over-engineer / wordpress-hooks

Organizes WordPress hooks by the file they're defined in.

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WordPress Hooks Reference

Updated for WordPress 5.2.2

This is a one-page compendium of WordPress hooks, organized by the file they're declared in.

About this page

This page was automatically generated by scraping the official WordPress Hook Reference pages.

Generating the page

  1. clone the repo and run npm install / yarn in the project folder
  2. run npm run scrape / yarn scrape to scrape the WP reference pages into a hooks.json
  3. run npm run docs / yarn docs to extract the description of each source file from a WordPress repo
  4. run npm run generate / yarn generate to convert the JSON data into this README.md

Note: Right now, you need to have the WordPress repo cloned into a folder wordpress adjacent to the wordpress-hooks repo.

Hooks reference

Confirms that the activation key that is sent in an email after a user signs up for a new site matches the key for that user and then displays confirmation.

Hook Type Description
activate_header Action Fires before the Site Activation page is loaded.
activate_wp_head Action Fires before the Site Activation page is loaded.

WordPress Administration Template Footer

Hook Type Description
admin_footer Action Prints scripts or data before the default footer scripts.
admin_footer-{$GLOBALS[‘hook_suffix’]} Action Print scripts or data after the default footer scripts.
admin_footer-{$hook_suffix} Action Prints scripts or data after the default footer scripts.
admin_footer_text Filter Filters the “Thank you” text displayed in the admin footer.
admin_print_footer_scripts Action Prints any scripts and data queued for the footer.
admin_print_footer_scripts-{$hook_suffix} Action Prints scripts and data queued for the footer.
in_admin_footer Action Fires after the opening tag for the admin footer.

WordPress Administration Template Header

Hook Type Description
admin_body_class Filter Filters the CSS classes for the body tag in the admin.
admin_enqueue_scripts Action Enqueue scripts for all admin pages.
admin_head Action Fires in head section for all admin pages.
admin_head-{$hook_suffix} Action Fires in head section for a specific admin page.
admin_notices Action Prints admin screen notices.
admin_print_scripts Action Fires when scripts are printed for all admin pages.
admin_print_scripts-{$hook_suffix} Action Fires when scripts are printed for a specific admin page based on $hook_suffix.
admin_print_styles Action Fires when styles are printed for all admin pages.
admin_print_styles-{$hook_suffix} Action Fires when styles are printed for a specific admin page based on $hook_suffix.
admin_title Filter Filters the title tag content for an admin page.
all_admin_notices Action Prints generic admin screen notices.
in_admin_header Action Fires at the beginning of the content section in an admin page.
network_admin_notices Action Prints network admin screen notices.

WordPress Generic Request (POST/GET) Handler Intended for form submission handling in themes and plugins.

Hook Type Description
admin_post Action Fires on an authenticated admin post request where no action is supplied.
admin_post_nopriv Action Fires on a non-authenticated admin post request where no action was supplied.
admin_post_nopriv_{$action} Action Fires on a non-authenticated admin post request for the given action.
admin_post_{$action} Action Fires on an authenticated admin post request for the given action.

WordPress Administration Bootstrap

Hook Type Description
admin_action_{$action} Action Fires when an ‘action’ request variable is sent.
admin_action_{$_REQUEST[‘action’]} Action Fires when an ‘action’ request variable is sent.
admin_init Action Fires as an admin screen or script is being initialized.
after_db_upgrade Action Fires on the next page load after a successful DB upgrade.
do_mu_upgrade Filter In WordPress Administration Screens
force_filtered_html_on_import Filter Whether to filter imported data through kses on import.
load-categories.php Action
load-edit-link-categories.php Action
load-importer-{$importer} Action Fires before an importer screen is loaded.
load-page-new.php Action
load-page.php Action
load-{$pagenow} Action Fires before a particular screen is loaded.
load-{$page_hook} Action Fires before a particular screen is loaded.
load-{$plugin_page} Action Fires before a particular screen is loaded.

Server-side file upload handler from wp-plupload or other asynchronous upload methods.

Hook Type Description
async_upload_{$type} Filter Filters the returned ID of an uploaded attachment.

Comment Management Screen

Hook Type Description
comment_edit_redirect Filter Filters the URI the user is redirected to after editing a comment in the admin.

The custom header image script.

Hook Type Description
custom_header_options Action Fires just before the submit button in the custom header options form.

Theme Customize Screen.

Hook Type Description
customize_controls_enqueue_scripts Action Enqueue Customizer control scripts.
customize_controls_init Action Fires when Customizer controls are initialized, before scripts are enqueued.
customize_controls_print_footer_scripts Action Prints templates, control scripts, and settings in the footer.
customize_controls_print_scripts Action Fires when Customizer control scripts are printed.
customize_controls_print_styles Action Fires when Customizer control styles are printed.

Edit Comments Administration Screen.

Hook Type Description
‘handle_bulk_actions-‘ . get_current_screen()->id Filter Fires when a custom bulk action should be handled.
handle_bulk_actions-{$screen} Filter Fires when a custom bulk action should be handled.

Post advanced form for inclusion in the administration panels.

Hook Type Description
dbx_post_sidebar Action Fires after all meta box sections have been output, before the closing #post-body div.
edit_form_advanced Action Fires after ‘normal’ context meta boxes have been output for all post types other than ‘page’.
edit_form_after_editor Action Fires after the content editor.
edit_form_after_title Action Fires after the title field.
edit_form_before_permalink Action Fires before the permalink field in the edit form.
edit_form_top Action Fires at the beginning of the edit form.
edit_page_form Action Fires after ‘normal’ context meta boxes have been output for the ‘page’ post type.
enter_title_here Filter Filters the title field placeholder text.
post_edit_form_tag Action Fires inside the post editor form tag.
post_updated_messages Filter Filters the post updated messages.

The Block Editor page.

Hook Type Description
allowed_block_types Filter Filters the allowed block types for the editor, defaulting to true (all block types supported).
block_editor_no_javascript_message Filter Filters the message displayed in the block editor interface when JavaScript is not enabled in the browser.
block_editor_preload_paths Filter Preload common data by specifying an array of REST API paths that will be preloaded.
block_editor_settings Filter Filters the settings to pass to the block editor.
enqueue_block_editor_assets Action Fires after block assets have been enqueued for the editing interface.

Edit comment form for inclusion in another file.

Hook Type Description
add_meta_boxes_comment Action Fires when comment-specific meta boxes are added.
edit_comment_misc_actions Filter Filters miscellaneous actions for the edit comment form sidebar.

Edit links form for inclusion in administration panels.

Hook Type Description
add_meta_boxes_link Action Fires when link-specific meta boxes are added.

Edit tag form for inclusion in administration panels.

Hook Type Description
editable_slug Filter Filters the editable slug.
edit_category_form_fields Action Fires after the Edit Category form fields are displayed.
edit_category_form_pre Action Fires before the Edit Category form.
edit_link_category_form_fields Action Fires after the Edit Link Category form fields are displayed.
edit_link_category_form_pre Action Fires before the Edit Link Category form.
edit_tag_form Action Fires at the end of the Edit Term form.
edit_tag_form_fields Action Fires after the Edit Tag form fields are displayed.
edit_tag_form_pre Action Fires before the Edit Tag form.

Edit Tags Administration Screen.

Hook Type Description
add_category_form_pre Action Fires before the Add Category form.
add_link_category_form_pre Action Fires before the link category form.
add_tag_form Action Fires at the end of the Add Tag form.
add_tag_form_fields Action Fires after the Add Tag form fields for non-hierarchical taxonomies.
add_tag_form_pre Action Fires before the Add Tag form.
after-{$taxonomy}-table Action Fires after the taxonomy list table.
edit_category_form Action Fires at the end of the Edit Category form.
edit_link_category_form Action Fires at the end of the Edit Link form.
redirect_term_location Filter Filters the taxonomy redirect destination URL.

Edit Posts Administration Screen.

Hook Type Description
bulk_post_updated_messages Filter Filters the bulk action updated messages.

WordPress Export Administration Screen

Hook Type Description
export_args Filter Filters the export args.
export_filters Action Fires at the end of the export filters form.

Administration API: Core Ajax handlers

Hook Type Description
ajax_query_attachments_args Filter Filters the arguments passed to WP_Query during an Ajax call for querying attachments.
heartbeat_nopriv_received Filter Filters Heartbeat Ajax response in no-privilege environments.
heartbeat_nopriv_send Filter Filters Heartbeat Ajax response in no-privilege environments when no data is passed.
heartbeat_nopriv_tick Action Fires when Heartbeat ticks in no-privilege environments.
heartbeat_received Filter Filters the Heartbeat response received.
heartbeat_send Filter Filters the Heartbeat response sent.
heartbeat_tick Action Fires when Heartbeat ticks in logged-in environments.
load-widgets.php Action Fires early when editing the widgets displayed in sidebars.

WordPress Bookmark Administration API

Hook Type Description
add_link Action Fires after a link was added to the database.
deleted_link Action Fires after a link has been deleted.
delete_link Action Fires before a link is deleted.
edit_link Action Fires after a link was updated in the database.

Upgrade API: Core_Upgrader class

Hook Type Description
allow_dev_auto_core_updates Filter Filters whether to enable automatic core updates for development versions.
allow_major_auto_core_updates Filter Filters whether to enable major automatic core updates.
allow_minor_auto_core_updates Filter Filters whether to enable minor automatic core updates.

Upgrade API: Language_Pack_Upgrader class

Hook Type Description
async_update_translation Filter Filters whether to asynchronously update translation for core, a plugin, or a theme.

Upgrader API: Plugin_Installer_Skin class

Hook Type Description
install_plugin_complete_actions Filter Filters the list of action links available following a single plugin installation.

Upgrader API: Theme_Installer_Skin class

Hook Type Description
install_theme_complete_actions Filter Filters the list of action links available following a single theme installation.

Upgrade API: WP_Automatic_Updater class

Hook Type Description
automatic_updater_disabled Filter Filters whether to entirely disable background updates.
automatic_updates_complete Action Fires after all automatic updates have run.
automatic_updates_debug_email Filter Filters the debug email that can be sent following an automatic background core update.
automatic_updates_is_vcs_checkout Filter Filters whether the automatic updater should consider a filesystem location to be potentially managed by a version control system.
automatic_updates_send_debug_email Filter Filters whether to send a debugging email for each automatic background update.
auto_core_update_email Filter Filters the email sent following an automatic background core update.
auto_core_update_send_email Filter Filters whether to send an email following an automatic background core update.
auto_update_{$type} Filter Filters whether to automatically update core, a plugin, a theme, or a language.
pre_auto_update Action Fires immediately prior to an auto-update.

List Table API: WP_Comments_List_Table class

Hook Type Description
admin_comment_types_dropdown Filter Filters the comment types dropdown menu.
comments_list_table_query_args Filter Filters the arguments for the comment query in the comments list table.
comments_per_page Filter Filters the number of comments listed per page in the comments list table.
comment_status_links Filter Filters the comment status links.
manage_comments_custom_column Action Fires when the default column output is displayed for a single row.
manage_comments_nav Action Fires after the Filter submit button for comment types.
restrict_manage_comments Action Fires just before the Filter submit button for comment types.

Class for providing debug data based on a users WordPress environment.

Hook Type Description
debug_information Filter Add or modify the debug information.

List Table API: WP_Links_List_Table class

Hook Type Description
manage_link_custom_column Action Fires for each registered custom link column.

Administration API: WP_List_Table class

Hook Type Description
bulk_actions-{$this->screen->id} Filter Filters the list table Bulk Actions drop-down.
disable_months_dropdown Filter Filters whether to remove the ‘Months’ drop-down from the post list table.
list_table_primary_column Filter Filters the name of the primary column for the current list table.
manage_{$this->screen->id}_sortable_columns Filter Filters the list table sortable columns for a specific screen.
months_dropdown_results Filter Filters the ‘Months’ drop-down results.

List Table API: WP_Media_List_Table class

Hook Type Description
manage_media_columns Filter Filters the Media list table columns.
manage_media_custom_column Action Fires for each custom column in the Media list table.
manage_taxonomies_for_attachment_columns Filter Filters the taxonomy columns for attachments in the Media list table.
media_row_actions Filter Filters the action links for each attachment in the Media list table.

List Table API: WP_MS_Sites_List_Table class

Hook Type Description
manage_sites_action_links Filter Filters the action links displayed for each site in the Sites list table.
manage_sites_custom_column Action Fires for each registered custom column in the Sites list table.
ms_sites_list_table_query_args Filter Filters the arguments for the site query in the sites list table.

List Table API: WP_MS_Themes_List_Table class

Hook Type Description
after_theme_row Action Fires after each row in the Multisite themes list table.
after_theme_row_{$stylesheet} Action Fires after each specific row in the Multisite themes list table.
all_themes Filter Filters the full array of WP_Theme objects to list in the Multisite themes list table.
manage_themes_custom_column Action Fires inside each custom column of the Multisite themes list table.

List Table API: WP_MS_Users_List_Table class

Hook Type Description
ms_user_list_site_actions Filter Filters the action links displayed next the sites a user belongs to in the Network Admin Users list table.
ms_user_list_site_class Filter Filters the span class for a site listing on the mulisite user list table.
ms_user_row_actions Filter Filters the action links displayed under each user in the Network Admin Users list table.

List Table API: WP_Plugin_Install_List_Table class

Hook Type Description
install_plugins_nonmenu_tabs Filter Filters tabs not associated with a menu item on the Plugin Install screen.
install_plugins_table_api_args_{$tab} Filter Filters API request arguments for each Plugin Install screen tab.
install_plugins_table_header Action Fires before the Plugin Install table header pagination is displayed.
install_plugins_tabs Filter Filters the tabs shown on the Plugin Install screen.
plugin_install_action_links Filter Filters the install action links for a plugin.

List Table API: WP_Plugins_List_Table class

Hook Type Description
after_plugin_row Action Fires after each row in the Plugins list table.
after_plugin_row_{$plugin_file} Action Fires after each specific row in the Plugins list table.
all_plugins Filter Filters the full array of plugins to list in the Plugins list table.
manage_plugins_custom_column Action Fires inside each custom column of the Plugins list table.
network_admin_plugin_action_links Filter Filters the action links displayed for each plugin in the Network Admin Plugins list table.
network_admin_plugin_action_links_{$plugin_file} Filter Filters the list of action links displayed for a specific plugin in the Network Admin Plugins list table.
plugin_action_links Filter Filters the action links displayed for each plugin in the Plugins list table.
plugin_action_links_{$plugin_file} Filter Filters the list of action links displayed for a specific plugin in the Plugins list table.
plugin_row_meta Filter Filters the array of row meta for each plugin in the Plugins list table.

