ourPLCC / plcc

A Programming Languages Compiler Compiler

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PLCC - Programming Language Compiler Compiler

PLCC is designed for teaching and learning programming language concepts.

Related repositories:

Options for Installation and Use

PLCC can be installed and used in different environments. The table below may help you determine which option is best for you and your class.

Option Software Requirements Non-Software Requirements Consistent, Pre-configured Environment
GitPod Web Browser * Account on GitPod
* Account on hosting service (GitLab/GitHub/Bitbucket)
* Knowledge of above and Git
Docker Docker Desktop Minimal understanding of Docker Yes
Native * Bash/Linux-like environment
* Java >= 11
* Python >= 3.9
System administration knowledge No

The advantages of GitPod or Docker are (1) few or no software dependencies and (2) the ability to provide your class/developers a consistent development environment with no installation necessary.

Having your students/developers perform native installations on their individual machines can lead to unexpected challenges due to the variety of different environments this creates. This can be mitigated by having your IT staff install PLCC on a shared server or into a computer lab and having your students/developers use those if their native install stops working for them for some strange, inexplicable reason.

Install PLCC for Use in GitPod

Add the following to .gitpod.yml in the root of your GitLab/GitHub/Bitbucket repository.

image: gitpod/workspace-full:latest
  - name: Install PLCC
    command: |
        # To pin to a specific version of PLCC,
        # in the next line, change main to something like v8.0.1
        PLCC_GIT_BRANCH=main \
          /bin/bash -c \
          "$(\curl -fsSL https://github.com/ourPLCC/plcc/raw/main/installers/plcc/install.bash)" \
          >> ~/.bashrc
        exec bash

When the project is edited in a GitPod workspace, PLCC will be installed and available in the environments terminal.

Install for Use in Docker

Install Docker Desktop.

Install plcc-con ...

  • On macOS

    /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://github.com/ourPLCC/plcc/raw/main/installers/plcc-con/install.bash)" >> ~/.zshrc
  • On Windows >= 10, first install WSL, and then in a Bash terminal in Ubuntu

    /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://github.com/ourPLCC/plcc/raw/main/installers/plcc-con/install.bash)" >> ~/.bashrc
  • On Linux

    /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://github.com/ourPLCC/plcc/raw/main/installers/plcc-con/install.bash)" >> ~/.bashrc

After starting a new shell, you can start a shell inside a PLCC container that has access to the files in your current directory.


Inside this shell, all of PLCC's commands are available. When you are done, type exit.

You can also run a single PLCC command inside a PLCC container by passing the command to plcc-con. For example, let's find out what version of PLCC, Java, and Python are installed in the container.

plcc-con plcc --version
plcc-con java -version
plcc-con python3 --version

plcc-con is a Bash function that wraps the following Docker command

docker run --rm -it -v "${PWD}:/workdir" --user "$(id -u):$(id -g)" ghcr.io/ourplcc/plcc:latest

Native Install

Install a Bash/Linux environment

  • On Windows >= 10, please install WSL. Then run a Terminal and open Ubuntu from its dropdown menu. You are now running in Bash inside an Ubuntu running inside (or next to) Windows. Use this environment to install and use PLCC. From now on, when an instruction refers to Linux, make sure you are running in this environment. Including the next line.

  • On Linux, we assume you are running in Bash on a Debian-based Linux distributed (this includes Ubuntu) which uses apt-get as its package manager. If this is not your situation, you will have to adapt the instructions appropriately for your environment.

  • On macOS, please install Homebrew.

Install Java

Check if you have java and javac >= 11

java -version
javac -version

If you are missing either, or if their versions don't match, or either is outdated, please install SDKMAN!, and use it to install Java.

Install Python

Check if you have Python >= 3.9

python3 --version

If not, then install Python.

  • On macOS

    brew install python3
  • On Linux or Windows under WSL

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install python3

Install PLCC

  • On macOS (remove ">> ~/.zshrc" if you would like to update this file manually)

    brew install curl git
    /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://github.com/ourPLCC/plcc/raw/main/installers/plcc/install.bash)" \
      >> ~/.zshrc
  • On Linux or Windows under WSL (remove ">> ~/.bashrc" if you would like to update this file manually)

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install curl git
    /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://github.com/ourPLCC/plcc/raw/main/installers/plcc/install.bash)" >> ~/.bashrc


Now that you have a Linux-like, Bash-like environment installed with PLCC and its dependencies, here's how you use it.

mkdir mylang
cd mylang
vim samples            # Write sample programs in your language.
vim grammar            # Write a grammar file defining your language.
plccmk -c grammar      # Compile grammar into a scanner, parser, and interpreter.
scan < samples         # Run the scanner on your samples.
parse -n -t < samples  # Run the parser on your samples.
rep -n -t < samples    # Run the interpreter on your samples.


