otherguy / PixelArtFrame

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

👾 Pixel Art Frame

Hero Image goes here

Introduction goes here....




Prepare Images

The code is designed to read 24 bit bitmaps because they store the colors for each pixel directly, and don't require a palette (essentially a lookup table). Since the images are only 16×16px small, the ~30% increase in filesize doesn't have a big impact – the images are still smaller than 1kB each.

In order to convert the .png to our 24bit bitmaps, use the following command:

$ mkdir bitmaps
$ ls -1 images/*.png | xargs -n 1 bash -c 'convert -type TrueColor -flatten -background "#000000" "$0" "BMP2:bitmaps/`basename ${0%.*}`.bmp"'

You need ImageMagick installed for that:

$ brew install imagemagick


License:MIT License