List Table API: WP_Posts_List_Table class

Hook Type Description
bulk_edit_custom_box Action Fires once for each column in Bulk Edit mode.
disable_categories_dropdown Filter Filters whether to remove the ‘Categories’ drop-down from the post list table.
disable_formats_dropdown Filter Filters whether to remove the ‘Formats’ drop-down from the post list table.
manage_pages_columns Filter Filters the columns displayed in the Pages list table.
manage_pages_custom_column Action Fires in each custom column on the Posts list table.
manage_posts_columns Filter Filters the columns displayed in the Posts list table.
manage_posts_custom_column Action Fires in each custom column in the Posts list table.
manage_posts_extra_tablenav Action Fires immediately following the closing “actions” div in the tablenav for the posts list table.
manage_taxonomies_for_{$post_type}_columns Filter Filters the taxonomy columns in the Posts list table.
manage_{$post->post_type}_posts_custom_column Action Fires for each custom column of a specific post type in the Posts list table.
manage_{$post_type}_posts_columns Filter Filters the columns displayed in the Posts list table for a specific post type.
page_row_actions Filter Filters the array of row action links on the Pages list table.
post_column_taxonomy_links Filter Filters the links in $taxonomy column of edit.php.
post_date_column_status Filter Filters the status text of the post.
post_date_column_time Filter Filters the published time of the post.
post_row_actions Filter Filters the array of row action links on the Posts list table.
quick_edit_custom_box Action Fires once for each column in Quick Edit mode.
quick_edit_dropdown_pages_args Filter Filters the arguments used to generate the Quick Edit page-parent drop-down.
quick_edit_show_taxonomy Filter Filters whether the current taxonomy should be shown in the Quick Edit panel.
restrict_manage_posts Action Fires before the Filter button on the Posts and Pages list tables.
Hook Type Description
enable_press_this_media_discovery Filter Filters whether to enable in-source media discovery in Press This.
press_this_data Filter Filters the Press This data array.
press_this_redirect_in_parent Filter Filters whether or not Press This should redirect the user in the parent window upon save.
press_this_save_post Filter Filters the post data of a Press This post before saving/updating.
press_this_save_redirect Filter Filters the URL to redirect to when Press This saves.
press_this_suggested_html Filter Filters the default HTML tags used in the suggested content for the editor.

Screen API: WP_Screen class

Hook Type Description
contextual_help Filter Filters the legacy contextual help text.
contextual_help_list Filter Filters the legacy contextual help list.
current_screen Action Fires after the current screen has been set.
default_contextual_help Filter Filters the default legacy contextual help text.

List Table API: WP_Terms_List_Table class

Hook Type Description
edit_categories_per_page Filter Filters the number of terms displayed per page for the Categories list table.
edit_tags_per_page Filter Filters the number of terms displayed per page for the Tags list table.
manage_{$this->screen->taxonomy}_custom_column Filter Filters the displayed columns in the terms list table.

List Table API: WP_Theme_Install_List_Table class

Hook Type Description
install_themes_nonmenu_tabs Filter Filters tabs not associated with a menu item on the Install Themes screen.
install_themes_table_api_args_{$tab} Filter Filters API request arguments for each Install Themes screen tab.
install_themes_table_header Action Fires in the Install Themes list table header.

List Table API: WP_Users_List_Table class

Hook Type Description
get_role_list Filter Filters the returned array of roles for a user.
manage_users_custom_column Filter Filters the display output of custom columns in the Users list table.
manage_users_extra_tablenav Action Fires immediately following the closing “actions” div in the tablenav for the users list table.
restrict_manage_users Action Fires just before the closing div containing the bulk role-change controls in the Users list table.

WordPress Comment Administration API.

Hook Type Description
comment_edit_pre Filter Filters the comment content before editing.

WordPress Dashboard Widget Administration Screen API

Hook Type Description
activity_box_end Action Fires at the end of the ‘At a Glance’ dashboard widget.
browse-happy-notice Filter Filters the notice output for the ‘Browse Happy’ nag meta box.
comment_row_actions Filter Filters the action links displayed for each comment in the ‘Recent Comments’ dashboard widget.
dashboard_glance_items Filter Filters the array of extra elements to list in the ‘At a Glance’ dashboard widget.
dashboard_primary_feed Filter Filters the primary feed URL for the ‘WordPress Events and News’ dashboard widget.
dashboard_primary_link Filter Filters the primary link URL for the ‘WordPress News’ dashboard widget.
dashboard_primary_title Filter Filters the primary link title for the ‘WordPress News’ dashboard widget.
dashboard_recent_drafts_query_args Filter Filters the post query arguments for the ‘Recent Drafts’ dashboard widget.
dashboard_recent_posts_query_args Filter Filters the query arguments used for the Recent Posts widget.
dashboard_secondary_feed Filter Filters the secondary feed URL for the ‘WordPress Events and News’ dashboard widget.
dashboard_secondary_items Filter Filters the number of secondary link items for the ‘WordPress News’ dashboard widget.
dashboard_secondary_link Filter Filters the secondary link URL for the ‘WordPress Events and News’ dashboard widget.
dashboard_secondary_title Filter Filters the secondary link title for the ‘WordPress News’ dashboard widget.
mu_activity_box_end Action Fires at the end of the ‘Right Now’ widget in the Network Admin dashboard.
mu_rightnow_end Action Fires at the end of the ‘Right Now’ widget in the Network Admin dashboard.
privacy_on_link_text Filter Filters the link label for the ‘Search Engines Discouraged’ message displayed in the ‘At a Glance’ dashboard widget.
privacy_on_link_title Filter Filters the link title attribute for the ‘Search Engines Discouraged’ message displayed in the ‘At a Glance’ dashboard widget.
rightnow_end Action Fires at the end of the ‘At a Glance’ dashboard widget.

Deprecated admin functions from past WordPress versions. You shouldn't use these functions and look for the alternatives instead. The functions will be removed in a later version.

Hook Type Description
get_editable_authors Filter
get_others_drafts Filter
pre_user_search Action

WordPress Export Administration API

Hook Type Description
export_wp Action Fires at the beginning of an export, before any headers are sent.
export_wp_filename Filter Filters the export filename.

Filesystem API: Top-level functionality Functions for reading, writing, modifying, and deleting files on the file system. Includes functionality for theme-specific files as well as operations for uploading, archiving, and rendering output when necessary.

Hook Type Description
download_url_error_max_body_size Filter Filters the maximum error response body size in download_url().
editable_extensions Filter Filters file type extensions editable in the plugin editor.
filesystem_method Filter Filters the filesystem method to use.
filesystem_method_file Filter Filters the path for a specific filesystem method class file.
fs_ftp_connection_types Filter Filters the connection types to output to the filesystem credentials form.
pre_move_uploaded_file Filter Filters whether to short-circuit moving the uploaded file after passing all checks.
request_filesystem_credentials Filter Filters the filesystem credentials form output.

WordPress Image Editor

Hook Type Description
image_editor_save_pre Filter Filters the WP_Image_Editor instance for the image to be streamed to the browser.
image_edit_before_change Filter Filters the GD image resource before applying changes to the image.
image_save_pre Filter Filters the GD image resource to be streamed to the browser.

File contains all the administration image manipulation functions.

Hook Type Description
attachment_thumbnail_args Filter Filters the parameters for the attachment thumbnail creation.
fallback_intermediate_image_sizes Filter Filters the image sizes generated for non-image mime types.
file_is_displayable_image Filter Filters whether the current image is displayable in the browser.
intermediate_image_sizes_advanced Filter Filters the image sizes automatically generated when uploading an image.
load_image_to_edit Filter Filters the current image being loaded for editing.
load_image_to_edit_attachmenturl Filter Filters the image URL if not in the local filesystem.
load_image_to_edit_filesystempath Filter Filters the path to the current image.
load_image_to_edit_path Filter Filters the returned path or URL of the current image.

WordPress Administration Media API.

Hook Type Description
admin_head-media-upload-popup Action Fires when scripts enqueued for the admin header for the legacy (pre-3.5.0) media upload popup are printed.
admin_head_{$content_func} Action Fires in the admin header for each specific form tab in the legacy (pre-3.5.0) media upload popup.
admin_print_scripts-media-upload-popup Action Fires when admin scripts enqueued for the legacy (pre-3.5.0) media upload popup are printed.
admin_print_styles-media-upload-popup Action Fires when admin styles enqueued for the legacy (pre-3.5.0) media upload popup are printed.
attachment_fields_to_edit Filter Filters the attachment fields to edit.
attachment_fields_to_save Filter Filters the attachment fields to be saved.
audio_submitbox_misc_sections Filter Filters the audio attachment metadata fields to be shown in the publish meta box.
disable_captions Filter Filters whether to disable captions.
get_media_item_args Filter Filters the arguments used to retrieve an image for the edit image form.
image_add_caption_shortcode Filter Filters the image HTML markup including the caption shortcode.
image_add_caption_text Filter Filters the caption text.
image_send_to_editor Filter Filters the image HTML markup to send to the editor when inserting an image.
image_send_to_editor_url Filter Filters the image URL sent to the editor.
image_size_names_choose Filter Filters the names and labels of the default image sizes.
media_buttons_context Filter Filters the legacy (pre-3.5.0) media buttons.
media_meta Filter Filters the media metadata.
media_send_to_editor Filter Filters the HTML markup for a media item sent to the editor.
media_submitbox_misc_sections Filter Filters the audio and video metadata fields to be shown in the publish meta box.
media_upload_form_url Filter Filters the media upload form action URL.
media_upload_mime_type_links Filter Filters the media upload mime type list items.
media_upload_tabs Filter Filters the available tabs in the legacy (pre-3.5.0) media popup.
plupload_init Filter Filters the default Plupload settings.
post-html-upload-ui Action Fires after the upload button in the media upload interface.
post-plupload-upload-ui Action Fires after the upload interface loads.
post-upload-ui Action Fires on the post upload UI screen.
pre-html-upload-ui Action Fires before the upload button in the media upload interface.
pre-plupload-upload-ui Action Fires before the upload interface loads.
pre-upload-ui Action Fires just before the legacy (pre-3.5.0) upload interface is loaded.

Build Administration Menu.

Hook Type Description
add_menu_classes Filter Filters administration menus array with classes added for top-level items.
admin_menu Action Fires before the administration menu loads in the admin.
admin_page_access_denied Action Fires when access to an admin page is denied.
custom_menu_order Filter Filters whether to enable custom ordering of the administration menu.
menu_order Filter Filters the order of administration menu items.
network_admin_menu Action Fires before the administration menu loads in the Network Admin.

Displays post submit form fields. Array of arguments for building the post submit meta box. }

Hook Type Description
add_meta_boxes Action Fires after all built-in meta boxes have been added.
add_meta_boxes_{$post_type} Action Fires after all built-in meta boxes have been added, contextually for the given post type.
attachment_submitbox_misc_actions Action Fires after the ‘Uploaded on’ section of the Save meta box in the attachment editing screen.
dbx_post_advanced Action Fires in the middle of built-in meta box registration.
default_page_template_title Filter Filters the title of the default page template displayed in the drop-down.
do_meta_boxes Action Fires after meta boxes have been added.
page_attributes_dropdown_pages_args Filter Filters the arguments used to generate a Pages drop-down element.
page_attributes_meta_box_template Action Fires immediately after the label inside the ‘Template’ section of the ‘Page Attributes’ meta box.
page_attributes_misc_attributes Action Fires before the help hint text in the ‘Page Attributes’ meta box.
post_comment_status_meta_box-options Action Fires at the end of the Discussion meta box on the post editing screen.
post_edit_category_parent_dropdown_args Filter Filters the arguments for the taxonomy parent dropdown on the Post Edit page.
post_submitbox_minor_actions Action Fires before the post time/date setting in the Publish meta box.
post_submitbox_misc_actions Action Fires after the post time/date setting in the Publish meta box.
post_submitbox_start Action Fires at the beginning of the publishing actions section of the Publish meta box.

Misc WordPress Administration API.

Hook Type Description
admin_referrer_policy Filter Filters the admin referrer policy header value.
documentation_ignore_functions Filter Filters the list of functions and classes to be ignored from the documentation lookup.
got_rewrite Filter Filters whether Apache and mod_rewrite are present.
got_url_rewrite Filter Filters whether URL rewriting is available.
new_admin_email_content Filter Filters the text of the email sent when a change of site admin email address is attempted.

Multisite administration functions.

Hook Type Description
can_edit_network Filter Filters whether this network can be edited from this page.
lang_codes Filter Filters the language codes.
make_ham_user Action Fires after the user is marked as a HAM user. Opposite of SPAM.
make_spam_user Action Fires after the user is marked as a SPAM user.
mu_dropdown_languages Filter Filters the languages available in the dropdown.
network_edit_site_nav_links Filter Filters the links that appear on site-editing network pages.

Core Navigation Menu API

Hook Type Description
nav_menu_items_{$post_type_name} Filter Filters the posts displayed in the ‘View All’ tab of the current post type’s menu items meta box.
nav_menu_items_{$post_type_name}_recent Filter Filters the posts displayed in the ‘Most Recent’ tab of the current post type’s menu items meta box.
nav_menu_meta_box_object Filter Filters whether a menu items meta box will be added for the current object type.

WordPress Network Administration API.

Hook Type Description
allow_subdirectory_install Filter Filters whether to enable the subdirectory installation feature in Multisite.

WordPress Plugin Install Administration API

Hook Type Description
plugins_api Filter Filters the response for the current WordPress.org Plugin Installation API request.
plugins_api_args Filter Filters the WordPress.org Plugin Installation API arguments.
plugins_api_result Filter Filters the Plugin Installation API response results.

WordPress Plugin Administration API

Hook Type Description
activated_plugin Action Fires after a plugin has been activated.
activate_{$plugin} Action Fires as a specific plugin is being activated.
deactivated_plugin Action Fires after a plugin is deactivated.
deactivate_{$plugin} Action Fires as a specific plugin is being deactivated.
deleted_plugin Action Fires immediately after a plugin deletion attempt.
delete_plugin Action Fires immediately before a plugin deletion attempt.
plugin_files_exclusions Filter Filters the array of excluded directories and files while scanning the folder.
pre_uninstall_plugin Action Fires in uninstall_plugin() immediately before the plugin is uninstalled.

WordPress Post Administration API.

Hook Type Description
$per_page Filter Filter the number of items per page to show for a specific ‘per_page’ type.
admin_post_thumbnail_html Filter Filters the admin post thumbnail HTML markup to return.
admin_post_thumbnail_size Filter Filters the size used to display the post thumbnail image in the ‘Featured Image’ meta box.
block_categories Filter Filter the default array of block categories.
block_editor_meta_box_hidden_fields Action Add hidden input fields to the meta box save form.
default_content Filter Filters the default post content initially used in the “Write Post” form.
default_excerpt Filter Filters the default post excerpt initially used in the “Write Post” form.
default_title Filter Filters the default post title initially used in the “Write Post” form.
edit_posts_per_page Filter Filters the number of posts displayed per page when specifically listing “posts”.
edit_{$post_type}_per_page Filter Filters the number of items per page to show for a specific ‘per_page’ type.
filter_block_editor_meta_boxes Filter Fires right before the meta boxes are rendered.
get_sample_permalink Filter Filters the sample permalink.
get_sample_permalink_html Filter Filters the sample permalink HTML markup.
override_post_lock Filter Filters whether to allow the post lock to be overridden.
postbox_classes_{$page}_{$id} Filter Filters the postbox classes for a specific screen and screen ID combo.
postbox_classes_{$screen_id}_{$box_id} Filter Filters the postbox classes for a specific screen and box ID combo.
post_locked_dialog Action Fires inside the post locked dialog before the buttons are displayed.
post_lock_lost_dialog Action Fires inside the dialog displayed when a user has lost the post lock.
redirect_post_location Filter Filters the post redirect destination URL.

WordPress Administration Revisions API

Hook Type Description
revision_text_diff_options Filter Filters revisions text diff options.

WordPress Administration Scheme API Here we keep the DB structure and option values.

Hook Type Description
populate_network_meta Filter Filters meta for a network on creation.
populate_options Action Fires before creating WordPress options and populating their default values.
populate_site_meta Filter Filters meta for a site on creation.

WordPress Administration Screen API.