Create a file samples with the following example programs.

-(-(4,1), -(3,2))

Write a grammar file.

skip WHITESPACE '\s+'
token WHOLE '\d+'
token MINUS '\-'
token LP '\('
token RP '\)'
token COMMA ','
<prog> ::= <exp>
<exp>WholeExp ::= <WHOLE>
<exp>SubExp ::= MINUS LP <exp>exp1 COMMA <exp>exp2 RP
  public void $run() {

  abstract public int eval();

  public int eval() {
    return exp1.eval() - exp2.eval();

  public int eval() {
    return Integer.parseInt(whole.toString());

Compile it.

$ plccmk -c grammar
Nonterminals (* indicates start symbol):

Abstract classes:

Java source files created:

Test the scanner.

$ scan < samples
   1: WHOLE '3'
   3: MINUS '-'
   3: LP '('
   3: WHOLE '3'
   3: COMMA ','
   3: WHOLE '2'
   3: RP ')'
   5: MINUS '-'
   5: LP '('
   5: MINUS '-'
   5: LP '('
   5: WHOLE '4'
   5: COMMA ','
   5: WHOLE '1'
   5: RP ')'
   5: COMMA ','
   5: MINUS '-'
   5: LP '('
   5: WHOLE '3'
   5: COMMA ','
   5: WHOLE '2'
   5: RP ')'
   5: RP ')'

Test the parser.

$ parse -t -n < samples
   1: <prog>
   1: | <exp>WholeExp
   1: | | WHOLE "3"
   3: <prog>
   3: | <exp>SubExp
   3: | | MINUS "-"
   3: | | LP "("
   3: | | <exp>WholeExp
   3: | | | WHOLE "3"
   3: | | COMMA ","
   3: | | <exp>WholeExp
   3: | | | WHOLE "2"
   3: | | RP ")"
   5: <prog>
   5: | <exp>SubExp
   5: | | MINUS "-"
   5: | | LP "("
   5: | | <exp>SubExp
   5: | | | MINUS "-"
   5: | | | LP "("
   5: | | | <exp>WholeExp
   5: | | | | WHOLE "4"
   5: | | | COMMA ","
   5: | | | <exp>WholeExp
   5: | | | | WHOLE "1"
   5: | | | RP ")"
   5: | | COMMA ","
   5: | | <exp>SubExp
   5: | | | MINUS "-"
   5: | | | LP "("
   5: | | | <exp>WholeExp
   5: | | | | WHOLE "3"
   5: | | | COMMA ","
   5: | | | <exp>WholeExp
   5: | | | | WHOLE "2"
   5: | | | RP ")"
   5: | | RP ")"

Test the interpreter.

$ rep -n < samples


This section provides a brief reference to the commands PLCC provides.

plcc file

  Run plcc.py on 'file' to generate code in a directory named 'Java/'.

plccmk [-c] [--json_ast] [file]

  Run plcc.py on 'file' and compile its results.

  '-c' Removes 'Java/' before regenerating it.
  '--json_ast' add support to print JSON ASTs.
      Required if you want to call parse with --json_ast.
  'file' defaults to 'grammar'

scan [file...]

    Run Java/Scan on each file and then stdin printing recognized tokens.

parse [-t] [-n] [--json_ast] [file...]

  Run Java/Parser on each file and then stdin,
  printing OK for recognized programs and errors otherwise.

  '-t' Print trace (i.e., parse tree).
  '-n' Suppress prompt.
  '--json_ast' print JSON AST to stdout.

rep [-t] [-n] [file...]

    Run Java/Rep on each file and then stdin.
    REP Reads, Executes, and Prints each program in the input.

    '-t' Print trace (i.e., parse tree).
    '-n' Suppress prompt.

Grammar Files

A grammar file consist of three sections separated by a line containing a single percent.

[Lexical specification]
[Syntactic specification]
[Semantic specification]

PLCC generates a different tool from each section.

