otto-de-legacy / lambdacd-lineup

A Clojure library designed to integrate Lineup in LambdaCD pipelines

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


With LambdaCD-Lineup you can take and compare screenshots of multiple urls in your pipeline. This is very helpful if you have a webservice and you want to ensure that changes do not affect the GUI.

Clojars Project

Check out Lineup to get more information about this project. LambdaCD-Lineup is just a wrapper to integrate this tool in LambdaCD.


  • Ruby
  • PhantomJS or headless Firefox
  • Lineup >= 0.7.0

Both must exist in any directory in your $PATH.


(defn -main [& args]
  (let [home-dir (util/create-temp-dir)
          artifacts-path-context "/artifacts"
          lineup-cfg ( "lineup.json")
        config {:lineup-cfg                         lineup-cfg
                :home-dir                           home-dir
                :dont-wait-for-completion           false
                :artifacts-path-context             artifacts-path-context}
        pipeline (lambdacd.core/assemble-pipeline pipeline-def config)
        app (ui/ui-for pipeline)]
    (log/info "LambdaCD Home Directory is " home-dir)
    (runners/start-one-run-after-another pipeline)
    (ring-server/serve (routes
                         (context "/pipeline" [] app)
                         (context artifacts-path-context [] (artifacts/artifact-handler-for pipeline)))
                       {:open-browser? false
                        :port          8080})))

Define the artifacts path

artifacts-path-context "/artifacts"

The LambdaCD-Artifacts plugin needs this path to serve your screenshots.

Define your LambdaCD-Lineup config

  "urls": {
    "": {
      "paths": [
      "max-diff": 2,
      "env-mapping": {
        "live": "www"
      "cookies": [
          "name": "enableAwesomeFeature1",
          "value": "true"
          "name": "enableAwesomeFeature2",
          "value": "false"
      "local-storage" : {
        "key1": "value1",
        "key2": "value2"
      "resolutions": [
    "" : {
      "paths": [
      "max-diff": 2
  "browser": "firefox",
  "async-wait": 10,
  "resolutions": [
  • urls: Map of urls on configs (no default)
    • Key: URL without path (no defualt). A placehoder #env# can be used to inject a environment.
    • Value:
      • paths: Path to subsites. URL + "/" + paths =, (default: "/")
      • max-diff: max difference between two screenshots (before and after)
      • env-mapping: This mapping will replace the environment (argument of take-screenshots and analyse-comparison) with the corresponding value in this map. Example: You call analyse-comparison live but in one url you need the string wwww
      • cookies: Set cookie for this url
        • name: Name of the cookie
        • value: Value of the cookie
        • path: Path of this cookie (optional, default: "/")
        • secure: Boolean. Only send cookie if you use https (optional, default: false)
        • resolutions: Width of the screenshots for this URL (overrules outer resolutions in config)
      • local-storage: Set local-storage key/value pairs in browser
  • resolutions: Width of the screenshots (default: 1200)
  • browser: "firefox" or "phantomjs" (default: :firefox)
  • async-wait: Time to wait in seconds between rendering the page and taking the screenshots. Useful to load resources (fonts,...) asynchronously (default: 5)

LambdaCD config

Add your lineup config and the artifacts-path-context to the LambdaCD config.

config {:lineup-cfg               lineup-cfg
        :artifacts-path-context   artifacts-path-context

Add LambdaCD-Lineup steps to your pipeline

(def pipeline-def
     (lineup/take-screenshots "develop")
     (lineup/compare-with-screenshots "develop")
     (lineup/analyse-comparison "develop")


Execute this step before you deploy your changes.


  • environment: develop, live, ... (default: www)

    Will be used in your base-url instead of placeholder #env#


Execute this step after you deploy your changes.

This step compares the current version of your website with the screenshots taken in the step 'take-screenshots'.


  • environment: develop, live, ... (default: www)

    Will be used in your base-url instead of placeholder #env#


Execute this step after you compare the versions.


  • environment: develop, live, ... (default: www)

    Will be used in your base-url instead of placeholder #env#

You can see the screenshots if you click on this step:




Copyright © 2016 OTTO (GmbH & Co. KG)

Distributed under Apache License 2.0 license.


A Clojure library designed to integrate Lineup in LambdaCD pipelines



Language:Clojure 97.3%Language:Ruby 2.7%