Hook Type Description
default_hidden_columns Filter Filters the default list of hidden columns.
default_hidden_meta_boxes Filter Filters the default list of hidden meta boxes.
hidden_columns Filter Filters the list of hidden columns.
hidden_meta_boxes Filter Filters the list of hidden meta boxes.
manage_{$screen->id}_columns Filter Filters the column headers for a list table on a specific screen.

Template WordPress Administration API. A Big Mess. Also some neat functions that are nicely written.

Hook Type Description
add_inline_data Action Fires after outputting the fields for the inline editor for posts and pages.
admin_xml_ns Action Fires inside the HTML tag in the admin header.
display_media_states Filter Filters the default media display states for items in the Media list table.
display_post_states Filter Filters the default post display states used in the posts list table.
import_upload_size_limit Filter Filters the maximum allowed upload size for import files.
postmeta_form_keys Filter Filters values for the meta key dropdown in the Custom Fields meta box.
postmeta_form_limit Filter Filters the number of custom fields to retrieve for the drop-down in the Custom Fields meta box.

WordPress Theme Administration API

Hook Type Description
pre_prepare_themes_for_js Filter Filters theme data before it is prepared for JavaScript.

WordPress Administration Update API

Hook Type Description
in_plugin_update_message-{$file} Action Fires at the end of the update message container in each row of the plugins list table.
in_theme_update_message-{$theme_key} Action Fires at the end of the update message container in each row of the themes list table.

WordPress Upgrade API Most of the functions are pluggable and can be overwritten.

Hook Type Description
dbdelta_create_queries Filter Filters the dbDelta SQL queries for creating tables and/or databases.
dbdelta_insert_queries Filter Filters the dbDelta SQL queries for inserting or updating.
dbdelta_queries Filter Filters the dbDelta SQL queries.

WordPress user administration API.

Hook Type Description
check_passwords Action Fires before the password and confirm password fields are checked for congruity.
deleted_user Action Fires immediately after a user is deleted from the database.
delete_user Action Fires immediately before a user is deleted from the database.
editable_roles Filter Filters the list of editable roles.
edit_user_created_user Action Fires after a new user has been created.
get_users_drafts Filter Filters the user’s drafts query string.
post_types_to_delete_with_user Filter Filters the list of post types to delete with a user.

Manage media uploaded file. There are many filters in here for media. Plugins can extend functionality by hooking into the filters.

Hook Type Description
media_upload_default_tab Filter Filters the default tab in the legacy (pre-3.5.0) media popup.
media_upload_default_type Filter Filters the default media upload type in the legacy (pre-3.5.0) media popup.
media_upload_{$tab} Action Fires inside limited and specific upload-tab views in the legacy (pre-3.5.0) media popup.
media_upload_{$type} Action Fires inside specific upload-type views in the legacy (pre-3.5.0) media popup based on the current tab.

Displays Administration Menu.

Hook Type Description
adminmenu Action Fires after the admin menu has been output.
parent_file Filter Filters the parent file of an admin menu sub-menu item.

Multisite delete site panel.

Hook Type Description
delete_site_email_content Filter Filters the email content sent when a site in a Multisite network is deleted.

My Sites dashboard.

Hook Type Description
myblogs_allblogs_options Action Fires before the sites list on the My Sites screen.
myblogs_blog_actions Filter Filters the row links displayed for each site on the My Sites screen.
myblogs_options Filter Enable the Global Settings section on the My Sites screen.

WordPress Administration for Navigation Menus Interface functions

Hook Type Description
after_menu_locations_table Action Fires after the menu locations table is displayed.

WordPress Network Administration Bootstrap

Hook Type Description
redirect_network_admin_request Filter Filters whether to redirect the request to the Network Admin.

Action handler for Multisite administration panels.

Hook Type Description
network_admin_edit_{$action} Action Fires the requested handler action.
network_admin_edit_{$_GET[‘action’]} Action Fires the requested handler action.

Multisite network settings administration panel.

Hook Type Description
mu_menu_items Filter Filters available network-wide administration menu options.

Add Site Administration Screen

Hook Type Description
network_site_new_created_user Action Fires after a new user has been created via the network site-new.php page.
network_site_new_form Action Fires at the end of the new site form in network admin.
pre_network_site_new_created_user Action Fires immediately before a new user is created via the network site-new.php page.

Edit Site Themes Administration Screen

Hook Type Description
‘handle_network_bulk_actions-‘ . get_current_screen()->id Filter Fires when a custom bulk action should be handled.
handle_network_bulk_actions-{$screen} Filter Fires when a custom bulk action should be handled.

Edit Site Users Administration Screen

Hook Type Description
network_site_users_after_list_table Action Fires after the list table on the Users screen in the Multisite Network Admin.
network_site_users_created_user Action Fires after a user has been created via the network site-users.php page.

Multisite sites administration panel.

Hook Type Description
activate_blog Action Fires after a network site is activated.
deactivate_blog Action Fires before a network site is deactivated.
network_sites_updated_message_{$action} Filter Filters a specific, non-default, site-updated message in the Network admin.
network_sites_updated_message_{$_GET[‘updated’]} Filter Filters a specific, non-default site-updated message in the Network admin.

Multisite upgrade administration panel.

Hook Type Description
after_mu_upgrade Action Fires after the Multisite DB upgrade for each site is complete.

Add New User network administration panel.

Hook Type Description
network_user_new_created_user Action Fires after a new user has been created via the network user-new.php page.
network_user_new_form Action Fires at the end of the new user form in network admin.

Discussion settings administration panel.

Hook Type Description
avatar_defaults Filter Filters the default avatars.
default_avatar_select Filter Filters the HTML output of the default avatar list.

General settings administration panel.

Hook Type Description
date_formats Filter Filters the default date formats.

Permalink Settings Administration Screen.

Hook Type Description
available_permalink_structure_tags Filter Filters the list of available permalink structure tags on the Permalinks settings page.

Reading settings administration panel.

Hook Type Description
blog_privacy_selector Action Enable the legacy ‘Site Visibility’ privacy options.

Writing settings administration panel.

Hook Type Description
enable_update_services_configuration Filter Filters whether to enable the Update Services section in the Writing settings screen.

Options Management Administration Screen. If accessed directly in a browser this page shows a list of all saved options along with editable fields for their values. Serialized data is not supported and there is no way to remove options via this page. It is not linked to from anywhere else in the admin. This file is also the target of the forms in core and custom options pages that use the Settings API. In this case it saves the new option values and returns the user to their page of origin.

Hook Type Description
enable_post_by_email_configuration Filter Filters whether the post-by-email functionality is enabled.
option_page_capability_{$option_page} Filter Filters the capability required when using the Settings API.

Install plugin administration panel.

Hook Type Description
install_plugins_pre_{$tab} Action Fires before each tab on the Install Plugins screen is loaded.
install_plugins_{$tab} Action Fires after the plugins list table in each tab of the Install Plugins screen.

Plugins administration panel.

Hook Type Description
pre_current_active_plugins Action Fires before the plugins list table is rendered.

Edit post administration panel. Manage Post actions: post, edit, delete, etc.

Hook Type Description
post_action_{$action} Action Fires for a given custom post action request.
replace_editor Filter Allows replacement of the editor.

Press This Display and Handler.

Hook Type Description
admin_head-press-this.php Action Fires in the head tag on the Press This admin page.
admin_print_scripts-press-this.php Action Fires when scripts are printed for the Press This admin page.
admin_print_styles-press-this.php Action Fires when styles are printed for the Press This admin page.

Install theme administration panel.

Hook Type Description
install_themes_pre_{$tab} Action Fires before each of the tabs are rendered on the Install Themes page.
install_themes_tabs Filter Filters the tabs shown on the Add Themes screen.
install_themes_{$tab} Action Fires at the top of each of the tabs on the Install Themes page.

Update Core administration panel.

Hook Type Description
core_upgrade_preamble Action Fires after the core, plugin, and theme update tables.

Edit user administration panel.

Hook Type Description
additional_capabilities_display Filter Filters whether to display additional capabilities for the user.
admin_color_scheme_picker Action Fires in the ‘Admin Color Scheme’ section of the user editing screen.
edit_user_profile Action Fires after the ‘About the User’ settings table on the ‘Edit User’ screen.
edit_user_profile_update Action Fires before the page loads on the ‘Edit User’ screen.
enable_edit_any_user_configuration Filter Filters whether to allow administrators on Multisite to edit every user.
personal_options Action Fires at the end of the ‘Personal Options’ settings table on the user editing screen.
personal_options_update Action Fires before the page loads on the ‘Your Profile’ editing screen.
profile_personal_options Action Fires after the ‘Personal Options’ settings table on the ‘Your Profile’ editing screen.

New User Administration Screen.

Hook Type Description
autocomplete_users_for_site_admins Filter Filters whether to enable user auto-complete for non-super admins in Multisite.
invite_user Action Fires immediately after a user is invited to join a site, but before the notification is sent.

WordPress User Administration Bootstrap

Hook Type Description
redirect_user_admin_request Filter Filters whether to redirect the request to the User Admin in Multisite.

User administration panel

Hook Type Description
delete_user_form Action Fires at the end of the delete users form prior to the confirm button.

Widget administration panel

Hook Type Description
delete_widget Action Fires immediately after a widget has been marked for deletion.

Handles Comment Post to WordPress and prevents duplicate comment posting.

Hook Type Description
comment_post_redirect Filter Filters the location URI to send the commenter after posting.

Toolbar API: Top-level Toolbar functionality

Hook Type Description
admin_bar_menu Action Load all necessary admin bar items.

Author Template functions for use in themes. These functions must be used within the WordPress Loop.

Hook Type Description
author_link Filter Filters the URL to the author’s page.
get_the_author_{$field} Filter Filters the value of the requested user metadata.
is_multi_author Filter Filters whether the site has more than one author with published posts.

Functions related to registering and parsing blocks.

Hook Type Description
block_parser_class Filter Filter to allow plugins to replace the server-side block parser
excerpt_allowed_blocks Filter Filters the list of blocks that can contribute to the excerpt.
pre_render_block Filter Allows render_block() to be shortcircuited, by returning a non-null value.
render_block Filter Filters the content of a single block.
render_block_data Filter Filters the block being rendered in render_block(), before it’s processed.

Bookmark Template Functions for usage in Themes

Hook Type Description
link_category Filter Filters the bookmarks category name.

Link/Bookmark API

Hook Type Description
get_bookmarks Filter Filters the returned list of bookmarks.

Canonical API to handle WordPress Redirecting Based on "Permalink Redirect" from Scott Yang and "Enforce www. Preference" by Mark Jaquith

Hook Type Description
redirect_canonical Filter Filters the canonical redirect URL.

Core User Role & Capabilities API

Hook Type Description
auth_post_meta_{$meta_key} Filter Filters whether the user is allowed to add post meta to a post.
auth_post_{$post_type}_meta_{$meta_key} Filter Filters whether the user is allowed to add post meta to a post of a given type.
auth_{$object_type}_meta_{$meta_key} Filter Filters whether the user is allowed to edit a specific meta key of a specific object type.
auth_{$object_type}_meta_{$meta_key}_for_{$object_subtype} Filter Filters whether the user is allowed to edit a specific meta key of a specific object type and subtype.
auth_{$object_type}_{$object_subtype}_meta_{$meta_key} Action Filter Hook (deprecated): Filters whether the user is allowed to edit meta for specific object types/subtypes.
auth_{$object_type}_{$sub_type}_meta_{$meta_key} Filter Filters whether the user is allowed to add post meta to a post of a given type.
granted_super_admin Action Fires after the user is granted Super Admin privileges.
grant_super_admin Action Fires before the user is granted Super Admin privileges.
map_meta_cap Filter Filters a user’s capabilities depending on specific context and/or privilege.
revoked_super_admin Action Fires after the user’s Super Admin privileges are revoked.
revoke_super_admin Action Fires before the user’s Super Admin privileges are revoked.

Taxonomy API: Core category-specific template tags

Hook Type Description
get_the_categories Filter Filters the array of categories to return for a post.
get_the_tags Filter Filters the array of tags for the given post.
get_the_terms Filter Filters the list of terms attached to the given post.
list_cats Filter Filters a taxonomy drop-down display element.

Taxonomy API: Core category-specific functionality

Hook Type Description
get_categories_taxonomy Filter Filters the taxonomy used to retrieve terms when calling get_categories().
get_tags Filter Filters the array of term objects returned for the ‘post_tag’ taxonomy.

HTTP API: WP_Http class

Hook Type Description
block_local_requests Filter Filters whether to block local requests through the proxy.
https_ssl_verify Filter Filters whether SSL should be verified for non-local requests.
http_api_debug Action Fires after an HTTP API response is received and before the response is returned.
http_api_transports Filter Filters which HTTP transports are available and in what order.
http_headers_useragent Filter Filters the user agent value sent with an HTTP request.
http_request_args Filter Filters the arguments used in an HTTP request.
http_request_redirection_count Filter Filters the number of redirects allowed during an HTTP request.
http_request_reject_unsafe_urls Filter Filters whether to pass URLs through wp_http_validate_url() in an HTTP request.
http_request_timeout Filter Filters the timeout value for an HTTP request.
http_request_version Filter Filters the version of the HTTP protocol used in a request.
http_response Filter Filters the HTTP API response immediately before the response is returned.
pre_http_request Filter Filters whether to preempt an HTTP request’s return value.

API for fetching the HTML to embed remote content based on a provided URL Used internally by the WP_Embed class, but is designed to be generic.

Hook Type Description
oembed_dataparse Filter Filters the returned oEmbed HTML.
oembed_fetch_url Filter Filters the oEmbed URL to be fetched.
oembed_linktypes Filter Filters the link types that contain oEmbed provider URLs.
oembed_providers Filter Filters the list of whitelisted oEmbed providers.
oembed_remote_get_args Filter Filters oEmbed remote get arguments.
oembed_result Filter Filters the HTML returned by the oEmbed provider.
pre_oembed_result Filter Filters the oEmbed result before any HTTP requests are made.

Taxonomy API: Walker_Category class

Hook Type Description
category_css_class Filter Filters the list of CSS classes to include with each category in the list.
category_description Filter Filters the category description for display.
category_list_link_attributes Filter Filters the HTML attributes applied to a category list item’s anchor element.

Nav Menu API: Walker_Nav_Menu class

Hook Type Description
nav_menu_css_class Filter Filters the CSS class(es) applied to a menu item’s list item element.
nav_menu_item_args Filter Filters the arguments for a single nav menu item.
nav_menu_item_id Filter Filters the ID applied to a menu item’s list item element.
nav_menu_item_title Filter Filters a menu item’s title.
nav_menu_link_attributes Filter Filters the HTML attributes applied to a menu item’s anchor element.
nav_menu_submenu_css_class Filter Filters the CSS class(es) applied to a menu list element.

Post API: Walker_PageDropdown class

Hook Type Description
list_pages Filter Filters the page title when creating an HTML drop-down list of pages.

Post API: Walker_Page class

Hook Type Description
page_css_class Filter Filters the list of CSS classes to include with each page item in the list.
page_menu_link_attributes Filter Filters the HTML attributes applied to a page menu item’s anchor element.

Toolbar API: WP_Admin_Bar class

Hook Type Description
add_admin_bar_menus Action Fires after menus are added to the menu bar.
admin_bar_init Action Fires after WP_Admin_Bar is initialized.

Comment API: WP_Comment_Query class

Hook Type Description
comments_clauses Filter Filters the comment query clauses.
found_comments_query Filter Filters the query used to retrieve found comment count.
parse_comment_query Action Fires after the comment query vars have been parsed.
pre_get_comments Action Fires before comments are retrieved.