Grammar Section Tool Generated
Lexical Specification Scanner
Syntactic Specification Parser
Semantic Specification Interpreter

The tools are dependent on each other as follows:

Interpreter -> Parser -> Scanner

Likewise the corresponding sections are dependent on each other:

Semantic -> Syntactic -> Lexical

For example, to build a parser, you don't need a semantic spec, but you do need a lexical and syntactic specs.

An external file can be include from anywhere in the spec (replace FILENAME with the file you want to include).

include FILENAME

Lexical Specification

The lexical specification contains token and skip rules, one per line. Lines starting with # are comments. For example,

# Skip rules discard the text they match.
skip WHITESPACE '\s+'

# Token rules emits a Token containing their name and the match.
token PLUS "\+"
token WORD "\w+"
  • Names must be all-caps and may have underscores.
  • Patterns are regular expressions (regex) enclosed in either single or double quotes. Here are some resources on regex.

Scan algorithm

Below is PLCC's scan algorithm in pseudo-code. For clarity and simplicity, a couple details related to advanced features have been omitted.

DEFINE: Scan input for tokens.

While there is more unscanned input ...

  1. Identify the specification rule to apply. (defined below)
  2. Remove the non-empty string matched by the rule from the start of unscanned input.
  3. If rule is not a "skip rule", create and emit a token.
DEFINE: Identify the specification rule to apply.
  1. Identify rules that match a non-empty sequence of characters from the start of the unscanned input.
  2. If no such rule exists, emit a lexical error and stop scanning.
  3. Otherwise, from the matching rules, identify the rule that appears first in the specification.
  4. If the matching rule that appears first is a skip rule, then return it as the rule to apply.
  5. Otherwise, from the matching rules, remove all skip rules, leaving only token rules.
  6. From the matching token rules, identify rules with the longest match.
  7. From the rules with the longest match, identify the rule that appears first in the lexical specification.
  8. Return this first, longest-match, token rule.
  • Rules do not match across newline characters.

Syntactic Specification

A syntax specification is a flavor of BNF (Backus-Naur From).

<prog> ::= <exp>
<exp>WholeExp ::= <WHOLE>
<exp>SubExp ::= MINUS LP <exp>exp1 COMMA <exp>exp2 RP
  • Non-terminals are always enclosed in angles and start with a lowercase. E.g., <exp>.
  • Each non-terminal must be defined by appearing on the left-hand-side of at least one rule.
  • Terminals are always all-caps, and MAY be enclosed in angles. E.g., <WHOLE> and MINUS.
  • Terminals represent tokens which are generated by the scanner from the input program.
  • Any symbol enclosed in angles will be included in the parse tree. So <WHOLE> will be included, but MINUS will not.
  • When a symbol appears more than once on the right-hand side of a rule, each must be given a name to distinguish it from the others. For example, in <exp>exp1 the distinguishing name is exp1. That name must start with a lower case.
  • When a non-terminal appears multiple times on the left-hand-side, each must be given a name to distinguish it from the others. The name must start with an upper case letter. For example, in <exp>SubExp the distinguishing name is SubExp.
  • Alternative definitions for a non-terminal is accomplished by providing multiple rules that define the same non-terminal.

Parse Tree Class Hierarchy

PLCC translates semantic rules into a class hierarchy. For example:

<prog> ::= <exp>
<exp>WholeExp ::= <WHOLE>
<exp>SubExp ::= MINUS LP <exp>exp1 COMMA <exp>exp2 RP

becomes (some details omitted):

class Prog extends _Start { Exp exp; }
abstract class Exp {}
class WholeExp extends Exp { Token whole; }
class SubExp extends Exp { Exp exp1; Exp exp2; }
  • A class is generated for the non-terminal defined by a rule (the LHS) with instance variables defined for each captured symbols (within <>) on the RHS.
  • The first rule defines the start symbol, and its class inherits from the standard, built-in class _Start.
  • A non-terminal defined more than once becomes an abstract base class, and the distinguishing names become its subclasses.
  • Tokens always have the type of Token.

Repetition Rule

The repetition rule simplifies defining a repeating structure.

