A light package for json encode/decode functions
composer require otaavioo/json ^2.0
// Instantiate the class
$json = new Json();
$array = ['key' => 'value'];
// And then, get encoded json
echo $json->encode($array);
// Instantiate the class
$json = new Json();
$string = '{"key":"value"}';
// And then, get decoded json
echo $json->decode($string);
// And if you have a doubly encoded json, like this
$string = '{\"key\":\"value\"}';
// The decode method will return the same object as before
echo $json->decode($string);
// Instantiate the class
$json = new Json();
$string = '{"key":"value"}';
// And then, check if is valid
echo $json->isValid($string);
- To install dependencies, please, run
composer install
- You can simply run
php vendor/bin/phpunit
to test using PHPUnit