WordPress Customize Control classes

Hook Type Description
customize_control_active Filter Filters response of WP_Customize_Control::active().
customize_render_control Action Fires just before the current Customizer control is rendered.
customize_render_control_{$this->id} Action Fires just before a specific Customizer control is rendered.

WordPress Customize Manager classes

Hook Type Description
customize_allowed_urls Filter Filters the list of URLs allowed to be clicked and followed in the Customizer preview.
customize_changeset_branching Filter Filters whether or not changeset branching is allowed.
customize_changeset_save_data Filter Filters the settings’ data that will be persisted into the changeset.
customize_dynamic_setting_args Filter Filters a dynamic setting’s constructor args.
customize_dynamic_setting_class Filter Allow non-statically created settings to be constructed with custom WP_Customize_Setting subclass.
customize_loaded_components Filter Filters the core Customizer components to load.
customize_load_themes Filter Filters the theme data loaded in the customizer.
customize_post_value_set Action Announce when any setting’s unsanitized post value has been set.
customize_post_value_set_{$setting_id} Action Announce when a specific setting’s unsanitized post value has been set.
customize_previewable_devices Filter Filters the available devices to allow previewing in the Customizer.
customize_preview_init Action Fires once the Customizer preview has initialized and JavaScript settings have been printed.
customize_refresh_nonces Filter Filters nonces for Customizer.
customize_register Action Fires once WordPress has loaded, allowing scripts and styles to be initialized.
customize_save Action Fires once the theme has switched in the Customizer, but before settings have been saved.
customize_save_after Action Fires after Customize settings have been saved.
customize_save_response Filter Filters response data for a successful customize_save Ajax request.
customize_save_validation_before Action Fires before save validation happens.

WordPress Customize Nav Menus classes

Hook Type Description
customize_nav_menu_available_items Filter Filters the available menu items.
customize_nav_menu_available_item_types Filter Filters the available menu item types.
customize_nav_menu_searched_items Filter Filters the available menu items during a search request.

WordPress Customize Panel classes

Hook Type Description
customize_panel_active Filter Filters response of WP_Customize_Panel::active().
customize_render_panel Action Fires before rendering a Customizer panel.
customize_render_panel_{$this->id} Action Fires before rendering a specific Customizer panel.

WordPress Customize Section classes

Hook Type Description
customize_render_section Action Fires before rendering a Customizer section.
customize_render_section_{$this->id} Action Fires before rendering a specific Customizer section.
customize_section_active Filter Filters response of WP_Customize_Section::active().

WordPress Customize Setting classes

Hook Type Description
customize_preview_{$this->id} Action Fires when the WP_Customize_Setting::preview() method is called for settings not handled as theme_mods or options.
customize_preview_{$this->type} Action Fires when the WP_Customize_Setting::preview() method is called for settings not handled as theme_mods or options.
customize_sanitize_js_{$this->id} Filter Filters a Customize setting value for use in JavaScript.
customize_sanitize_{$this->id} Filter Filters a Customize setting value in un-slashed form.
customize_save_{$id_base} Action Fires when the WP_Customize_Setting::save() method is called.
customize_save_{$this->id_data[‘base’]} Action Fires when the WP_Customize_Setting::save() method is called.
customize_update_{$this->type} Action Fires when the WP_Customize_Setting::update() method is called for settings not handled as theme_mods or options.
customize_validate_{$this->id} Filter Validates a Customize setting value.
customize_value_{$id_base} Filter Filters a Customize setting value not handled as a theme_mod or option.
customize_value_{$this->id_data[‘base’]} Filter Filter a Customize setting value not handled as a theme_mod or option.

WordPress Customize Widgets classes

Hook Type Description
customizer_widgets_section_args Filter Filters Customizer widget section arguments for a given sidebar.
is_wide_widget_in_customizer Filter Filters whether the given widget is considered “wide”.

Facilitates adding of the WordPress editor as used on the Write and Edit screens. Private, not included by default. See wp_editor() in wp-includes/general-template.php.

Hook Type Description
after_wp_tiny_mce Action Fires after any core TinyMCE editor instances are created.
before_wp_tiny_mce Action Fires immediately before the TinyMCE settings are printed.
mce_buttons Filter Filters the first-row list of TinyMCE buttons (Visual tab).
mce_buttons_2 Filter Filters the second-row list of TinyMCE buttons (Visual tab).
mce_buttons_3 Filter Filters the third-row list of TinyMCE buttons (Visual tab).
mce_buttons_4 Filter Filters the fourth-row list of TinyMCE buttons (Visual tab).
mce_css Filter Filters the comma-delimited list of stylesheets to load in TinyMCE.
mce_external_languages Filter Filters the translations loaded for external TinyMCE 3.x plugins.
mce_external_plugins Filter Filters the list of TinyMCE external plugins.
media_buttons Action Fires after the default media button(s) are displayed.
print_default_editor_scripts Action Fires when the editor scripts are loaded for later initialization, after all scripts and settings are printed.
quicktags_settings Filter Filters the Quicktags settings.

API for easily embedding rich media such as videos and images into content.

Hook Type Description
embed_cache_oembed_types Filter Filters the array of post types to cache oEmbed results for.
embed_handler_html Filter Filters the returned embed handler.
embed_maybe_make_link Filter Filters the returned, maybe-linked embed URL.
embed_oembed_discover Filter Filters whether to inspect the given URL for discoverable link tags.
embed_oembed_html Filter Filters the cached oEmbed HTML.
oembed_ttl Filter Filters the oEmbed TTL value (time to live).

HTTP API: WP_Http_Curl class

Hook Type Description
http_api_curl Action Fires before the cURL request is executed.

HTTP API: WP_HTTP_Proxy class

Hook Type Description
pre_http_send_through_proxy Filter Filters whether to preempt sending the request through the proxy server.

HTTP API: Requests hook bridge class

Hook Type Description
requests-{$hook} Action Transforms a native Request hook to a WordPress actions.

HTTP API: WP_Http_Streams class

Hook Type Description
https_local_ssl_verify Filter Filters whether SSL should be verified for local requests.

WordPress GD Image Editor

Hook Type Description
image_make_intermediate_size Filter Filters the name of the saved image file.

WordPress Imagick Image Editor

Hook Type Description
image_strip_meta Filter Filters whether to strip metadata from images when they’re resized.

Base WordPress Image Editor

Hook Type Description
image_editor_default_mime_type Filter Filters default mime type prior to getting the file extension.
jpeg_quality Filter Filters the JPEG compression quality for backward-compatibility.

Locale API: WP_Locale_Switcher class

Hook Type Description
change_locale Action Fires when the locale is switched to or restored.
restore_previous_locale Action Fires when the locale is restored to the previous one.

Meta API: WP_Meta_Query class

Hook Type Description
get_meta_sql Filter Filters the meta query’s generated SQL.
meta_query_find_compatible_table_alias Filter Filters the table alias identified as compatible with the current clause.

Meta API: WP_Metadata_Lazyloader class

Hook Type Description
metadata_lazyloader_queued_objects Action Fires after objects are added to the metadata lazy-load queue.

Network API: WP_Network_Query class

Hook Type Description
found_networks_query Filter Filters the query used to retrieve found network count.
networks_clauses Filter Filters the network query clauses.
networks_pre_query Filter Filter the sites array before the query takes place.
parse_network_query Action Fires after the network query vars have been parsed.
pre_get_networks Action Fires before networks are retrieved.

Network API: WP_Network class

Hook Type Description
network_by_path_segments_count Filter Filters the number of path segments to consider when searching for a site.
pre_get_main_site_id Filter Filters the main site ID.
pre_get_network_by_path Filter Determine a network by its domain and path.

WP_oEmbed_Controller class, used to provide an oEmbed endpoint.

Hook Type Description
oembed_default_width Filter Filters the maxwidth oEmbed parameter.
oembed_request_post_id Filter Filters the determined post ID.
rest_oembed_ttl Filter Filters the oEmbed TTL value (time to live).

Post API: WP_Post_Type class

Hook Type Description
register_post_type_args Filter Filters the arguments for registering a post type.

Query API: WP_Query class

Hook Type Description
comment_feed_groupby Filter Filters the GROUP BY clause of the comments feed query before sending.
comment_feed_join Filter Filters the JOIN clause of the comments feed query before sending.
comment_feed_limits Filter Filters the LIMIT clause of the comments feed query before sending.
comment_feed_orderby Filter Filters the ORDER BY clause of the comments feed query before sending.
comment_feed_where Filter Filters the WHERE clause of the comments feed query before sending.
comment_loop_start Action Fires once the comment loop is started.
content_pagination Filter Filters the “pages” derived from splitting the post content.
found_posts Filter Filters the number of found posts for the query.
found_posts_query Filter Filters the query to run for retrieving the found posts.
loop_end Action Fires once the loop has ended.
loop_no_results Action Fires if no results are found in a post query.
loop_start Action Fires once the loop is started.
parse_query Action Fires after the main query vars have been parsed.
parse_tax_query Action Fires after taxonomy-related query vars have been parsed.
posts_clauses Filter Filters all query clauses at once, for convenience.
posts_clauses_request Filter Filters all query clauses at once, for convenience.
posts_distinct Filter Filters the DISTINCT clause of the query.
posts_distinct_request Filter Filters the DISTINCT clause of the query.
posts_fields Filter Filters the SELECT clause of the query.
posts_fields_request Filter Filters the SELECT clause of the query.
posts_groupby Filter Filters the GROUP BY clause of the query.
posts_groupby_request Filter Filters the GROUP BY clause of the query.
posts_join Filter Filters the JOIN clause of the query.
posts_join_paged Filter Filters the JOIN clause of the query.
posts_join_request Filter Filters the JOIN clause of the query.
posts_orderby Filter Filters the ORDER BY clause of the query.
posts_orderby_request Filter Filters the ORDER BY clause of the query.
posts_pre_query Filter Filters the posts array before the query takes place.
posts_request Filter Filters the completed SQL query before sending.
posts_request_ids Filter Filters the Post IDs SQL request before sending.
posts_results Filter Filters the raw post results array, prior to status checks.
posts_search Filter Filters the search SQL that is used in the WHERE clause of WP_Query.
posts_search_orderby Filter Filters the ORDER BY used when ordering search results.
posts_selection Action Fires to announce the query’s current selection parameters.
posts_where Filter Filters the WHERE clause of the query.
posts_where_paged Filter Filters the WHERE clause of the query.
posts_where_request Filter Filters the WHERE clause of the query.
post_limits Filter Filters the LIMIT clause of the query.
post_limits_request Filter Filters the LIMIT clause of the query.
pre_get_posts Action Fires after the query variable object is created, but before the actual query is run.

Error Protection API: WP_Recovery_Mode_Cookie_Service class

Hook Type Description
recovery_mode_cookie_length Filter Filter the length of time a Recovery Mode cookie is valid for.

Error Protection API: WP_Recovery_Mode_Email_Link class

Hook Type Description
recovery_email_support_info Filter Filters the support message sent with the the fatal error protection email.
recovery_mode_email Filter Filter the contents of the Recovery Mode email.

Error Protection API: WP_Recovery_Mode_Key_Service class

Hook Type Description
generate_recovery_mode_key Action Fires when a recovery mode key is generated.

Error Protection API: WP_Recovery_Mode_Link_Handler class

Hook Type Description
recovery_mode_begin_url Filter Filter the URL to begin recovery mode.

Error Protection API: WP_Recovery_Mode class

Hook Type Description
recovery_mode_email_link_ttl Filter Filter the amount of time the recovery mode email link is valid for.
recovery_mode_email_rate_limit Filter Filter the rate limit between sending new recovery mode email links.

Rewrite API: WP_Rewrite class

Hook Type Description
author_rewrite_rules Filter Filters rewrite rules used for author archives.
comments_rewrite_rules Filter Filters rewrite rules used for comment feed archives.
date_rewrite_rules Filter Filters rewrite rules used for date archives.
flush_rewrite_rules_hard Filter Filters whether a “hard” rewrite rule flush should be performed when requested.
generate_rewrite_rules Action Fires after the rewrite rules are generated.
iis7_url_rewrite_rules Filter Filters the list of rewrite rules formatted for output to a web.config.
mod_rewrite_rules Filter Filters the list of rewrite rules formatted for output to an .htaccess file.
page_rewrite_rules Filter Filters rewrite rules used for “page” post type archives.
permalink_structure_changed Action Fires after the permalink structure is updated.
post_rewrite_rules Filter Filters rewrite rules used for “post” archives.
rewrite_rules Filter Filters the list of rewrite rules formatted for output to an .htaccess file.
rewrite_rules_array Filter Filters the full set of generated rewrite rules.
root_rewrite_rules Filter Filters rewrite rules used for root-level archives.

User API: WP_Role class

Hook Type Description
role_has_cap Filter Filters which capabilities a role has.

Session API: WP_Session_Tokens class

Hook Type Description
attach_session_information Filter Filters the information attached to the newly created session.

Site API: WP_Site_Query class

Hook Type Description
found_sites_query Filter Filters the query used to retrieve found site count.
parse_site_query Action Fires after the site query vars have been parsed.
pre_get_sites Action Fires before sites are retrieved.

Taxonomy API: WP_Taxonomy class

Hook Type Description
register_taxonomy_args Filter Filters the arguments for registering a taxonomy.

Taxonomy API: WP_Term_Query class.

Hook Type Description
get_terms_args Filter Filters the terms query arguments.
get_terms_defaults Filter Filters the terms query default arguments.
get_terms_fields Filter Filters the fields to select in the terms query.
get_terms_orderby Filter Filters the ORDERBY clause of the terms query.
list_terms_exclusions Filter Filters the terms to exclude from the terms query.
parse_term_query Action Fires after term query vars have been parsed.
pre_get_terms Action Fires before terms are retrieved.

WP_Theme Class

Hook Type Description
allowed_themes Filter Filters the array of themes allowed on the network.
network_allowed_themes Filter Filters the array of themes allowed on the network.

User API: WP_User_Query class

Hook Type Description
found_users_query Filter Filters SELECT FOUND_ROWS() query for the current WP_User_Query instance.
pre_get_users Action Fires before the WP_User_Query has been parsed.
pre_user_query Action Fires after the WP_User_Query has been parsed, and before the query is executed.

User API: WP_User class

Hook Type Description
add_user_role Action Fires immediately after the user has been given a new role.
remove_user_role Action Fires immediately after a role as been removed from a user.

Widget API: WP_Widget base class

Hook Type Description
in_widget_form Action Fires at the end of the widget control form.

XML-RPC protocol support for WordPress

Hook Type Description
pingback_ping_source_uri Filter Filters the pingback source URI.
pingback_post Action Fires after a post pingback has been sent.
pre_remote_source Filter Filters the pingback remote source.
pre_upload_error Filter Filters whether to preempt the XML-RPC media upload.

WordPress environment setup class.

Hook Type Description
do_parse_request Filter Filters whether to parse the request.
parse_request Action Fires once all query variables for the current request have been parsed.
pre_handle_404 Filter Filters whether to short-circuit default header status handling.
query_string Filter Filters the query string before parsing.
query_vars Filter Filters the query variables whitelist before processing.
request Filter Filters the array of parsed query variables.

Dependencies API: WP_Scripts class

Hook Type Description
print_scripts_array Filter Filters the list of script dependencies left to print.

Dependencies API: WP_Styles class

Hook Type Description
print_styles_array Filter Filters the array of enqueued styles before processing for output.

Comment template functions These functions are meant to live inside of the WordPress loop.

