otavioschwanck / tmux-awesome-manager.nvim

TMUX Commands manager / runner for Neovim.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Tmux Awesome Manager

This plugin provides a pack of functionalities to work with TMUX on Neovim. Manage your commands and run inside neovim! This plugin is perfect

For common commands of your workflow like yarn install, rails console, yarn add, bundle install, etc.


  • Bind commands to shortcuts with a lot of options (open as tab / window, orientation, name, pass user input, etc).
  • Search for the commands that you binded with Telescope.
  • Verify open terminals and visit then.
  • Send text to the tmux panes / windows managed by Tmux Awesome Manager.
  • Create startup commands per project.




  • Tmux >= 3.3 (Ubuntu 22.04 has an older version, install for another font)
  • Telescope (Optional)
  • Which-key (Optional)


  per_project_commands = { -- Configure your per project servers with
  -- project name = { { cmd, name } }
    api = { { cmd = 'rails server', name = 'Rails Server' } },
    front = { { cmd = 'yarn dev', name = 'react server' } },
  session_name = 'Neovim Terminals',
  use_icon = false, -- use prefix icon
  icon = '', -- Prefix icon to use
  -- project_open_as = 'window', -- Open per_project_commands as.  Default: separated_session
  -- default_size = '30%', -- on panes, the default size
  -- open_new_as = 'window', -- open new command as.  options: pane, window, separated_session.
  -- default_orientation = 'vertical' -- Can also be horizontal


Global Keybindings

Example mappings

local tmux = require("tmux-awesome-manager")

vim.keymap.set('v', 'l', tmux.send_text_to, {}) -- Send text to a open terminal?
vim.keymap.set('n', 'lo', tmux.switch_orientation, {}) -- Open new panes as vertical / horizontal?
vim.keymap.set('n', 'lp', tmux.switch_open_as, {}) -- Open new terminals as panes or windows?
vim.keymap.set('n', 'lk', tmux.kill_all_terms, {}) -- Kill all open terms.
vim.keymap.set('n', 'l!', tmux.run_project_terms, {}) -- Run the per project commands
vim.keymap.set('n', 'lf', function() vim.cmd(":Telescope tmux-awesome-manager list_terms") end, {}) -- List all terminals
vim.keymap.set('n', 'll', function() vim.cmd(":Telescope tmux-awesome-manager list_open_terms") end, {}) -- List open terminals

Commands Mappings

I recommend the which-key, but is possible to map with vim.keymap too

tmux_term.run() and tmux_term.run_wk() parameters:

param description
cmd Command to be runned on terminal
name Humanized name of command (to search and window name)
focus_when_call Focus terminal instead opening a enw one - default = true
visit_first_call Focus the new opened window / pane. default = true
size If open_as = pane, split with this size. default = 50%
open_as Open as window, pane or separated_session? Default: what is setted on setup (window)
session_name When open_as is separated_session, the session name to open. Set this if you want to all neovim instances have same session.
use_cwd Use current cwd on new window / pane? Default: what is setted on setup (true)
close_on_timer When the command completed, sleep for some seconds - default = what is setted on setup: 0
read_after_cmd When the command completed, wait for enter to close the window. default = true
questions Array of user inputs to be asked for the command. On cmd, the result of inputs will be added on %1 %2.
open_id You can use various commands using same pane / window. Just set same id for all and add focus_when_call = false and do the magic

Example of question mapping:

tmux.run_wk({ cmd = 'yarn add %1', name = 'Yarn Add', questions = { { question = 'package name: ', required = true } } })


local tmux_term = require('tmux-awesome-manager.src.term')

vim.keymap.set('n', 'rr', tmux_term.run({ name = 'Rails Console', name = 'console', open_as = 'pane' }), {}) -- Send text to a open terminal?


local tmux_term = require('tmux-awesome-manager.src.term')
local wk = require("which-key")

  r = {
    name = "+rails",
    R = tmux_term.run_wk({ cmd = 'rails s', name = 'Rails Server', visit_first_call = false, open_as = 'separated_session', session_name = 'My Terms' }),
    r = tmux_term.run_wk({ cmd = 'rails s', name = 'Rails Console', open_as = 'window' }),
    b = tmux_term.run_wk({ cmd = 'bundle install', name = 'Bundle Install', open_as = 'pane', close_on_timer = 2, visit_first_call = false, focus_when_call = false }),
    g = tmux_term.run_wk({ cmd = 'rails generate %1', name = 'Rails Generate',
      questions = { { question = "Rails generate: ", required = true, open_as = 'pane', close_on_timer = 4,
        visit_first_call = false, focus_when_call = false } } }),
    d = tmux_term.run_wk({ cmd = 'rails destroy %1', name = 'Rails Destroy',
      questions = { { question = "Rails destroy: ", required = true, open_as = 'pane', close_on_timer = 4,
        visit_first_call = false, focus_when_call = false } } }),
}, { prefix = "<leader>", silent = true })

Add command without a mapping

Just run without assigning to a key map:

local tmux_term = require('tmux-awesome-manager.src.term')

tmux_term.run({ cmd = 'yarn add %1', name = 'Yarn Add', questions = { { question = 'package name: ', required = true } } })


-- Status with icons:

-- Status without icons:

-- List of open terms

-- Example for lualine:
ins_right {
    return require('tmux-awesome-manager.src.integrations.status').open_terms()
  color = { fg = colors.green },

Tmux Pro tips to improve this plugin workflow

  • Create a shortcut for break pane / join pane:
bind-key m choose-tree -Zw "join-pane -t '%%'"
bind-key b break-pane
  • Create a shortcut to switch between two windows (last window and current):
bind-key = last-window
  • Use alacritty terminal to bypass tmux prefix.

In my case, my prefix is C-x:

set-option -g prefix C-x
unbind-key C-x
bind-key C-x send-prefix

So, in alacritty config, when i need to call something, i just put \u0018 + the key i want. Example:

# This will call C-x j using Alt + j
chars = "\u0018m"
key = "J"
mods = "Alt"

To copy my tmux and alacritty config, visit my config at:


1.2 - Text for statusline 1.1 - Open terms in another session 1.0 - Release


TMUX Commands manager / runner for Neovim.


Language:Lua 100.0%