over-engineer / WP-Query-Builder

An expressive query builder for WordPress based on Laravel's Query Builder

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WP Query builder

An expressive query builder for WordPress based on Laravel's Query Builder. Wraps the $wpdb global.

Build Status

How to use in managed environments

If you wish to use this extension in a managed environment, simply install using composer:

composer require stephenharris/wp-query-builder

To use the Query builder


global $wpdb;
$qb = new WPQueryBuilder\Query($wpdb);

How to use in distributed plug-ins

Since there is no way to manage dependencies between plug-ins, bundling this library inside a plug-in will likely cause errors (possibly fatal errors) if used with another plug-in that also includes it.

The safe way to bundle this library inside your plug-in is to use Mozart. This copies it the codebase, but wraps it inside a custom namespace.

You'll need to handle autoloading of the library classes. They can be autoloaded according to PSR-4 from your Mozart destination directory.

global $wpdb;
$qb = new YourPluginNameSpace\WPQueryBuilder\Query($wpdb);

Data Sanitisation

The purpose of this library is to provide an expressive and safe* way to run queries against your WordPress database (typically involving custom tables).

To this end all values provided are escaped, but note that column and table names are not yet escaped. In any case, even if they were you should be whitelisting any allowed columns/tables: otherwise using user-input, or other untrusted data to determine the column/table could allow an attacker to retrieve data they shouldn't or generate a map of your database.

Querying Results

Retrieving all rows from a table

//SELECT * FROM wp_users;

Retrieve a single row

$qb->select()->from("wp_users")->where("user_email", "=", "admin@example.com")->first();
//SELECT * FROM wp_users WHERE user_email = 'admin@example.com' LIMIT 1;

Retrieve a single column

To retrieve the first column in the returned results:

$usernames = $qb->select(["user_login", "user_email"])->from("wp_users")->getColumn();

To retrieve a particular column

$emails = $qb->select(["user_login", "user_email"])->from("wp_users")->getColumn("user_email");

To retrieve a value

$email = $qb->select("user_email")->from("wp_users")->where("ID", "=", 123)->getScalar();

Basic Where clauses

Adds a WHERE clause, matching records where the column value equals/not equals/ greater than/ less than / greater than or equals / less than equals (=/, !=, >, <, >=, <=);

    ->where("post_status", "=", "publish")
		->andWhere("post_date", ">=", "2018-05-31 10:00:00")
//SELECT * FROM wp_posts WHERE post_status='publish' AND post_date >= "2018-05-31 10:00:00";

To add an OR condition, use orWhere($column, $operator, $value).

Where column value IN

Adds a WHERE clause, matching records which have a column value in the array provided:

$qb->select()->from("wp_users")->whereIn("ID", [1, 2, 3])->get();
//SELECT * FROM wp_users WHERE ID IN (1, 2, 3);

Where column value IN

Adds a WHERE clause, matching records which have a column value in the array provided:

$qb->select()->from("wp_users")->whereIn("ID", [1, 2, 3])->get();
//SELECT * FROM wp_users WHERE ID IN (1, 2, 3);

Where column value BETWEEN

Adds a WHERE clause, matching records which have a column value between two specified values:

$qb->select()->from("wp_posts")->whereBetween("post_date", '2018-05-01 00:00:00', '2018-05-31 23:59:59')->get();
//SELECT * FROM wp_posts BETWEEN '2018-05-01 00:00:00' AND '2018-05-31 23:59:59';

Search for a field

Performs a LIKE comparison on one ore more fields fields.

$qb->select()->from("wp_posts")->search("post_title", "foo")->get();
//SELECT * FROM wp_posts WHERE post_title='%foo%';

To search in multiple columns you can pass an array of columns:

$qb->select()->from("wp_posts")->search(["post_title", "post_content", "post_excerpt"], "foo")->get();
//SELECT * FROM wp_posts WHERE post_title='%foo%' OR post_content='%foo%' OR post_excerpt='%foo%';

Complex Where clauses

The andWhere (and its alias where), and orWhere all also accept a WhereCause instances. This allows you to build more complex queries, such as nested WHERE conditions.

$privateAndAuthor = new WPQueryBuilder\CompositeWhereClause();
$privateAndAuthor->andWhere(new WPQueryBuilder\BasicWhereClause('post_status', '==', 'private'))
$privateAndAuthor->andWhere(new WPQueryBuilder\BasicWhereClause('post_author', '==', 1));

	->orWhere("post_status", '=', "publish")

//SELECT * FROM wp_posts WHERE (post_status = 'private' AND  post_author = 1) OR post_status = 'publish';


There are four methods for joining:

$query->select(['wp_posts.*', 'u.user_nicename'])
 ->leftJoin('wp_users as u', 'wp_posts.post_author', '=', 'u.ID');

// SELECT wp_posts.*, u.user_nicename FROM wp_posts LEFT JOIN wp_users as u ON wp_posts.post_author = u.ID;


  • leftJoin($table, $firstColumn, $operator, $secondColumn)
  • rightJoin($table, $firstColumn, $operator, $secondColumn)
  • innerJoin($table, $firstColumn, $operator, $secondColumn)
  • fullJoin($table, $firstColumn, $operator, $secondColumn)

Insert records

The Query::insert method will insert a record with the given column / values (given an array, where the column is the key). You must call Query::table with the name of the table specified.

		"post_title" => "My Post Title",
		"post_content" => "My post content...",
		"post_status" => "publish",

// INSERT INTO wp_posts (post_title, post_content, post_status) VALUES ('My Post Title', 'My post content...', 'publish');

Delete records

The Query::delete method will execute a delete command for the table specified, via the Query::table or Query::from command. The delete method must be called after any where conditions, as otherwise you will delete the entire table.

	->where("ID", "=", 123)

// DELETE FROM wp_posts WHERE ID='123';

Error handling

Calling a method incorrectly (e.g. calling Query::get without first calling Query::table, or passing a field to getColumn that was not included in the query Results) will results in a LogicException (either BadMethodCallException or InvalidArgumentException).

If the SQL query fails then a WPQueryBuilder\QueryException is thrown.

try {
			'ID' => 5,
			'post_title' => 'Updating a post'
	 	->where('ID', '=', 3)
} catch (\LogicException $e) {

	// There is an error in your code

} catch (\WPQueryBuilder\QueryException $e) {

	// This could be data conflict



An expressive query builder for WordPress based on Laravel's Query Builder

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:PHP 97.3%Language:Shell 2.7%