owainow / aks-zero-trust-demo

A repository containing the files to setup and configure an AKS Zero Trust Demo

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Azure Kubernetes Service - Zero Trust Demo

A repository containing the files to setup and configure an AKS Zero Trust Demo

Readment Contents

Repository Contents

File/folder Description
README.md This README file.
.github/workflows Workflow files for GitHub Actions.
Cluster Contains mainfests for cluster configuration via ArgoCD
Setup Contains scripts to asssit in creation of demo, walkthrough included in this README.
Terraform Contains the intial and post deployment Terraform files used by GitHub actions.
LICENSE The license for the sample.


Feature Description
SSL Termination Use NGINX to terminate SSL on the Ingress Controller before using mTLS internally.
Oauth2 Proxy Use Oauth2 Proxy with a sidecar architecture to preform authentication on individual microservices.
Istio MTLS Contains example manifests for using Istio to implement MTLS in the cluster.
GitOps - Limit Cluster Access Limit access to cluster through no User registration and deploying through ARGO.
Image Scanning using Azure Container Registry Use Defender for Containers to scan ACR images for vunrabilites at Push and Pull.
Confidential Compute Use confidential compute and software attestation to deploy to trusted execution enviroments.
Calico Network Policies Use confidential compute and software attestation to deploy to trusted execution enviroments.
Workload Identity Use workload identity to restrict access to Azure resources.
ETCD Encryption ETCD Encryption with customer managed key in Azure Key Vault


Feature Description
FIPS enabled nodepools Utilise FIPS enabled nodepools.
Full Gatekeeper demo Show examples of using Gatekeeper in AKS.
APIM Intergration Utilising APIM for JWT validation forwarding requests through PLS.
App Armor Demonstrate use of App Armor
End to End software supply chain Showcase using Azure services to faciliate an end to end secure software supply chain.


It is reccomended that this repository is forked to allow creation and setup of your own self-hosted runners for the second stage of the infrastructure configuration. You will also need to create your own secrets to use through the workflow. I have created a setup script that creates and outputs most of the secrets required to run this creation of this demo. Some demos have other configuration elements or secrets that are required that can't be included in this demo repoistory such as SSL certificates.

Once you have run the setup script please add the corresponding values into your GitHub Actions secrets which can be found under the Settings blade in the repository. The secrets required for intial deployment are shown below.


It is worth noting there is some duplication due to differnet workflow plugin tools. The Azure_Credentials secret is the full JSON output of the SP creation.


Please refer to the following files on how to configure each demo:

  • SSL Termination

  • Oauth2 Proxy

  • Istio MTLS

  • Gitops - Limit Cluster Access

  • Image Scanning using Azure Container Registry

  • Confidential Compute

  • Calico Network Policies


A repository containing the files to setup and configure an AKS Zero Trust Demo

License:MIT License


Language:HCL 63.3%Language:C++ 17.7%Language:Shell 11.1%Language:Python 3.9%Language:Dockerfile 2.5%Language:CMake 1.6%