otrebski / fp-reading-club

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FP reading club

This page is for scheduling FP reading club meetings and topics.

Our schedule


Date Topic Link
TBD Pure concurrent queue with MVar Docs
TBD App testing - Java vs Scala with IO and Tagless Final by Krzysztof
TBD IO workshop


Date Topic Link
09.10.2018 Type classes Scala with cats
16.10.2018 Monoid/Semigroup Scala with cats
23.10.2018 Covariance Scala with cats
06.11.2018 Functors Scala with cats
13.11.2018 Cofunctors Scala with cats
27.11.2018 Introduction to Monad Scala with cats
04.12.2018 Either/ErrorMonad Scala with cats
13.12.2018 Reader/Writer Scala with cats
18.12.2018 State Scala with cats
03.01.2019 State Monad workshop Project on github
11.01.2019 Monad transformer Scala with cats
22.01.2019 Semigroupal Scala with cats
29.01.2019 Validated Scala with cats
05.02.2019 Foldable Scala with cats
12.02.2019 Traversable Scala with cats
14.02.2019 Tagless Final workshop
26.02.2019 Code review Examples from our code
14.02.2019 Code review II Examples from our code
06.03.2019 State Monad workshop Project on github
27.03.2019 Cats Effects - IO: Describing Effects Cats doc
16.04.2019 Discussion about next meetings
15.05.2019 http4s - Functional HTTP server Talk by @kubkoz and discussion
11.06.2019 Data validation with cats - Example Code review prepared by Bartek
10.07.2019 Metals - compilation server Tools demo by Kamil
15.07.2019 Functional GUI Code examples of GUI created in functional way by Marta
17.01.2020 Order, lattices and Conflict-Free Replicated Data Types by Eryk - part 1
25.02.2020 Order, lattices and Conflict-Free Replicated Data Types by Eryk - part 2
11.03.2020 Akka Typed by Bartek Docs
02.04.2020 ZIO by Bartek Docs
26.05.2020 Cats-Ref by Krzysztof Project Blog, Docs


Microworkshop is proposition of workshop for 45-90 minutes. It can be a list of exercises for specific FP topics.

Topics propositions:

  • Reader Monad
  • Writer Monad
  • Monad transformer
  • Semigroupal
  • Validated
  • Foldable
  • Traversable
  • Property based testing
  • IO

Topics for future:


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