osvso / Panorama

Library for creating Interactive Panoramas within AS3

Home Page:http://msfx.co.uk

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Panorama is a library for creating interactive 3d panoramas within AS3 using Flash Player 10 and Away3d 3.6.  A version for Flash Player 11 with Away3d 4.0 will be released in the coming months.

Panorama supports both static (BitmapMaterial) and animated (MovieMaterial) textures for the panorama as well as interaction with the texture, i.e. hotspots.

Panorama also features several restrictional values allowing you to limit the rotation around both the X and Y axis or disable rotation around each of the axis completely.

Panorama comes with built in click and glide functionality as well as mouse wheel zoom functionality.

The main functions are:

- addRenderer() / removeRenderer()
- For adding / removing a renderer to the scene

- rotateTo(...)
- For rotating to a particular angle

- animateRotationTo(...)
- For smoothly easing to a particular angle

- addClickAndGlide() / removeClickAndGlide()
- For adding click and glide functionality

- addMouseWheelZoom(...) / removeMouseWheelZoom(...)
- For adding / removing MouseWheel Zoom functionality

Please view the docs for more information - http://docs.msfx.co.uk/as3/panorama/

MSFX Matt Stuttard Parker

Panorama Wish List:

A variable that dictates direction of movement?  i.e. UP, UP_RIGHT, DOWN_LEFT ?
Publicise the point where the mouse goes down? 
Calculate angle between mouseDown and currentMouse?


Library for creating Interactive Panoramas within AS3



Language:JavaScript 53.8%Language:ActionScript 46.2%