Hook Type Description
author_email Filter Filters the comment author’s email for display.
cancel_comment_reply_link Filter Filters the cancel comment reply link HTML.
comments_array Filter Filters the comments array.
comments_number Filter Filters the comments count for display.
comments_open Filter Filters whether the current post is open for comments.
comments_popup_link_attributes Filter Filters the comments link attributes for display.
comments_template Filter Filters the path to the theme template file used for the comments template.
comments_template_query_args Filter Filters the arguments used to query comments in comments_template().
comment_author Filter Filters the comment author’s name for display.
comment_class Filter Filters the returned CSS classes for the current comment.
comment_email Filter Filters the comment author’s email for display.
comment_excerpt Filter Filters the comment excerpt for display.
comment_excerpt_length Filter Filters the amount of words used in the comment excerpt.
comment_form Action Fires at the bottom of the comment form, inside the closing
comment_form_after Action Fires after the comment form.
comment_form_after_fields Action Fires after the comment fields in the comment form, excluding the textarea.
comment_form_before Action Fires before the comment form.
comment_form_before_fields Action Fires before the comment fields in the comment form, excluding the textarea.
comment_form_comments_closed Action Fires after the comment form if comments are closed.
comment_form_defaults Filter Filters the comment form default arguments.
comment_form_default_fields Filter Filters the default comment form fields.
comment_form_fields Filter Filters the comment form fields, including the textarea.
comment_form_field_comment Filter Filters the content of the comment textarea field for display.
comment_form_field_{$name} Filter Filters a comment form field for display.
comment_form_logged_in Filter Filters the ‘logged in’ message for the comment form for display.
comment_form_logged_in_after Action Fires after the is_user_logged_in() check in the comment form.
comment_form_must_log_in_after Action Fires after the HTML-formatted ‘must log in after’ message in the comment form.
comment_form_submit_button Filter Filters the submit button for the comment form to display.
comment_form_submit_field Filter Filters the submit field for the comment form to display.
comment_form_top Action Fires at the top of the comment form, inside the form tag.
comment_id_fields Filter Filters the returned comment id fields.
comment_reply_link Filter Filters the comment reply link.
comment_reply_link_args Filter Filters the comment reply link arguments.
comment_text Filter Filters the text of a comment to be displayed.
comment_url Filter Filters the comment author’s URL for display.
get_comments_link Filter Filters the returned post comments permalink.
get_comments_number Filter Filters the returned comment count for a post.
get_comment_author Filter Filters the returned comment author name.
get_comment_author_email Filter Filters the comment author’s returned email address.
get_comment_author_IP Filter Filters the comment author’s returned IP address.
get_comment_author_link Filter Filters the comment author’s link for display.
get_comment_author_url Filter Filters the comment author’s URL.
get_comment_author_url_link Filter Filters the comment author’s returned URL link.
get_comment_date Filter Filters the returned comment date.
get_comment_excerpt Filter Filters the retrieved comment excerpt.
get_comment_ID Filter Filters the returned comment ID.
get_comment_link Filter Filters the returned single comment permalink.
get_comment_text Filter Filters the text of a comment.
get_comment_time Filter Filters the returned comment time.
get_comment_type Filter Filters the returned comment type.
pings_open Filter Filters whether the current post is open for pings.
post_comments_link Filter Filters the formatted post comments link HTML.
respond_link Filter Filters the respond link when a post has no comments.

Core Comment API

Hook Type Description
allow_empty_comment Filter Filters whether an empty comment should be allowed.
check_comment_flood Action Fires immediately before a comment is marked approved.
clean_comment_cache Action Fires immediately after a comment has been removed from the object cache.
close_comments_for_post_types Filter Filters the list of post types to automatically close comments for.
comment_closed Action Fires when a comment is attempted on a post that has comments closed.
comment_cookie_lifetime Filter Filters the lifetime of the comment cookie in seconds.
comment_duplicate_message Filter Filters duplicate comment error message.
comment_duplicate_trigger Action Fires immediately after a duplicate comment is detected.
comment_flood_filter Filter Filters the comment flood status.
comment_flood_message Filter Filters the comment flood error message.
comment_flood_trigger Action Fires before the comment flood message is triggered.
comment_id_not_found Action Fires when a comment is attempted on a post that does not exist.
comment_max_links_url Filter Filters the number of links found in a comment.
comment_on_draft Action Fires when a comment is attempted on a post in draft mode.
comment_on_password_protected Action Fires when a comment is attempted on a password-protected post.
comment_on_trash Action Fires when a comment is attempted on a trashed post.
comment_post Action Fires immediately after a comment is inserted into the database.
comment_save_pre Filter Filters the comment content before it is updated in the database.
comment_{$new_status}_{$comment->comment_type} Action Fires when the status of a specific comment type is in transition.
comment_{$old_status}_to_{$new_status} Action Fires when the comment status is in transition from one specific status to another.
deleted_comment Action Fires immediately after a comment is deleted from the database.
delete_comment Action Fires immediately before a comment is deleted from the database.
duplicate_comment_id Filter Filters the ID, if any, of the duplicate comment found when creating a new comment.
edit_comment Action Fires immediately after a comment is updated in the database.
get_comment Filter Fires after a comment is retrieved.
get_default_comment_status Filter Filters the default comment status for the given post type.
get_page_of_comment Filter Filters the calculated page on which a comment appears.
notify_post_author Filter Filters whether to send the post author new comment notification emails, overriding the site setting.
pingback_useragent Filter Filters the user agent sent when pinging-back a URL.
preprocess_comment Filter Filters a comment’s data before it is sanitized and inserted into the database.
pre_comment_approved Filter Filters a comment’s approval status before it is set.
pre_comment_author_email Filter Filters the comment author’s email cookie before it is set.
pre_comment_author_name Filter Filters the comment author’s name cookie before it is set.
pre_comment_author_url Filter Filters the comment author’s URL cookie before it is set.
pre_comment_content Filter Filters the comment content before it is set.
pre_comment_on_post Action Fires before a comment is posted.
pre_comment_user_agent Filter Filters the comment author’s browser user agent before it is set.
pre_comment_user_ip Filter Filters the comment author’s IP address before it is set.
pre_ping Action Fires just before pinging back links found in a post.
pre_user_id Filter Filters the comment author’s user id before it is set.
pre_wp_update_comment_count_now Filter Filters a post’s comment count before it is updated in the database.

WordPress Cron API

Hook Type Description
cron_request Filter Filters the cron request arguments.
cron_schedules Filter Filters the non-default cron schedules.
get_schedule Filter Filter the schedule for a hook.
pre_clear_scheduled_hook Filter Filter to preflight or hijack clearing a scheduled hook.
pre_get_ready_cron_jobs Filter Filter to preflight or hijack retrieving ready cron jobs.
pre_get_scheduled_event Filter Filter to preflight or hijack retrieving a scheduled event.
pre_reschedule_event Filter Filter to preflight or hijack rescheduling of events.
pre_schedule_event Filter Filter to preflight or hijack scheduling an event.
pre_unschedule_event Filter Filter to preflight or hijack unscheduling of events.
pre_unschedule_hook Filter Filter to preflight or hijack clearing all events attached to the hook.

Customize API: WP_Customize_Partial class

Hook Type Description
customize_partial_render Filter Filters partial rendering.
customize_partial_render_{$partial->id} Filter Filters partial rendering for a specific partial.

Customize API: WP_Customize_Selective_Refresh class

Hook Type Description
customize_dynamic_partial_args Filter Filters a dynamic partial’s constructor arguments.
customize_dynamic_partial_class Filter Filters the class used to construct partials.
customize_render_partials_after Action Fires immediately after partials are rendered.
customize_render_partials_before Action Fires immediately before partials are rendered.
customize_render_partials_response Filter Filters the response from rendering the partials.

Class for generating SQL clauses that filter a primary query according to date. WP_Date_Query is a helper that allows primary query classes, such as WP_Query, to filter their results by date columns, by generating WHERE subclauses to be attached to the primary SQL query string. Attempting to filter by an invalid date value (eg month=13) will generate SQL that will return no results. In these cases, a _doing_it_wrong() error notice is also thrown. See WP_Date_Query::validate_date_values().

Hook Type Description
date_query_valid_columns Filter Filters the list of valid date query columns.
get_date_sql Filter Filters the date query WHERE clause.

Deprecated functions from past WordPress versions. You shouldn't use these functions and look for the alternatives instead. The functions will be removed in a later version.

Hook Type Description
added_usermeta Action
attachment_icon Filter
attachment_innerHTML Filter
attachment_max_dims Filter
deleted_usermeta Action
delete_usermeta Action
extra_theme_headers Filter
htmledit_pre Filter Filters the text before it is formatted for the HTML editor.
index_rel_link Filter
parent_post_rel_link Filter
richedit_pre Filter Filters text returned for the rich text editor.

oEmbed API: Top-level oEmbed functionality

Hook Type Description
embed_defaults Filter Filters the default array of embed dimensions.
embed_googlevideo Filter Filter the Google Video embed output.
embed_html Filter Filters the embed HTML output for a given post.
embed_site_title_html Filter Filters the site title HTML in the embed footer.
enqueue_embed_scripts Action Fires when scripts and styles are enqueued for the embed iframe.
load_default_embeds Filter Filters whether to load the default embed handlers.
oembed_discovery_links Filter Filters the oEmbed discovery links HTML.
oembed_endpoint_url Filter Filters the oEmbed endpoint URL.
oembed_iframe_title_attribute Filter Filters the title attribute of the given oEmbed HTML iframe.
oembed_min_max_width Filter Filters the allowed minimum and maximum widths for the oEmbed response.
oembed_response_data Filter Filters the oEmbed response data.
post_embed_url Filter Filters the URL to embed a specific post.

Atom Feed Template for displaying Atom Comments feed.

Hook Type Description
atom_comments_ns Action Fires inside the feed tag in the Atom comment feed.
comments_atom_head Action Fires at the end of the Atom comment feed header.
comment_atom_entry Action Fires at the end of each Atom comment feed item.

Atom Feed Template for displaying Atom Posts feed.

Hook Type Description
atom_author Action Fires at the end of each Atom feed author entry.
atom_entry Action Fires at the end of each Atom feed item.
atom_head Action Fires just before the first Atom feed entry.
atom_ns Action Fires at end of the Atom feed root to add namespaces.

RSS 1 RDF Feed Template for displaying RSS 1 Posts feed.

Hook Type Description
rdf_header Action Fires at the end of the RDF feed header.
rdf_item Action Fires at the end of each RDF feed item.
rdf_ns Action Fires at the end of the feed root to add namespaces.

RSS 0.92 Feed Template for displaying RSS 0.92 Posts feed.

Hook Type Description
rss_head Action Fires at the end of the RSS Feed Header.
rss_item Action Fires at the end of each RSS feed item.

RSS2 Feed Template for displaying RSS2 Comments feed.

Hook Type Description
commentrss2_item Action Fires at the end of each RSS2 comment feed item.
commentsrss2_head Action Fires at the end of the RSS2 comment feed header.
rss2_comments_ns Action Fires at the end of the RSS root to add namespaces.

RSS2 Feed Template for displaying RSS2 Posts feed.

Hook Type Description
rss2_head Action Fires at the end of the RSS2 Feed Header.
rss2_item Action Fires at the end of each RSS2 feed item.
rss2_ns Action Fires at the end of the RSS root to add namespaces.
rss_tag_pre Action Fires between the xml and rss tags in a feed.
rss_update_frequency Filter Filters the RSS update frequency.
rss_update_period Filter Filters how often to update the RSS feed.

WordPress Feed API Many of the functions used in here belong in The Loop, or The Loop for the Feeds.

Hook Type Description
atom_enclosure Filter Filters the atom enclosure HTML link tag for the current post.
bloginfo_rss Filter Filters the bloginfo for display in RSS feeds.
comments_link_feed Filter Filters the comments permalink for the current post.
comment_author_rss Filter Filters the current comment author for use in a feed.
comment_link Filter Filters the current comment’s permalink.
comment_text_rss Filter Filters the current comment content for use in a feed.
default_feed Filter Filters the default feed type.
feed_content_type Filter Filters the content type for a specific feed type.
get_bloginfo_rss Filter Filters the bloginfo for use in RSS feeds.
get_feed_build_date Filter Filters the date the last post or comment in the query was modified.
get_wp_title_rss Filter Filters the blog title for use as the feed title.
rss_enclosure Filter Filters the RSS enclosure HTML link tag for the current post.

Main WordPress Formatting API. Handles many functions for formatting output.

Hook Type Description
attribute_escape Filter Filters a string cleaned and escaped for output in an HTML attribute.
clean_url Filter Filters a string cleaned and escaped for output as a URL.
emoji_ext Filter Filters the extension of the emoji png files.
emoji_svg_ext Filter Filters the extension of the emoji SVG files.
emoji_svg_url Filter Filters the URL where emoji SVG images are hosted.
emoji_url Filter Filters the URL where emoji png images are hosted.
esc_html Filter Filters a string cleaned and escaped for output in HTML.
esc_textarea Filter Filters a string cleaned and escaped for output in a textarea element.
excerpt_length Filter Filters the number of words in an excerpt.
excerpt_more Filter Filters the string in the “more” link displayed after a trimmed excerpt.
format_for_editor Filter Filters the text after it is formatted for the editor.
format_to_edit Filter Filters the text to be formatted for editing.
human_time_diff Filter Filters the human readable difference between two timestamps.
is_email Filter Filters whether an email address is valid.
js_escape Filter Filters a string cleaned and escaped for output in JavaScript.
no_texturize_shortcodes Filter Filters the list of shortcodes not to texturize.
no_texturize_tags Filter Filters the list of HTML elements not to texturize.
pre_ent2ncr Filter Filters text before named entities are converted into numbered entities.
run_wptexturize Filter Filters whether to skip running wptexturize().

Main WordPress API

Hook Type Description
admin_memory_limit Filter Filters the maximum memory limit available for administration screens.
date_i18n Filter Filters the date formatted based on the locale.
deprecated_argument_run Action Fires when a deprecated argument is called.
deprecated_argument_trigger_error Filter Filters whether to trigger an error for deprecated arguments.
deprecated_constructor_run Action Fires when a deprecated constructor is called.
deprecated_constructor_trigger_error Filter Filters whether to trigger an error for deprecated functions.
deprecated_file_included Action Fires when a deprecated file is called.
deprecated_file_trigger_error Filter Filters whether to trigger an error for deprecated files.
deprecated_function_run Action Fires when a deprecated function is called.
deprecated_function_trigger_error Filter Filters whether to trigger an error for deprecated functions.
deprecated_hook_run Action Fires when a deprecated hook is called.
deprecated_hook_trigger_error Filter Filters whether to trigger deprecated hook errors.
doing_it_wrong_run Action Fires when the given function is being used incorrectly.
doing_it_wrong_trigger_error Filter Filters whether to trigger an error for _doing_it_wrong() calls.
do_feed_{$feed} Action Fires once the given feed is loaded.
do_robotstxt Action Fires when displaying the robots.txt file.
enclosure_links Filter Filters the list of enclosure links before querying the database.
ext2type Filter Filters file type based on the extension name.
extra_{$context}_headers Filter Filters extra file headers by context.
getimagesize_mimes_to_exts Filter Filters the list mapping image mime types to their respective extensions.
get_main_network_id Filter Filters the main network ID.
global_terms_enabled Filter Filters whether global terms are enabled.
iis7_supports_permalinks Filter Filters whether IIS 7+ supports pretty permalinks.
image_memory_limit Filter Filters the memory limit allocated for image manipulation.
kses_allowed_protocols Filter Filters the list of protocols allowed in HTML attributes.
load_default_widgets Filter Filters whether to load the Widgets library.
mime_types Filter Filters the list of mime types and file extensions.
nocache_headers Filter Filters the cache-controlling headers.
number_format_i18n Filter Filters the number formatted based on the locale.
removable_query_args Filter Filters the list of query variables to remove.
robots_txt Filter Filters the robots.txt output.

