osw4l / real-state-api

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Real State Tracker Backend


This project focuses on tracking users based on longitude and latitude, their displacement is determined taking into account the location and the time when the request it is received by the backend.

The tracking processor only receives the location through an endpoint and through a celery task and does all the data.

I used redis to save the current location and paths, because I didn't want to write them to a field in the database that was going to be constantly changing, so I left the location in memory and only used the database for these particular tasks.

  • Creating speed and route reports
  • Creating and updating visits
  • Search for properties near a user's location to start a visit automatically

Things I use Redis on

  • To write and consult the parameters of speed limit and distance recording
  • To save and update the user's location
  • To create the routes and store the data related to distance, time and speed

Here is the evidence

I'm using Medis as a Redis GUI.

Libraries that I use for this project

  • Django==3.2
  • celery==5.2.3
  • django-celery-results==2.2.0
  • django-environ==0.8.1
  • djangorestframework==3.13.1
  • uWSGI==2.0.20
  • dj-static==0.0.6
  • drf-extra-fields==3.2.1
  • drf-yasg==1.20.0
  • django-json-widget==1.1.1
  • django-leaflet==0.28.2
  • redis==4.1.4
  • psycopg2==2.9.3
  • django-lifecycle==0.9.6
  • django-cors-headers==3.11.0
  • geopy==1.20.0
  • postgis==1.0.4
  • djangorestframework-gis==0.18

Instructions to run the project locally

Create the environment variables

cp env_tempate .env

Build the Docker image

docker-compose build

Up the Docker containers

docker-compose up

Give execution permissions to setup.sh

chmod +x setup.sh

Run setup.sh


If you see these messages everything worked fine

This file is in charge of the following tasks:

  • Load the static files of the libraries and the admin
  • Create a superuser that has access to the admin
  • Create a CompanyUser
  • Create 3 Properties in Bogotá Colombia, with address and location

Once configured you can go to the admin and the root of the api

Api: http://localhost:4500/

Admin: http://localhost:4500/admin

Admin credentials

username: admin
password: 123

API Description

enter image description here

Api Description

The api has 4 endpoints

Login Description

To log in with a non-administrator user we must use the following request body



{"username": "test","password": "123"}

I'll use postman for this example

My response will be

I'll save the token in my postman environment to get the token when i want

Location Description

In this endpoint all the magic of the business happens, the mobile application only has to send the authentication token in the headers and the location whenever it changes, the backend will do the rest by itself



I'll use postman again for this example and i'll try sending these locations

But we have to setup the headers just like this to authenticate the user in each Http request

Now, we are ready to send requests

A successful response will look like this

Point 1

{"latitude": 4.769813, "longitude": -74.027205}

Point 2

{"latitude": 4.769909, "longitude": -74.030969}

Point 3

{"latitude": 4.769433, "longitude": -74.031006}

Point 4

{"latitude": 4.769902, "longitude": -74.032555}

Point 5

{"latitude": 4.768804, "longitude": -74.032576}

This is the last location (point 5)

And in this point we have a property

That means we have a new visit created, but is not finished yet

To close the current visit we have to go out of the radio of the current property

Let's out of the radius of the current property



{"latitude": 4.769902, "longitude": -74.032566}

And now we have finished our visit

And now we have a new speed report

Let's see the detail of the last speed report

Now, we can know the routes of our user, the speeding, and more

Routes Description

In this endpoint we will get the routes for a day for a user with these params with speed and speed

  • user_uuid (we have to go to the admin and copy the uuid)
  • date in this format (YYYY-MM-DD) example (2022-02-21)

Let's copy uuid in company users

If you want, you can go to this endpoint and add the params




{"date": "2022-02-20"}

Let's back to the Browseable Api, and add the current date and user_uuid

this will be the result

"current_page": 1,
"pages": 1,
"count": 1,
"next": null,
"previous": null,
"results": [
        "uuid": "adf2b241-5c48-4490-b8d7-056ae490e256",
        "location_start": {
            "latitude": 4.769813,
            "longitude": -74.027205
        "location_end": {
            "latitude": 4.768804,
            "longitude": -74.032576
        "speed_avg": 137,
        "max_speed": 375,
        "route": {
            "type": "LineString",
            "coordinates": [
        "speeding": [
                "speed": 375.93,
                "current_limit": 50,
                "difference": 325.93
                "speed": 63.36,
                "current_limit": 50,
                "difference": 13.36
                "speed": 161.55,
                "current_limit": 50,
                "difference": 111.55
                "speed": 87.44,
                "current_limit": 50,
                "difference": 37.44

Now, we can see the route and the points with speed

This endpoint already includes pagination

Visits Description

In this endpoint we will get the routes for a day for a user with these params with speed and speed

  • user_uuid (we have to go to the admin and copy the uuid)
  • date in this format (YYYY-MM-DD) example (2022-02-21)

Let's copy uuid in company users

If you want, you can go to this endpoint and add the params




{"date": "2022-02-20"}

Let's back to the Browseable Api, and add the current date and user_uuid

This will be the result

  "current_page": 1,
  "pages": 1,
  "count": 1,
  "next": null,
  "previous": null,
  "results": [
          "uuid": "3b179ebe-c97e-44cd-a773-030e007a7c63",
          "property": {
              "uuid": "3f2385df-8a06-4ba0-9203-f645715e5390",
              "address": "Cra 11A # 191A - 52",
              "location": {
                  "latitude": 4.768804,
                  "longitude": -74.032578
          "user": {
              "uuid": "bda8d006-a050-4fc3-bf8f-bd1ee8bbfff8",
              "username": "test",
              "full_name": "oswaldo rodriguez"
          "end_at": "20/02/2022 19:20:50",
          "created_at": "20/02/2022 19:07:23",
          "duration": "13 Minutes approx"
  ] }

Speed Limit Setup

Go back to setup in the admin page

Here we can setup the speed limit and de displacement

Displacement it is to know which points to save depending on the difference in space, if I want to register the location every 50 meters, this is important because when there is heavy traffic and we have the location every 2 meters we will obtain many points and fill the database with information that we are not going to use then it is important to know the routes and travel times more than having all the points of a route without any meaning.



Language:Python 97.6%Language:Dockerfile 2.0%Language:Shell 0.4%