outdooricon / backbone.viewcache

Maintains a simple cache of Backbone views, retaining the view’s scroll position by default.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Maintains a cache of Backbone views based on the view’s route fragment. Retains the view’s scroll position by default (useful when re-inserting view elements into the DOM).

Cache expiry can be set globally and per view instance.


In a browser, include the plugin after jQuery, Underscore (or an equivalent library such as lodash), and Backbone have been included.

<script src="backbone.viewcache.js"></script>

Backbone.ViewCache can also be loaded as an AMD module or required in CommonJS-like environments (like Node) – e.g. for use with RequireJS or Browserify. It can be installed using the Bower package manager.

bower install backbone.viewcache --save
// AMD
require(['backbone.viewcache'], function(ViewCache){ /* ... */ });
// Node.js
var ViewCache = require('backbone.viewcache');


Use Backbone.ViewCache in your route handlers.

home: function() {
  // Get the cached view for the current URL fragment.
  var homeView = Backbone.ViewCache.get();

  if (homeView) {
    // Re-activate the cached view.
  } else {
    // Not in cache, instantiate a new view and cache it.
    homeView = Backbone.ViewCache.set(new HomeView());


  // (Re-)insert the view element into the DOM.
// Remove the current view from the cache.

// Clear the cache.

// Clear all expired views from the cache.

// An optional URL fragment argument can be passed.
// If not passed, it defaults to Backbone.history.fragment
Backbone.ViewCache.set(new SearchView(), 'search');

For retaining the scroll position and auto-clear expireds functionality, Backbone.ViewCache beforeRoute and afterRoute methods have to be called as pre- and post-route hooks. This can be done in your router’s execute method (added in Backbone v1.0.0).

execute: function(callback, args) {
  if (callback) callback.apply(this, args);


Configure Backbone.ViewCache globally. Example with default configuration:


  // Automatically save and restore the cached view’s scroll position.
  // Useful when re-inserting view elements into the DOM.
  retainScrollPosition: true,

  // Element that will be used for retaining the view’s scroll position.
  // Can be a selector string or DOM element.
  scrollElement: window,

  // Cached view’s expire time in seconds, or falsy for no expiry.
  // Can be overridden per view with the view’s `setCacheExpiry` method.
  cacheExpiry: undefined,

  // Time in seconds to have Backbone.ViewCache automatically clear
  // expired views from the cache with `Backbone.ViewCache.beforeRoute`.
  // Defaults to the value of the "cacheExpiry" global config.
  checkExpireds: undefined,

  // When restoring the cached view’s scroll position, scroll to the top of
  // `scrollElement` if the view currently has no saved scroll position.
  scrollToTopByDefault: true


Methods added to Backbone.View.prototype

Backbone views are extended with three additional methods which are called internally and can also be called on demand: saveScrollPosition, restoreScrollPosition, and setCacheExpiry.

// Expire the view in 5 minutes (takes precedence over global config).

// While the view is in the DOM, save its scroll position.

// While the view is in the DOM, restore its scroll position.
// (Scrolls to top if the "scrollToTopByDefault" setting is on and
//  the view currently has no saved scroll position.)


Due to a known Android bug, restoring the view’s scroll position doesn’t work in the stock browser for Android 4.0.x (Ice Cream Sandwich) and lower.


Maintains a simple cache of Backbone views, retaining the view’s scroll position by default.

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%