General template tags that can go anywhere in a template.

Hook Type Description
bloginfo Filter Filters the site information returned by get_bloginfo().
bloginfo_url Filter Filters the URL returned by get_bloginfo().
document_title_parts Filter Filters the parts of the document title.
document_title_separator Filter Filters the separator for the document title.
feed_links_show_comments_feed Filter Filters whether to display the comments feed link.
feed_links_show_posts_feed Filter Filters whether to display the posts feed link.
getarchives_join Filter Filters the SQL JOIN clause for retrieving archives.
getarchives_where Filter Filters the SQL WHERE clause for retrieving archives.
get_archives_link Filter Filters the archive link content.
get_calendar Filter Filters the HTML calendar output.
get_custom_logo Filter Filters the custom logo output.
get_footer Action Fires before the footer template file is loaded.
get_header Action Fires before the header template file is loaded.
get_post_modified_time Filter Filters the localized time a post was last modified.
get_post_time Filter Filters the localized time a post was written.
get_search_form Filter Filters the HTML output of the search form.
get_search_query Filter Filters the contents of the search query variable.
get_sidebar Action Fires before the sidebar template file is loaded.
get_site_icon_url Filter Filters the site icon URL.
get_template_part Action Fires before a template part is loaded.
get_template_part_{$slug} Action Fires before the specified template part file is loaded.
get_the_archive_description Filter Filters the archive description.
get_the_archive_title Filter Filters the archive title.
get_the_date Filter Filters the date a post was published.
get_the_generator_{$type} Filter Filters the HTML for the retrieved generator type.
get_the_modified_date Filter Filters the date a post was last modified.
get_the_modified_time Filter Filters the localized time a post was last modified.
get_the_post_type_description Filter Filters the description for a post type archive.
get_the_time Filter Filters the time a post was written.
language_attributes Filter Filters the language attributes for display in the html tag.
loginout Filter Filters the HTML output for the Log In/Log Out link.
login_form_bottom Filter Filters content to display at the bottom of the login form.
login_form_defaults Filter Filters the default login form output arguments.
login_form_middle Filter Filters content to display in the middle of the login form.
login_form_top Filter Filters content to display at the top of the login form.
login_url Filter Filters the login URL.
logout_url Filter Filters the logout URL.
lostpassword_url Filter Filters the Lost Password URL.
paginate_links Filter Filters the paginated links for the given archive pages.
post_type_archive_title Filter Filters the post type archive title.
pre_get_document_title Filter Filters the document title before it is generated.
pre_get_search_form Action Fires before the search form is retrieved, at the start of get_search_form().
register Filter Filters the HTML link to the Registration or Admin page.
register_url Filter Filters the user registration URL.

Core HTTP Request API Standardizes the HTTP requests for WordPress. Handles cookies, gzip encoding and decoding, chunk decoding, if HTTP 1.1 and various other difficult HTTP protocol implementations.

Hook Type Description
allowed_http_origin Filter Change the allowed HTTP origin result.
allowed_http_origins Filter Change the origin types allowed for HTTP requests.
http_origin Filter Change the origin of an HTTP request.
http_request_host_is_external Filter Check if HTTP request is external or not.

kses 0.2.2 - HTML/XHTML filter that only allows some elements and attributes Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2005 Ulf Harnhammar This program is free software and open source software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html [kses strips evil scripts!] Added wp_ prefix to avoid conflicts with existing kses users

Hook Type Description
pre_kses Filter Filters content to be run through kses.
safe_style_css Filter Filters list of allowed CSS attributes.

Core Translation API

Hook Type Description
determine_locale Filter Filters the locale for the current request.
gettext Filter Filters text with its translation.
gettext_with_context Filter Filters text with its translation based on context information.
get_available_languages Filter Filters the list of available language codes.
load_script_textdomain_relative_path Filter Filters the relative path of scripts used for finding translation files.
load_script_translations Filter Filters script translations for the given file, script handle and text domain.
load_script_translation_file Filter Filters the file path for loading script translations for the given script handle and text domain.
load_textdomain Action Fires before the MO translation file is loaded.
load_textdomain_mofile Filter Filters MO file path for loading translations for a specific text domain.
locale Filter Filters the locale ID of the WordPress installation.
ngettext Filter Filters the singular or plural form of a string.
ngettext_with_context Filter Filters the singular or plural form of a string with gettext context.
override_load_textdomain Filter Filters whether to override the .mo file loading.
override_unload_textdomain Filter Filters whether to override the text domain unloading.
plugin_locale Filter Filters a plugin’s locale.
pre_determine_locale Filter Filters the locale for the current request prior to the default determination process.
pre_load_script_translations Filter Pre-filters script translations for the given file, script handle and text domain.

WordPress Link Template Functions

Hook Type Description
admin_url Filter Filters the admin area URL.
attachment_link Filter Filters the permalink for an attachment.
author_feed_link Filter Filters the feed link for a given author.
category_feed_link Filter Filters the category feed link.
content_url Filter Filters the URL to the content directory.
day_link Filter Filters the day archive permalink.
edit_bookmark_link Filter Filters the bookmark edit link anchor tag.
edit_comment_link Filter Filters the comment edit link anchor tag.
edit_post_link Filter Filters the post edit link anchor tag.
edit_profile_url Filter Filters the URL for a user’s profile editor.
edit_tag_link Filter Filters the anchor tag for the edit link for a tag (or term in another taxonomy).
edit_term_link Filter Filters the anchor tag for the edit link of a term.
feed_link Filter Filters the feed type permalink.
get_avatar_comment_types Filter Filters the list of allowed comment types for retrieving avatars.
get_avatar_data Filter Filters the avatar data.
get_avatar_url Filter Filters the avatar URL.
get_canonical_url Filter Filters the canonical URL for a post.
get_comments_pagenum_link Filter Filters the comments page number link for the current request.
get_delete_post_link Filter Filters the post delete link.
get_edit_bookmark_link Filter Filters the bookmark edit link.
get_edit_comment_link Filter Filters the comment edit link.
get_edit_post_link Filter Filters the post edit link.
get_edit_tag_link Filter Filters the edit link for a tag (or term in another taxonomy).
get_edit_term_link Filter Filters the edit link for a term.
get_edit_user_link Filter Filters the user edit link.
get_pagenum_link Filter Filters the page number link for the current request.
get_shortlink Filter Filters the shortlink for a post.
get_{$adjacent}_post_excluded_terms Filter Filters the IDs of terms excluded from adjacent post queries.
get_{$adjacent}_post_join Filter Filters the JOIN clause in the SQL for an adjacent post query.
get_{$adjacent}_post_sort Filter Filters the ORDER BY clause in the SQL for an adjacent post query.
get_{$adjacent}_post_where Filter Filters the WHERE clause in the SQL for an adjacent post query.
home_url Filter Filters the home URL.
includes_url Filter Filters the URL to the includes directory.
month_link Filter Filters the month archive permalink.
navigation_markup_template Filter Filters the navigation markup template.
network_admin_url Filter Filters the network admin URL.
network_home_url Filter Filters the network home URL.
network_site_url Filter Filters the network site URL.
next_comments_link_attributes Filter Filters the anchor tag attributes for the next comments page link.
next_posts_link_attributes Filter Filters the anchor tag attributes for the next posts page link.
page_link Filter Filters the permalink for a page.
parent_theme_file_path Filter Filters the path to a file in the parent theme.
parent_theme_file_uri Filter Filters the URL to a file in the parent theme.
plugins_url Filter Filters the URL to the plugins directory.
post_comments_feed_link Filter Filters the post comments feed permalink.
post_comments_feed_link_html Filter Filters the post comment feed link anchor tag.
post_link Filter Filters the permalink for a post.
post_link_category Filter Filters the category that gets used in the %category% permalink token.
post_type_archive_feed_link Filter Filters the post type archive feed link.
post_type_archive_link Filter Filters the post type archive permalink.
post_type_link Filter Filters the permalink for a post of a custom post type.
preview_post_link Filter Filters the URL used for a post preview.
previous_comments_link_attributes Filter Filters the anchor tag attributes for the previous comments page link.
previous_posts_link_attributes Filter Filters the anchor tag attributes for the previous posts page link.
pre_get_avatar_data Filter Filters whether to retrieve the avatar URL early.
pre_get_shortlink Filter Filters whether to preempt generating a shortlink for the given post.
pre_post_link Filter Filters the permalink structure for a post before token replacement occurs.
privacy_policy_url Filter Filters the URL of the privacy policy page.

These functions are needed to load WordPress.

Hook Type Description
enable_maintenance_mode Filter Filters whether to enable maintenance mode.
enable_wp_debug_mode_checks Filter Filters whether to allow the debug mode check to occur.
file_mod_allowed Filter Filters whether file modifications are allowed.
is_protected_endpoint Filter Filters whether the current request is against a protected endpoint.

WordPress media templates.

Hook Type Description
print_media_templates Action Fires when the custom Backbone media templates are printed.

WordPress API for media display.

Hook Type Description
attachment_url_to_postid Filter Filters an attachment id found by URL.
editor_max_image_size Filter Filters the maximum image size dimensions for the editor.
gallery_style Filter Filters the default gallery shortcode CSS styles.
get_attached_media Filter Filters the list of media attached to the given post.
get_attached_media_args Filter Filters arguments used to retrieve media attached to the given post.
get_image_tag Filter Filters the HTML content for the image tag.
get_image_tag_class Filter Filters the value of the attachment’s image tag class attribute.
get_post_galleries Filter Filters the list of all found galleries in the given post.
get_post_gallery Filter Filters the first-found post gallery.
image_downsize Filter Filters whether to preempt the output of image_downsize().
image_get_intermediate_size Filter Filters the output of image_get_intermediate_size()
image_resize_dimensions Filter Filters whether to preempt calculating the image resize dimensions.
img_caption_shortcode Filter Filters the default caption shortcode output.
img_caption_shortcode_width Filter Filters the width of an image’s caption.
intermediate_image_sizes Filter Filters the list of intermediate image sizes.
max_srcset_image_width Filter Filters the maximum image width to be included in a ‘srcset’ attribute.
media_embedded_in_content_allowed_types Filter Filters the embedded media types that are allowed to be returned from the content blob.
media_library_months_with_files Filter Allows overriding the list of months displayed in the media library.
media_library_show_audio_playlist Filter Allows showing or hiding the “Create Audio Playlist” button in the media library.
media_library_show_video_playlist Filter Allows showing or hiding the “Create Video Playlist” button in the media library.
media_view_settings Filter Filters the media view settings.
media_view_strings Filter Filters the media view strings.
plupload_default_params Filter Filters the Plupload default parameters.
plupload_default_settings Filter Filters the Plupload default settings.
post_gallery Filter Filters the default gallery shortcode output.
post_playlist Filter Filters the playlist output.

Core Metadata API Functions for retrieving and manipulating metadata of various WordPress object types. Metadata for an object is a represented by a simple key-value pair. Objects may contain multiple metadata entries that share the same key and differ only in their value.

Hook Type Description
added_{$meta_type}_meta Action Fires immediately after meta of a specific type is added.
add_{$meta_type}_meta Action Fires immediately before meta of a specific type is added.
add_{$meta_type}_metadata Filter Filters whether to add metadata of a specific type.
deleted_postmeta Action Fires immediately after deleting metadata for a post.
deleted_{$meta_type}meta Action Fires immediately after deleting post or comment metadata of a specific type.
deleted_{$meta_type}_meta Action Fires immediately after deleting metadata of a specific type.
delete_postmeta Action Fires immediately before deleting metadata for a post.
delete_{$meta_type}meta Action Fires immediately before deleting post or comment metadata of a specific type.
delete_{$meta_type}_meta Action Fires immediately before deleting metadata of a specific type.
delete_{$meta_type}_metadata Filter Filters whether to delete metadata of a specific type.
delete_{$meta_type}_metadata_by_mid Filter Filters whether to delete metadata of a specific type by meta ID.
get_object_subtype_{$object_type} Filter Filters the object subtype identifier for a non standard object type.
get_{$meta_type}_metadata Filter Filters whether to retrieve metadata of a specific type.
get_{$meta_type}_metadata_by_mid Filter Filters whether to retrieve metadata of a specific type by meta ID.
is_protected_meta Filter Filters whether a meta key is protected.
register_meta_args Filter Filters the registration arguments when registering meta.

Site/blog functions that work with the blogs table and related data.

Hook Type Description
blog_details Action Filter Hook (deprecated): Filters a blog’s details.
blog_option_{$option} Filter Filters a blog option value.

Deprecated functions from WordPress MU and the multisite feature. You shouldn't use these functions and look for the alternatives instead. The functions will be removed in a later version.

Hook Type Description
graceful_fail Filter
graceful_fail_template Filter

Multisite WordPress API

Hook Type Description
added_existing_user Action Fires immediately after an existing user is added to a site.
add_user_to_blog Action Fires immediately after a user is added to a site.
after_signup_site Action Fires after site signup information has been written to the database.
after_signup_user Action Fires after a user’s signup information has been written to the database.
blog_redirect_404 Filter Filters the redirect URL for 404s on the main site.
can_add_user_to_blog Filter Filters whether a user should be added to a site.
domain_exists Filter Filters whether a site name is taken.
enable_live_network_counts Filter Filters whether to update network site or user counts when a new site is created.
get_space_allowed Filter Filters the upload quota for the current site.
is_email_address_unsafe Filter Filters whether an email address is unsafe.
minimum_site_name_length Filter Filters the minimum site name length required when validating a site signup.
network_admin_email_change_email Filter Filters the contents of the email notification sent when the network admin email address is changed.
newblogname Filter Filters the new site name during registration.
newblog_notify_siteadmin Filter Filters the message body of the new site activation email sent to the network administrator.
newuser_notify_siteadmin Filter Filters the message body of the new user activation email sent to the network administrator.
new_network_admin_email_content Filter Filters the text of the email sent when a change of network admin email address is attempted.
pre_get_space_used Filter Filters the amount of storage space used by the current site.
remove_user_from_blog Action Fires before a user is removed from a site.

These functions are needed to load Multisite.

Hook Type Description
ms_network_not_found Action Fires when a network cannot be found based on the requested domain and path.
ms_site_check Filter Filters checking the status of the current blog.
ms_site_not_found Action Fires when a network can be determined but a site cannot.
pre_get_site_by_path Filter Determine a site by its domain and path.

Network API

Hook Type Description
clean_network_cache Action Fires immediately after a network has been removed from the object cache.
get_network Filter Fires after a network is retrieved.

Used to set up and fix common variables and include the Multisite procedural and class library. Allows for some configuration in wp-config.php (see ms-default-constants.php)

Hook Type Description
ms_loaded Action Fires after the current site and network have been detected and loaded in multisite’s bootstrap.