<pairs> **= LP <WHOLE>x <WHOLE>y RP +COMMA

<pairs> matches zero or more (x,y) pairs separated by comma: e.g., (3 4), (5 6), (7 8). The separator clause (e.g., +COMMA) is optional. For example,

PLCC translates the above rule into:

class Pairs { List<Val> xList; List<Val> yList; }

The captured symbols become parallel lists. That is, xList.git(i) and yList.get(i) correspond to the ith value pair.

Parse Algorithm

The parsing algorithm is a recursive-descent parser that parses languages in LL(1). Let's take a look.

Code Generated for Parser

Each rule in the syntactic spec turns into a static parse method embedded in the class generated by the same rule. For example,

<prog> ::= <exp>
<exp>WholeExp ::= <WHOLE>
<exp>SubExp ::= MINUS LP <exp>exp1 COMMA <exp>exp2 RP

This generates (slightly simplified):

class Prog{
  static Prog parse(Scan scn$) {
    Exp exp = Exp.parse(scn$);
    return new Prog(exp);
class Exp{
  public static Exp parse(Scan scn$) {
    Token t$ = scn$.cur();
    Token.Match match$ = t$.match;
    switch(match$) {
    case WHOLE:
      return WholeExp.parse(scn$);
    case MINUS:
      return SubExp.parse(scn$);
      throw new PLCCException("Parse error");
class WholeExp{
  static WholeExp parse(Scan scn$) {
    Token whole = scn$.match(Token.Match.WHOLE);
    return new WholeExp(whole);
class SubExp{
  static SubExp parse(Scan scn$) {
    Exp exp1 = Exp.parse(scn$);
    Exp exp2 = Exp.parse(scn$);
    return new SubExp(exp1, exp2);

Parsing starts with the start symbol: here Prog. Each parse method is responsible for matching the structure of the RHS of the syntactic rule it represents. It does so from left to right. Tokens are matched directly by telling the scanner what type of token it should match and consume. Non-terminals are matched by calling their parse method which matches its structure, returning an instance of that non-terminal's class.

The parse function of an abstract base class (e.g., in Exp above) determines which subclass's method to call by looking at the next token.

Semantic specification

The semantic specification injects code into predefined locations (called hooks) within each class generated from the syntactic specification.

  public void $run() {

  abstract public int eval();

  public int eval() {
    return exp1.eval() - exp2.eval();

  public int eval() {
    return Integer.parseInt(whole.toString());
  • The class representing the start symbol should override the $run method. Execution of the interpreter begins here: see Prog above.
  • To enable polymorphism, add an abstract method to the abstract base class representing a non-terminal that has alternatives: see Exp above. Then override this method in the subclasses representing the concrete alternatives: see SubExp and WholeExp above.


By default, you can only inject code at the end of a class. Hooks allow you to inject code elsewhere.

  • <classname>:top - Top of file.
  • <classname>:import - Add imports.
  • <classname>:class - Declare extends or implements.
  • <classname>:init - Constructor.

As an example, we update our original example by replacing the definition for WholeExp with this.

import java.util.HashMap;

  public static HashMap<Integer,Integer> =
    new HashMap<Integer,Integer>();

  public int eval() {
    int x = Integer.parseInt(whole.toString());
    return x;

  public void checkDuplicate(int x) {
    if (seen.containsKey(x)) {
      System.out.println("Duplicate: " + x);
    } else {
      seen.put(x, x);

Now our interpreter reports when it sees a duplicate whole number.

Adding additional Java files/classes

Entire Java files can be added by naming, and providing a complete definition of, a class that is not generated from the syntactic specification.

import java.util.List;

public class Helper {
  \\ ...

Serializing AST in JSON

To print a JSON AST for a program, pass --json_ast to both plccmk and parse, like so:

plccmk --json_ast -c YOUR_GRAMMAR_FILE
parse --json_ast < YOUR_PROGRAM_FILE

This feature allows other tools to be written in different languages that reads the JSON AST as input. In particular, there are plans to extend PLCC to allow semantics to be written in Python. This option allows the parser implemented in Java to be reused by and interpreter written in Python.

Copyright and Licensing

ourPLCC is a community of developers that maintain a number of projects related to PLCC. The contents of the projects were originally created by Timothy Fossum plcc@pithon.net.

Thank you Tim!

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/.

Third Party Libraries

PLCC uses and distributes Jackson JSON Processor, under the Apache 2.0.


A Programming Languages Compiler Compiler

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 65.4%Language:Java 20.0%Language:Shell 11.3%Language:Dockerfile 3.3%