outmoded / penseur

Lightweight RethinkDB wrapper

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Application-friendly RethinkDB client


new Penseur.Db(name, [options])

Creates a new Db object where:

  • name - name of the database to use. Default is 'test'.
  • options - optional configuration:
    • host - string containing the host to connect to. Default is 'localhost'
    • port - port to connect on. Default is 28015.
    • authKey - string containing an established authorization key
    • user - string containing the user you want to perform actions as. Default is 'admin'
    • password - string containing the users password
    • timeout - number indicating the number of seconds to wait for a connection to be established before timing out. Default is 20 seconds.
    • ssl - ssl settings when RethinkDB requires a secure connection. This setting is passed to the RethinkDB module.
    • test - boolean indicating if the Db actions should take place. Useful for testing scenarios, do not use in production.
    • extended - object that is used to extend the members of the table objects.
    • onConnect - function to execute when a connection is established.
    • onError - function to execute when an error occurs. Signature is function(err) where err is an error object.
    • onDisconnect- function to execute when a disconnection occurs. Signature is function(willReconnect) where willReconnect is a boolean indicating if the connection will be reestablished.
    • reconnect - boolean indicating if the connection should be reestablished when interrupted
    • reconnectTimeout - number of milliseconds to wait between reconnect attempts, when false there is no timeout. Defaults to 100

await db.connect()

Create a connection to the database. Throws connection errors.

await db.close()

Close all database connections.

await db.establish([tables])

Note that this can alter data and indexes, not intended of production use.

Establish a connection if one doesn't exist and create the database and tables if they don't already exist. This function also decorates the db object with helper properties to for using each of the tables.

  • [tables] - array of strings with the name of each table to create

db.disable(table, method, [options])

Only available when Db is constructed in test mode. Disable a specific method from being performed on a table, used for testing.

  • table - name of table
  • method - name of method on table to disable
  • options - optional object with the following properties
    • value - value to return when the method is called. Can be an error object to simulate errors.

db.enable(table, method)

Only available when Db is constructed in test mode. Enable a disabled method on a table, used for testing.

  • table - name of table
  • method - name of method on table to enable


Property that contains the RethinkDB module.

Table functions

After a database connection exists and tables are established then the Db object is decorated with properties for each table name containing various helper function. Below are the available functions for each table.

await db[table].get(id, [options])

Retrieve a record in the table with the given id. id itself can be an array of id values if you want to retrieve multiple records.

  • id - unique identifier of record to retrieve. Can be an array with values for each ID to retrieve.
  • options - optional object with the following properties
    • sort - table key to sort results using
    • order - 'descending' or 'ascending' for sort order, Defaults to 'ascending'
    • from - index in result set to select
    • count - number of records to return in results
    • filter - properties to pluck from the results

await db[table].all()

Retrieve all records for a table.

await db[table].exist(id)

Determine if a record in the table exists with the provided ID

  • id - unique identifier of record to retrieve. Can be an array with values for each ID to retrieve.

await db[table].query(criteria)

Perform a query on the table using the provided criteria. Criteria is available on the Db object and is listed in the criteria section below.

  • criteria - db criteria functions chained together

await db[table].single(criteria)

Retrieve a single record from the provided criteria.

  • criteria - db criteria functions chained together

await db[table].count(criteria)

Retrieve the number of records in the table that match the given criteria.

  • criteria - db criteria functions chained together

await db[table].insert(items, [options])

Create new record(s) in the table. Each item can specify a unique id property or allow rethink to generate one for them.

  • items - item object or array of items to insert into the table
  • options - optional object with the following properties
    • merge - boolean, when true any conflicts with existing items will result in an update, when false an error is returned
    • chunks - maximum number of updates to send to the database at the same time

await db[table].update(ids, changes)

Update an existing record with the provided changes.

  • ids - an identifier or array of identifiers of records to update in the table
  • changes - the parts of the record to change and the values to change the parts to

await db[table].update(updates, [options])

Update an existing record with the provided changes.

  • updates - an array of records to update (each must include an existing primary key)
  • options - optional settings where:
    • chunks - maximum number of updates to send to the database at the same time

await db[table].remove(criteria)

Remove the records in the table that match the given criteria.

  • criteria - db criteria functions chained together

await db[table].empty()

Remove all records in the table.

await db[table].sync()

Wait until all operations are complete and all data is persisted on permanent storage. Note that this function shouldn't be necessary for normal conditions.

await db[table].index(indexes)

Create the secondary indexes on the table.

  • indexes - a string or array of strings for each index to create

await db[table].changes(criteria, [options])

Subscribe to changes matching the given criteria for the table.

  • criteria - db criteria functions chained together
  • options - optional object with the following properties
    • handler - handler function to execute when changes occur.
    • reconnect - boolean, reconnect if the connection to the feed is interrupted
    • initial - boolean, include the initial results in the change feed



Db.contains(values[, options])





Db.append(value[, options])


Db.is(operator, values, ...and)

Db.by(index, values)


Lightweight RethinkDB wrapper



Language:JavaScript 100.0%