Site API

Hook Type Description
archive_blog Action Fires when the ‘archived’ status is added to a blog.
clean_site_cache Action Fires immediately after a site has been removed from the object cache.
deleted_blog Action Action Hook (deprecated): Fires after the site is deleted from the network.
delete_blog Action Action Hook (deprecated): Fires before a site is deleted.
get_site Filter Fires after a site is retrieved.
make_delete_blog Action Fires when the ‘deleted’ status is added to a site.
make_ham_blog Action Fires when the ‘spam’ status is removed from a blog.
make_spam_blog Action Fires when the ‘spam’ status is added to a blog.
make_undelete_blog Action Fires when the ‘deleted’ status is removed from a site.
mature_blog Action Fires when the ‘mature’ status is added to a blog.
pre_wp_is_site_initialized Filter Filters the check for whether a site is initialized before the database is accessed.
refresh_blog_details Action Action Hook (deprecated): Fires after the blog details cache is cleared.

Nav Menu API: Template functions

Hook Type Description
pre_wp_nav_menu Filter Filters whether to short-circuit the wp_nav_menu() output.

Navigation Menu functions

Hook Type Description
has_nav_menu Filter Filters whether a nav menu is assigned to the specified location.
nav_menu_attr_title Filter Filters a navigation menu item’s title attribute.
nav_menu_description Filter Filters a navigation menu item’s description.

Option API

Hook Type Description
added_option Action Fires after an option has been added.
add_option Action Fires before an option is added.
add_option_{$option} Action Fires after a specific option has been added.
add_site_option Action Fires after a network option has been successfully added.
add_site_option_{$option} Action Fires after a specific network option has been successfully added.
alloptions Filter Filters all options after retrieving them.
default_option_{$option} Filter Filters the default value for an option.
default_site_option_{$option} Filter Filters a specific default network option.
deleted_option Action Fires after an option has been deleted.
deleted_site_transient Action Fires after a transient is deleted.
deleted_transient Action Fires after a transient is deleted.
delete_option Action Fires immediately before an option is deleted.
delete_option_{$option} Action Fires after a specific option has been deleted.
delete_site_option Action Fires after a network option has been deleted.
delete_site_option_{$option} Action Fires after a specific network option has been deleted.
delete_site_transient_{$transient} Action Fires immediately before a specific site transient is deleted.
delete_transient_{$transient} Action Fires immediately before a specific transient is deleted.
expiration_of_site_transient_{$transient} Filter Filters the expiration for a site transient before its value is set.
expiration_of_transient_{$transient} Filter Filters the expiration for a transient before its value is set.
option_{$option} Filter Filters the value of an existing option.
pre_add_site_option_{$option} Filter Filters the value of a specific network option before it is added.
pre_cache_alloptions Filter Filters all options before caching them.
pre_delete_site_option_{$option} Action Fires immediately before a specific network option is deleted.
pre_option_{$option} Filter Filters the value of an existing option before it is retrieved.
pre_set_site_transient_{$transient} Filter Filters the value of a specific site transient before it is set.
pre_set_transient_{$transient} Filter Filters a specific transient before its value is set.
pre_site_option_{$option} Filter Filters an existing network option before it is retrieved.
pre_site_transient_{$transient} Filter Filters the value of an existing site transient.
pre_transient_{$transient} Filter Filters the value of an existing transient.
pre_update_option Filter Filters an option before its value is (maybe) serialized and updated.
pre_update_option_{$option} Filter Filters a specific option before its value is (maybe) serialized and updated.
pre_update_site_option_{$option} Filter Filters a specific network option before its value is updated.
register_setting_args Filter Filters the registration arguments when registering a setting.

These functions can be replaced via plugins. If plugins do not redefine these functions, then these will be used instead.

Hook Type Description
allowed_redirect_hosts Filter Filters the whitelist of hosts to redirect to.
authenticate Filter Filters whether a set of user login credentials are valid.
auth_cookie Filter Filters the authentication cookie.
auth_cookie_bad_hash Action Fires if a bad authentication cookie hash is encountered.
auth_cookie_bad_session_token Action
auth_cookie_bad_username Action Fires if a bad username is entered in the user authentication process.
auth_cookie_expiration Filter Filters the duration of the authentication cookie expiration period.
auth_cookie_expired Action Fires once an authentication cookie has expired.
auth_cookie_malformed Action Fires if an authentication cookie is malformed.
auth_cookie_valid Action Fires once an authentication cookie has been validated.
auth_redirect Action Fires before the authentication redirect.
auth_redirect_scheme Filter Filters the authentication redirect scheme.
check_admin_referer Action Fires once the admin request has been validated or not.
check_ajax_referer Action Fires once the Ajax request has been validated or not.
check_password Filter Filters whether the plaintext password matches the encrypted password.
clear_auth_cookie Action Fires just before the authentication cookies are cleared.
comment_moderation_headers Filter Filters the comment moderation email headers.
comment_moderation_recipients Filter Filters the list of recipients for comment moderation emails.
comment_moderation_subject Filter Filters the comment moderation email subject.
comment_moderation_text Filter Filters the comment moderation email text.
comment_notification_headers Filter Filters the comment notification email headers.
comment_notification_notify_author Filter Filters whether to notify comment authors of their comments on their own posts.
comment_notification_recipients Filter Filters the list of email addresses to receive a comment notification.
comment_notification_subject Filter Filters the comment notification email subject.
comment_notification_text Filter Filters the comment notification email text.
get_avatar Filter Filters the avatar to retrieve.
nonce_life Filter Filters the lifespan of nonces in seconds.
nonce_user_logged_out Filter Filters whether the user who generated the nonce is logged out.
notify_moderator Filter Filters whether to send the site moderator email notifications, overriding the site setting.
phpmailer_init Action Fires after PHPMailer is initialized.
pre_get_avatar Filter Filters whether to retrieve the avatar URL early.
random_password Filter Filters the randomly-generated password.
salt Filter Filters the WordPress salt.

WordPress Post Template Functions. Gets content for the current post in the loop.

Hook Type Description
body_class Filter Filters the list of CSS body class names for the current post or page.
get_the_excerpt Filter Filters the retrieved post excerpt.
get_the_guid Filter Filters the Global Unique Identifier (guid) of the post.
post_class Filter Filters the list of CSS class names for the current post.
post_password_required Filter Filters whether a post requires the user to supply a password.
prepend_attachment Filter Filters the attachment markup to be prepended to the post content.
private_title_format Filter Filters the text prepended to the post title of private posts.
protected_title_format Filter Filters the text prepended to the post title for protected posts.

WordPress Post Thumbnail Template Functions. Support for post thumbnails. Theme's functions.php must call add_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails' ) to use these.

Hook Type Description
begin_fetch_post_thumbnail_html Action Fires before fetching the post thumbnail HTML.
end_fetch_post_thumbnail_html Action Fires after fetching the post thumbnail HTML.
has_post_thumbnail Filter Filters whether a post has a post thumbnail.
post_thumbnail_html Filter Filters the post thumbnail HTML.
post_thumbnail_size Filter Filters the post thumbnail size.

Core Post API

Hook Type Description
add_attachment Action Fires once an attachment has been added.
add_ping Filter Filters the new ping URL to add for the given post.
after_delete_post Action Fires after a post is deleted, at the conclusion of wp_delete_post().
attachment_updated Action Fires once an existing attachment has been updated.
before_delete_post Action Fires before a post is deleted, at the start of wp_delete_post().
clean_attachment_cache Action Fires after the given attachment’s cache is cleaned.
clean_page_cache Action Fires immediately after the given page’s cache is cleaned.
clean_post_cache Action Fires immediately after the given post’s cache is cleaned.
deleted_post Action Fires immediately after a post is deleted from the database.
delete_attachment Action Fires before an attachment is deleted, at the start of wp_delete_attachment().
delete_post Action Fires immediately before a post is deleted from the database.
edit_attachment Action Fires once an existing attachment has been updated.
edit_post Action Fires once an existing post has been updated.
edit_post_{$field} Filter
edit_post_{$post->post_type} Action Fires once an existing post has been updated.
edit_{$field} Filter Filters the value of a specific post field to edit.
get_attached_file Filter Filters the attached file based on the given ID.
get_enclosed Filter Filters the list of enclosures already enclosed for the given post.
get_lastpostdate Filter Filters the date the last post was published.
get_lastpostmodified Filter Filters the date the last post was modified.
get_pages Filter Filters the retrieved list of pages.
get_page_uri Filter Filters the URI for a page.
get_post_status Filter Filters the post status.
get_pung Filter Filters the list of already-pinged URLs for the given post.
get_to_ping Filter Filters the list of URLs yet to ping for the given post.
icon_dir Filter Filters the icon directory path.
icon_dirs Filter Filters the list of icon directory URIs.
icon_dir_uri Filter Filters the icon directory URI.
post_mime_types Filter Filters the default list of post mime types.
post_stuck Action Fires once a post has been added to the sticky list.
post_type_labels_{$post_type} Filter Filters the labels of a specific post type.
post_unstuck Action Fires once a post has been removed from the sticky list.
post_updated Action Fires once an existing post has been updated.
post_{$field} Filter
pre_delete_post Filter Filters whether a post deletion should take place.
pre_get_lastpostmodified Filter Pre-filter the return value of get_lastpostmodified() before the query is run.
pre_post_update Action Fires immediately before an existing post is updated in the database.
pre_post_{$field} Filter
pre_trash_post Filter Filters whether a post trashing should take place.
pre_untrash_post Filter Filters whether a post untrashing should take place.
pre_wp_unique_post_slug Filter Filters the post slug before it is generated to be unique.
pre_{$field} Filter Filters the value of a specific post field before saving.
private_to_published Action Fires when a post’s status is transitioned from private to published.
pub_priv_sql_capability Filter Filters the capability to read private posts for a custom post type when generating SQL for getting posts by author.
registered_post_type Action Fires after a post type is registered.

WordPress Query API The query API attempts to get which part of WordPress the user is on. It also provides functionality for getting URL query information.

Hook Type Description
old_slug_redirect_post_id Filter Filters the old slug redirect post ID.
old_slug_redirect_url Filter Filters the old slug redirect URL.

REST API functions.

Hook Type Description
rest_api_init Action Fires when preparing to serve an API request.
rest_avatar_sizes Filter Filters the REST avatar sizes.
rest_url Filter Filters the REST URL.
rest_url_prefix Filter Filters the REST URL prefix.

REST API: WP_REST_Request class

Hook Type Description
rest_request_from_url Filter Filters the request generated from a URL.
rest_request_parameter_order Filter Filters the parameter order.

REST API: WP_REST_Response class

Hook Type Description
rest_response_link_curies Filter Filters extra CURIEs available on API responses.

REST API: WP_REST_Server class

Hook Type Description
rest_authentication_errors Filter Filters REST authentication errors.
rest_dispatch_request Filter Filters the REST dispatch request result.
rest_enabled Action Filter Hook (deprecated): Filters whether the REST API is enabled.
rest_endpoints Filter Filters the array of available endpoints.
rest_endpoints_description Filter Filters the REST endpoint data.
rest_envelope_response Filter Filters the enveloped form of a response.
rest_index Filter Filters the API root index data.
rest_jsonp_enabled Filter Filters whether jsonp is enabled.
rest_namespace_index Filter Filters the namespace index data.
rest_post_dispatch Filter Filters the API response.
rest_pre_dispatch Filter Filters the pre-calculated result of a REST dispatch request.
rest_pre_echo_response Filter Filters the API response.
rest_pre_serve_request Filter Filters whether the request has already been served.
rest_request_after_callbacks Filter Filters the response immediately after executing any REST API callbacks.
rest_request_before_callbacks Filter Filters the response before executing any REST API callbacks.
rest_route_data Filter Filters the publicly-visible data for routes.
rest_send_nocache_headers Filter Send nocache headers on authenticated requests.

REST API: WP_REST_Attachments_Controller class

Hook Type Description
rest_after_insert_attachment Action Fires after a single attachment is completely created or updated via the REST API.
rest_insert_attachment Action Fires after a single attachment is created or updated via the REST API.
rest_prepare_attachment Filter Filters an attachment returned from the REST API.

REST API: WP_REST_Autosaves_Controller class.

Hook Type Description
rest_prepare_autosave Filter Filters a revision returned from the API.

REST API: WP_REST_Comments_Controller class

Hook Type Description
rest_after_insert_comment Action Fires completely after a comment is created or updated via the REST API.
rest_allow_anonymous_comments Filter Filter whether comments can be created without authentication.
rest_comment_collection_params Filter Filter collection parameters for the comments controller.
rest_comment_query Filter Filters arguments, before passing to WP_Comment_Query, when querying comments via the REST API.
rest_comment_trashable Filter Filters whether a comment can be trashed.
rest_delete_comment Action Fires after a comment is deleted via the REST API.
rest_insert_comment Action Fires after a comment is created or updated via the REST API.
rest_prepare_comment Filter Filters a comment returned from the API.
rest_preprocess_comment Filter Filters a comment after it is prepared for the database.
rest_pre_insert_comment Filter Filters a comment before it is inserted via the REST API.

REST API: WP_REST_Post_Statuses_Controller class

Hook Type Description
rest_prepare_status Filter Filters a status returned from the REST API.

REST API: WP_REST_Post_Types_Controller class

Hook Type Description
rest_prepare_post_type Filter Filters a post type returned from the API.

REST API: WP_REST_Posts_Controller class

Hook Type Description
rest_after_insert_{$this->post_type} Action Fires after a single post is completely created or updated via the REST API.
rest_delete_{$this->post_type} Action Fires immediately after a single post is deleted or trashed via the REST API.
rest_insert_{$this->post_type} Action Fires after a single post is created or updated via the REST API.
rest_prepare_{$this->post_type} Filter Filters the post data for a response.
rest_pre_insert_{$this->post_type} Filter Filters a post before it is inserted via the REST API.
rest_query_var-{$key} Filter Filters the query_vars used in get_items() for the constructed query.
rest_{$this->post_type}_collection_params Filter Filter collection parameters for the posts controller.
rest_{$this->post_type}_query Filter Filters the query arguments for a request.
rest_{$this->post_type}_trashable Filter Filters whether a post is trashable.

REST API: WP_REST_Revisions_Controller class

Hook Type Description
rest_delete_revision Action Fires after a revision is deleted via the REST API.
rest_prepare_revision Filter Filters a revision returned from the API.

REST API: WP_REST_Settings_Controller class

Hook Type Description
rest_pre_get_setting Filter Filters the value of a setting recognized by the REST API.
rest_pre_update_setting Filter Filters whether to preempt a setting value update.

REST API: WP_REST_Taxonomies_Controller class

Hook Type Description
rest_prepare_taxonomy Filter Filters a taxonomy returned from the REST API.

REST API: WP_REST_Terms_Controller class

Hook Type Description
rest_after_insert_{$this->taxonomy} Action Fires after a single term is completely created or updated via the REST API.
rest_delete_{$this->taxonomy} Action Fires after a single term is deleted via the REST API.
rest_insert_{$this->taxonomy} Action Fires after a single term is created or updated via the REST API.
rest_prepare_{$this->taxonomy} Filter Filters a term item returned from the API.
rest_pre_insert_{$this->taxonomy} Filter Filters term data before inserting term via the REST API.
rest_{$this->taxonomy}_collection_params Filter Filter collection parameters for the terms controller.
rest_{$this->taxonomy}_query Filter Filters the query arguments before passing them to get_terms().

REST API: WP_REST_Themes_Controller class

Hook Type Description
rest_prepare_theme Filter Filters theme data returned from the REST API.
rest_themes_collection_params Filter Filter collection parameters for the themes controller.

REST API: WP_REST_Users_Controller class

Hook Type Description
rest_after_insert_user Action Fires after a user is completely created or updated via the REST API.
rest_delete_user Action Fires immediately after a user is deleted via the REST API.
rest_insert_user Action Fires immediately after a user is created or updated via the REST API.
rest_prepare_user Filter Filters user data returned from the REST API.
rest_pre_insert_user Filter Filters user data before insertion via the REST API.
rest_user_collection_params Filter Filter collection parameters for the users controller.
rest_user_query Filter Filters WP_User_Query arguments when querying users via the REST API.

