otaldonunes / otaldonunes

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< Arthur Nunes />

Full Stack Developer.

Autodidata e empreendedor autônomo. Desde sempre, aventurei-me por diversas áreas, buscando acumular conhecimento e experiências, novas vivências e agarrando todas as oportunidades que batiam à minha porta. Pude trabalhar durante esses anos como Videomaker, Fotógrafo, Produtor cultural e Estagiário de T.I.. Sou apaixonado por desafios e tecnologia, situações complexas me motivam a buscar formas de solucioná-las de maneira eficiente e criativa.

Possuo conhecimento em: Git/GitHub, JavaScript ES6, TypeScript, React, Next.js (SSR/SSG), NextAuth.js, Webpack, Babel, Context API, React Hook Form, Redux, Sass, Styled Components, TailwindCSS, ChakraUI, Prismic CMS, Stripe, Mirage JS, Axios, React Query, MongoDB, FaunaDB, NodeJS, Express, API RESTful, Deploy, Metodologias ágeis (SCRUM, Git Flow), Inteligência emocional, Comunicação, Colaboração, Pensamento crítico, Criatividade e Liderança.

English biography

Self-taught and a self-employed entrepreneur. Since always, I have ventured into several areas, seeking to accumulate knowledge and experiences, new experiences, and grabbing all the opportunities that knocked at my door. I have worked during these years as a Videomaker, Photographer, Cultural Producer and I.T. Intern. I am passionate about challenges and technology, cryptocurrencies, nfts, blockchain games and in my spare time, I practice judo. Complex situations motivate me to look for ways to solve them in an efficient and creative way.

I have knowledge in: Git/GitHub, JavaScript ES6, TypeScript, React, Next.js (SSR/SSG), NextAuth. js, Webpack, Babel, Context API, React Hook Form, Redux, Sass, Styled Components, TailwindCSS, ChakraUI, Prismic CMS, Stripe, Mirage JS, Axios, React Query, MongoDB, FaunaDB, NodeJS, Express, RESTful API, Deploy, Agile methodologies (SCRUM, Git Flow), Emotional intelligence, Communication, Collaboration, Critical thinking, Creativity and Leadership.

Linkedin: otaldonunes Twitch: otaldonunes

⚡ Technologies that i'm using and developing:

Linux Mint Slack Trello VSCode Figma ESLint Stylelint Prettier EditorConfig Airbnb Style Guide Jamstack HTML5 CSS3 Sass Styled Components Tailwind CSS Chakra UI Git GitHub JavaScript TypeScript npm Yarn Jest React React Router Next.js Prismic Strapi Storybook Stripe Lodash Auth0 Chart.js Redux Babel Webpack Node.js ts-node Nodemon Express Docker DatoCMS Firebase MongoDB MySQL Python JSON GraphQL JWT Insomnia Vercel Heroku Netlify

📖 Technologies that I intend to learn:

React Native Electron Elixir NestJS Amazon AWS

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