ourway / imdb-api

APIs for fetching basic movie information from IMDB.

Home Page:https://imdb.appido.ir/api/ping

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Basic APIs for getting movie information based on imdb id. Data is getting updates every day.

API docs are available on: https://imdb.appido.ir/docs

How it works

This app downloads imdb datasets from https://datasets.imdbws.com. Downloaded data are huge and IMDd updates it every day.

Using this data, then I extract them see helpers.ex, and afer few cleanups, I added them to related fragmented :mnesia tables. This way, the data is available on demand and very fast.

Using API


GET /api/{imdb_id}

Example: GET https://imdb.appido.ir/api/tt3538766


end_year: 2015,
genres: [ ],
id: "tt3538766",
is_adult: false,
rate: 7.3,
runtime: 93,
start_year: 2014,
title: "Messi",
type: "movie",
votes: 3332


Run the following

#!/usr/bin/env bash
mix deps.get
mix do deps.compile, compile
cp .env.example .env
source .env
bash data/download.sh
MIX_ENV=prod mix run -e OpenMovieApi.DbSetup.run
echo Processing the data. Will take few hours. Please wait ...
MIX_ENV=prod mix run -e OpenMovieApi.Commands.process_all
PORT=8014 MIX_ENV=prod mix phx.server

or simply run ./run.sh. API will be served on port 8014.

Updating data:

You may want your data to be up to date. add something like this to your crontab:

30 3 * * 1 cd <APP_FOLDER> && /usr/bin/bash upload.sh

This command will start updating movie database at 03:30 every monday.


I am Farsheed Ashouri. If you have any quesions regarding to this software, drop me a mail: farsheed ashouri org


APIs for fetching basic movie information from IMDB.


License:MIT License


Language:Elixir 96.3%Language:Shell 3.7%