REST API: WP_REST_Post_Search_Handler class

Hook Type Description
rest_post_search_query Filter Filters the query arguments for a search request.

MagpieRSS: a simple RSS integration tool A compiled file for RSS syndication

Hook Type Description
load_feed_engine Action Fires before MagpieRSS is loaded, to optionally replace it.

WordPress scripts and styles default loader. Several constants are used to manage the loading, concatenating and compression of scripts and CSS: define('SCRIPT_DEBUG', true); loads the development (non-minified) versions of all scripts and CSS, and disables compression and concatenation, define('CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS', false); disables compression and concatenation of scripts and CSS, define('COMPRESS_SCRIPTS', false); disables compression of scripts, define('COMPRESS_CSS', false); disables compression of CSS, define('ENFORCE_GZIP', true); forces gzip for compression (default is deflate). The globals $concatenate_scripts, $compress_scripts and $compress_css can be set by plugins to temporarily override the above settings. Also a compression test is run once and the result is saved as option 'can_compress_scripts' (0/1). The test will run again if that option is deleted.

Hook Type Description
enqueue_block_assets Action Fires after enqueuing block assets for both editor and front-end.
heartbeat_settings Filter Filters the Heartbeat settings.
mejs_settings Filter Filters the MediaElement configuration settings.
print_admin_styles Filter Filters whether to print the admin styles.
print_footer_scripts Filter Filters whether to print the footer scripts.
print_head_scripts Filter Filters whether to print the head scripts.
print_late_styles Filter Filters whether to print the styles queued too late for the HTML head.

WordPress API for creating bbcode-like tags or what WordPress calls "shortcodes". The tag and attribute parsing or regular expression code is based on the Textpattern tag parser. A few examples are below: [shortcode /] [shortcode foo="bar" baz="bing" /] [shortcode foo="bar"]content[/shortcode] Shortcode tags support attributes and enclosed content, but does not entirely support inline shortcodes in other shortcodes. You will have to call the shortcode parser in your function to account for that. {@internal Please be aware that the above note was made during the beta of WordPress 2.6 and in the future may not be accurate. Please update the note when it is no longer the case.}} To apply shortcode tags to content: $out = do_shortcode( $content );

Hook Type Description
do_shortcode_tag Filter Filters the output created by a shortcode callback.
pre_do_shortcode_tag Filter Filters whether to call a shortcode callback.

Core Taxonomy API

Hook Type Description
added_term_relationship Action Fires immediately after an object-term relationship is added.
add_term_relationship Action Fires immediately before an object-term relationship is added.
category_link Filter Filters the category link.
clean_object_term_cache Action Fires after the object term cache has been cleaned.
clean_taxonomy_cache Action Fires after a taxonomy’s caches have been cleaned.
clean_term_cache Action Fires once after each taxonomy’s term cache has been cleaned.
created_term Action Fires after a new term is created, and after the term cache has been cleaned.
created_{$taxonomy} Action Fires after a new term in a specific taxonomy is created, and after the term cache has been cleaned.
create_term Action Fires immediately after a new term is created, before the term cache is cleaned.
create_{$taxonomy} Action Fires after a new term is created for a specific taxonomy.
deleted_term_relationships Action Fires immediately after an object-term relationship is deleted.
deleted_term_taxonomy Action Fires immediately after a term taxonomy ID is deleted.
delete_term Action Fires after a term is deleted from the database and the cache is cleaned.
delete_term_relationships Action Fires immediately before an object-term relationship is deleted.
delete_term_taxonomy Action Fires immediately before a term taxonomy ID is deleted.
delete_{$taxonomy} Action Fires after a term in a specific taxonomy is deleted.
edited_term Action Fires after a term has been updated, and the term cache has been cleaned.
edited_terms Action Fires immediately after the given terms are edited.
edited_term_taxonomies Action Fires immediately after a term to delete’s children are reassigned a parent.
edited_term_taxonomy Action Fires immediately after a term-taxonomy relationship is updated.
edited_{$taxonomy} Action Fires after a term for a specific taxonomy has been updated, and the term cache has been cleaned.
edit_term Action Fires after a term has been updated, but before the term cache has been cleaned.
edit_terms Action Fires immediately before the given terms are edited.
edit_term_taxonomies Action Fires immediately before a term to delete’s children are reassigned a parent.
edit_term_taxonomy Action Fires immediate before a term-taxonomy relationship is updated.
edit_term_{$field} Filter Filters a term field to edit before it is sanitized.
edit_{$taxonomy} Action Fires after a term in a specific taxonomy has been updated, but before the term cache has been cleaned.
edit_{$taxonomy}_{$field} Filter Filters the taxonomy field to edit before it is sanitized.
get_ancestors Filter Filters a given object’s ancestors.
get_object_terms Filter Filters the terms for a given object or objects.
get_term Filter Filters a taxonomy term object.
get_terms Filter Filters the found terms.
get_{$taxonomy} Filter Filters a taxonomy term object.
post_format_rewrite_base Filter Filters the post formats rewrite base.
pre_category_nicename Filter Filters the category nicename before it is sanitized.
pre_delete_term Action Fires when deleting a term, before any modifications are made to posts or terms.
pre_insert_term Filter Filters a term before it is sanitized and inserted into the database.
pre_term_link Filter Filters the permalink structure for a terms before token replacement occurs.
pre_term_{$field} Filter Filters a term field value before it is sanitized.
pre_{$taxonomy}_{$field} Filter Filters a taxonomy field before it is sanitized.
registered_taxonomy Action Fires after a taxonomy is registered.
registered_taxonomy_for_object_type Action Fires after a taxonomy is registered for an object type.

Loads the correct template based on the visitor's url

Hook Type Description
do_robots Action Fired when the template loader determines a robots.txt request.
embed_template Filter Filter the template used for embedded posts.
exit_on_http_head Filter Filters whether to allow ‘HEAD’ requests to generate content.

Contains the post embed content template part When a post is embedded in an iframe, this file is used to create the content template part output if the active theme does not include an embed-content.php template.

Hook Type Description
embed_content Action Prints additional content after the embed excerpt.
embed_content_meta Action Prints additional meta content in the embed template.
embed_thumbnail_id Filter Filters the thumbnail image ID for use in the embed template.
embed_thumbnail_image_shape Filter Filters the thumbnail shape for use in the embed template.
embed_thumbnail_image_size Filter Filters the thumbnail image size for use in the embed template.

Contains the post embed footer template When a post is embedded in an iframe, this file is used to create the footer output if the active theme does not include a footer-embed.php template.

Hook Type Description
embed_footer Action Prints scripts or data before the closing body tag in the embed template.

Contains the post embed header template When a post is embedded in an iframe, this file is used to create the header output if the active theme does not include a header-embed.php template.

Hook Type Description
embed_head Action Prints scripts or data in the embed template tag.

Theme, template, and stylesheet functions.

Hook Type Description
after_switch_theme Action Fires on the first WP load after a theme switch if the old theme still exists.
current_theme_supports-{$feature} Filter Filters whether the current theme supports a specific feature.
editor_stylesheets Filter Filters the array of stylesheets applied to the editor.
get_header_image_tag Filter Filters the markup of header images.
get_header_video_url Filter Filters the header video URL.
get_theme_starter_content Filter Filters the expanded array of starter content.
header_video_settings Filter Filters header video settings.
is_header_video_active Filter Modify whether the custom header video is eligible to show on the current page.
locale_stylesheet_uri Filter Filters the localized stylesheet URI.
pre_set_theme_mod_{$name} Filter Filters the theme mod value on save.

A simple set of functions to check our version 1.0 update service.

Hook Type Description
core_version_check_locale Filter Filters the locale requested for WordPress core translations.
core_version_check_query_args Filter Filter the query arguments sent as part of the core version check.
plugins_update_check_locales Filter Filters the locales requested for plugin translations.

Core User API

Hook Type Description
after_password_reset Action Fires after the user’s password is reset.
allow_password_reset Filter Filters whether to allow a password to be reset.
check_is_user_spammed Filter Filters whether the user has been marked as a spammer.
clean_user_cache Action Fires immediately after the given user’s cache is cleaned.
determine_current_user Filter Filters the current user.
edit_user_{$field} Filter Filters a user field value in the ‘edit’ context.
email_change_email Filter Filters the contents of the email sent when the user’s email is changed.
get_blogs_of_user Filter Filters the list of sites a user belongs to.
get_usernumposts Filter Filters the number of posts a user has written.
get_user_option_{$option} Filter Filters a specific user option value.
illegal_user_logins Filter Filters the list of blacklisted usernames.
insert_user_meta Filter Filters a user’s meta values and keys immediately after the user is created or updated and before any user meta is inserted or updated.
new_user_email_content Filter Filters the text of the email sent when a change of user email address is attempted.
password_change_email Filter Filters the contents of the email sent when the user’s password is changed.
password_hint Filter Filters the text describing the site’s password complexity policy.
password_reset Action Fires before the user’s password is reset.
password_reset_expiration Filter Filters the expiration time of password reset keys.
password_reset_key_expired Filter Filters the return value of check_password_reset_key() when an old-style key is used.
pre_count_users Filter Filter the user count before queries are run. Return a non-null value to cause count_users() to return early.
pre_get_blogs_of_user Filter Filters the list of a user’s sites before it is populated.
pre_user_description Filter Filters a user’s description before the user is created or updated.
pre_user_display_name Filter Filters a user’s display name before the user is created or updated.
pre_user_email Filter Filters a user’s email before the user is created or updated.
pre_user_first_name Filter Filters a user’s first name before the user is created or updated.
pre_user_last_name Filter Filters a user’s last name before the user is created or updated.
pre_user_login Filter Filters a username after it has been sanitized.
pre_user_nicename Filter Filters a user’s nicename before the user is created or updated.
pre_user_nickname Filter Filters a user’s nickname before the user is created or updated.
pre_user_url Filter Filters a user’s URL before the user is created or updated.
pre_user_{$field} Filter Filters the value of a user field in the ‘db’ context.
profile_update Action Fires immediately after an existing user is updated.
register_new_user Action Fires after a new user registration has been recorded.
register_post Action Fires when submitting registration form data, before the user is created.
registration_errors Filter Filters the errors encountered when a new user is being registered.
retreive_password Action Fires before a new password is retrieved.
retrieve_password Action Fires before a new password is retrieved.
retrieve_password_key Action Fires when a password reset key is generated.

Core Widgets API This API is used for creating dynamic sidebar without hardcoding functionality into themes Includes both internal WordPress routines and theme-use routines. This functionality was found in a plugin before the WordPress 2.2 release, which included it in the core from that point on.

Hook Type Description
dynamic_sidebar Action Fires before a widget’s display callback is called.
dynamic_sidebar_after Action Fires after widgets are rendered in a dynamic sidebar.
dynamic_sidebar_before Action Fires before widgets are rendered in a dynamic sidebar.
dynamic_sidebar_has_widgets Filter Filters whether a sidebar has widgets.
dynamic_sidebar_params Filter Filters the parameters passed to a widget’s display callback.
is_active_sidebar Filter Filters whether a dynamic sidebar is considered “active”.
register_sidebar Action Fires once a sidebar has been registered.

WordPress DB Class Original code from {@link http://php.justinvincent.com Justin Vincent (justin@visunet.ie)}

Hook Type Description
incompatible_sql_modes Filter Filters the list of incompatible SQL modes to exclude.
pre_get_col_charset Filter Filters the column charset value before the DB is checked.
pre_get_table_charset Filter Filters the table charset value before the DB is checked.
query Filter Filters the database query.

Outputs the OPML XML format for getting the links defined in the link administration. This can be used to export links from one blog over to another. Links aren't exported by the WordPress export, so this file handles that. This file is not added by default to WordPress theme pages when outputting feed links. It will have to be added manually for browsers and users to pick up that this file exists.

Hook Type Description
link_title Filter Filters the OPML outline link title text.
opml_head Action Fires in the OPML header.

WordPress User Page Handles authentication, registering, resetting passwords, forgot password, and other user handling.

Hook Type Description
enable_login_autofocus Filter Filters whether to print the call to wp_attempt_focus() on the login screen.
login_body_class Filter Filters the login page body classes.
login_enqueue_scripts Action Enqueue scripts and styles for the login page.
login_errors Filter Filters the error messages displayed above the login form.
login_footer Action Fires in the login page footer.
login_form Action Fires following the ‘Password’ field in the login form.
login_form_{$action} Action Fires before a specified login form action.
login_head Action Fires in the login page header after scripts are enqueued.
login_header Action Fires in the login page header after the body tag is opened.
login_headertext Filter Filters the link text of the header logo above the login form.
login_headertitle Action Filter Hook (deprecated): Filters the title attribute of the header logo above login form.
login_headerurl Filter Filters link URL of the header logo above login form.
login_init Action Fires when the login form is initialized.
login_link_separator Filter Filters the separator used between login form navigation links.
login_message Filter Filters the message to display above the login form.
login_messages Filter Filters instructional messages displayed above the login form.
login_redirect Filter Filters the login redirect URL.
login_title Filter Filters the title tag content for login page.
logout_redirect Filter Filters the log out redirect URL.
lostpassword_form Action Fires inside the lostpassword form tags, before the hidden fields.
lostpassword_post Action Fires before errors are returned from a password reset request.
lostpassword_redirect Filter Filters the URL redirected to after submitting the lostpassword/retrievepassword form.
lost_password Action Fires before the lost password form.
post_password_expires Filter Filters the life span of the post password cookie.
register_form Action Fires following the ‘Email’ field in the user registration form.
registration_redirect Filter Filters the registration redirect URL.
resetpass_form Action Fires following the ‘Strength indicator’ meter in the user password reset form.
retrieve_password_message Filter Filters the message body of the password reset mail.
retrieve_password_title Filter Filters the subject of the password reset email.

Gets the email message from the user's mailbox to add as a WordPress post. Mailbox connection information must be configured under Settings > Writing

Hook Type Description
phone_content Filter Filters the content of the post submitted by email before saving.
publish_phone Action Fires after a post submitted by email is published.

Used to set up and fix common variables and include the WordPress procedural and class library. Allows for some configuration in wp-config.php (see default-constants.php)

Hook Type Description
after_setup_theme Action Fires after the theme is loaded.
enable_loading_advanced_cache_dropin Filter Filters whether to enable loading of the advanced-cache.php drop-in.
init Action Fires after WordPress has finished loading but before any headers are sent.
muplugins_loaded Action Fires once all must-use and network-activated plugins have loaded.
mu_plugin_loaded Action Fires once a single must-use plugin has loaded.
network_plugin_loaded Action Fires once a single network-activated plugin has loaded.
plugins_loaded Action Fires once activated plugins have loaded.
plugin_loaded Action Fires once a single activated plugin has loaded.

Sets up the WordPress Environment.

Hook Type Description
add_signup_meta Filter Filters the new default site meta variables.
after_signup_form Action Fires after the sign-up forms, before wp_footer.
before_signup_form Action Fires before the site sign-up form.
before_signup_header Action Fires before the Site Signup page is loaded.
preprocess_signup_form Action Fires when the site sign-up form is sent.

Handle Trackbacks and Pingbacks Sent to WordPress

Hook Type Description
pre_trackback_post Action Fires before the trackback is added to a post.


Organizes WordPress hooks by the file they're defined in.


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