL) formula into a
                          deterministic generalized Rabin automaton (DGRA).
      ltl2dela          Translate a linear temporal logic (LTL) formula into a
                          deterministic Emerson-Lei automaton (DELA).
      ltl2delta2        Rewrite a linear temporal logic (LTL) formula into the
                          Δ₂-normal-form using the construction of [SE20].
      ngba2ldba         Convert a non-deterministic (generalised) Büchi automaton
                          to a limit-deterministic Büchi automaton.
      nba2dpa, nbadet   Convert a non-deterministic Büchi automaton to a
                          deterministic parity automaton.
      nbasim            Computes the quotient automaton based on a computed set of
                          similar state pairs.
      aut2parity        Convert any type of automaton into a parity automaton. The
                          branching mode of the automaton is preserved, e.g., if
                          the input automaton is deterministic then the output
                          automaton is also deterministic.
      gfg-minimisation  Compute the minimal, equivalent, transition-based
                          Good-for-Games Co-Büchi automaton for the given
                          deterministic Co-Büchi automaton. The polynomial
                          construction is described in [AK19].
      bibliography      Print the bibliography of all implemented algorithms and
                          constructions. Single references can be looked up by
                          listing them, e.g. 'owl bibliography SE20'. If you want
                          to cite Owl as a whole, it is recommended to use
                          reference [KMS18].
      license           Print the license of Owl and the licenses of all linked
                          (non-system) libraries.
      delag             The functionality of the 'delag' subcommand has been moved
                          to the 'ltl2dela' subcommand. You can use 'owl ltl2dela
                          -t=MS17' to access the original 'delag' construction.
      ltl-utilities     A collection of various linear temporal logic related
      rltl2ltl          Convert a robust linear temporal logic (rLTL) formula into
                          a linear temporal logic formula.
      aut-utilities     A collection of various automata related utilities.
  • Display a specific help message for a subcommand:
    $ ./owl ltl2dpa --help
    Usage: owl ltl2dpa [-hV] [--complete] [--EKRS17-skip-complement]
                       [--skip-acceptance-simplifier] [--skip-formula-simplifier]
                       [--skip-translation-portfolio] [--state-acceptance] [--state-labels]
                       [-o=<automatonFile>] [--SLM21-lookahead=<lookahead>]
                       [-t=<translation>] [-f=<formula> | -i=<formulaFile>]
    Translate a linear temporal logic (LTL) formula into a deterministic parity automaton
    Usage Examples:
      owl ltl2dpa -f 'F (a & G b)'
      owl ltl2dpa -t SEJK16_EKRS17 -i input-file -o output-file
    To lookup a reference, e.g [SE20], used in this help message please use 'owl
          --complete            Output an automaton with a complete transition relation.
                                Bypass the parallel computation of a DPA for the negation of
                                  the formula. If the parallel computation is enabled, then
                                  two DPAs are computed and the smaller one (in terms of
                                  number of states) is returned.
      -f, --formula=<formula>   Use the argument of the option as the input formula.
      -h, --help                Show this help message and exit.
      -i, --input-file=<formulaFile>
                                Input file (default: read from stdin). The file is read
                                  line-by-line and it is assumed that each line contains a
                                  formula. Empty lines are skipped.
      -o, --output-file=<automatonFile>
                                Output file (default: write to stdout).
                                Bypass the automatic simplification of automata acceptance
                                Bypass the automatic simplification of formulas.
                                Bypass the portfolio of constructions from [S19, SE20] that
                                  directly translates 'simple' fragments of LTL to automata.
                                The number of successor states that are explored in order to
                                  (1) compute an exact semantic classification of a state, e.
                                  g., weak accepting, and (2) in order to compute the
                                  'Alternating Cycle Decomposition' [CCF21]. If the number of
                                  explored states exceeds this bound, a sound approximations
                                  are used as desribed in [SLM21]. If the value is 0, only
                                  approximations are used. If the value is negative, then all
                                  states are explored and exact semantic information is used.
                                  The value is by default -1. If the construction times out,
                                  try setting this value to 0 and then increase it again in
                                  order to obtain smaller automata. This option only affects
                                  the SLM21-translation.
          --state-acceptance    Output an automaton with a state-based acceptance condition
                                  instead of one with a transition-based acceptance condition.
          --state-labels        Annotate each state of the automaton with the 'toString()'
      -t, --translation=<translation>
                                The default translation is SLM21 and the following
                                  translations are available: SEJK16_EKRS17, EKS20_EKRS17,
                                  SYMBOLIC_SE20_BKS10, SLM21, SMALLEST_AUTOMATON.
                                SEJK16_EKRS17: Translate the formula to a deterministic
                                  parity automaton by combining [SEJK16] with the LDBA-to-DPA
                                  translation of [EKRS17]. This translation used to be
                                  available through the '--asymmetric' option.
                                EKS20_EKRS17: Translate the formula to a deterministic parity
                                  automaton by combining [EKS20] with the LDBA-to-DPA
                                  translation of [EKRS17]. This translation used to be
                                  available through the '--symmetric' option.
                                SYMBOLIC_SE20_BKS10: Translate the formula to a deterministic
                                  parity automaton by combining the LTL-to-DRA translation of
                                  [SE20] with DRAxDSA-to-DPA result of [BKS10]. This
                                  translation has an _symbolic_ implementation and is
                                  provided for testing purposes through this interface. In
                                  order to benefit from the symbolic implementation users
                                  _must_ use the 'SymbolicAutomaton'-interface.
                                SLM21: Translate the formula to a deterministic parity
                                  automaton by combining the LTL-to-DELA translation of
                                  [SLM21] with a DELW-to-DPW translation based on
                                  Zielonka-trees. Depending on the lookahead either [CCF21]
                                  or [SLM21] is used.
                                SMALLEST_AUTOMATON: Run all available DPA-translations with
                                  all optimisations turned on in parallel and return the
                                  smallest automaton.
      -V, --version             Print version information and exit.

Content of the Distribution

Owl is distributed as platform-specific distributions. Note that the platform-specific distributions contain a platform-independent Java library. A distribution contains the following folders:

  • bin - Platform-specific command-line tool.
  • doc - Additional documentation.
  • jar - Platform-independent Java library, source-code, and documentation.
  • lib - Platform-specific C library and headers.

See the format descriptions for a description of accepted inputs. Owl contains a variety of command-line tools originating from Rabinizer 4.0, Delag, and nbadet.

Building a Distribution

If there is no precompiled distribution for your platform available or if you want to use the latest snapshot, follow the build instructions to build your own distribution.



License:GNU General Public License v3.0


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