ossrs / ai-talk

AI-Talk allows you to talk with OpenAI GPT.

Home Page:https://ai-talk.ossrs.net

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AI Talk

AI-Talk allows you to talk with OpenAI GPT.

General Assistant

Please setup the envirionments:

AIT_SYSTEM_PROMPT='You are a helpful assistant.'
Spoken English Coach

Please setup the envirionments:

AIT_SYSTEM_PROMPT='I want you to act as a spoken English teacher and improver. I will speak to you in English and you will reply to me in English to practice my spoken English. I want you to  I want you to strictly correct my grammar mistakes, typos, and factual errors. I want you to ask me a question in your reply. Now let us start practicing, you could ask me a question first. Remember, I want you to strictly correct my grammar mistakes, typos, and factual errors.'
Simultaneous English Translation

Please setup the envirionments:

AIT_SYSTEM_PROMPT='Translate to simple and easy to understand english. Never answer questions but only translate text to English.'
Chinese Words Solitaire Game

Please setup the envirionments:


Note: You can find more prompts from awesome-chatgpt-prompts.


To run in docker:

docker run --rm -it -p 80:3000 -p 443:3443 \
    -e OPENAI_API_KEY=sk-xxx -e OPENAI_PROXY=https://api.openai.com/v1 \
    -e AIT_SYSTEM_PROMPT="You are a helpful assistant." \
    -e AIT_CHAT_MODEL="gpt-4-1106-preview" \

Note: Setup the OPENAI_PROXY if you are not able to access the API directly.

Note: Please use registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/ossrs/ai-talk:v1 in China.

Then you can access by http://localhost and happy to talk with AI.

Then you can access by https://your-server-ip from your mobile browser.

Note: The HTTPS certificate is self-signed, you need to accept it in your mobile browser.

aaPanel or BaoTa

You can use aaPanel or BaoTa to deploy AI-Talk.

First, run AI Talk in docker, only listen at HTTP:

docker run --rm -it -p 3000:3000 \
    -e OPENAI_API_KEY=sk-xxx -e OPENAI_PROXY=https://api.openai.com/v1 \
    -e AIT_SYSTEM_PROMPT="You are a helpful assistant." \
    -e AIT_CHAT_MODEL="gpt-4-1106-preview" \

Then, create a website in aaPanel or BaoTa, with nginx config as bellow:

    location / {
    if ($server_port !~ 443){
        rewrite ^(/.*)$ https://$host$1 permanent;

Next, setup HTTPS by aaPanel or BaoTa.

Finally, access the website by https://your-domain-name.

Environment Variables

Necessary environment variables that you must configure:

Optionally, you might need to set the following environment variables:

  • OPENAI_PROXY: The OpenAI API proxy, default to https://api.openai.com/v1, which directly access OpenAI API without proxy.
    • OPENAI_ORGANIZATION: The OpenAI organization.
    • ASR_OPENAI_API_KEY: The OpenAI API key for ASR, default to OPENAI_API_KEY.
    • ASR_OPENAI_PROXY: The OpenAI API proxy for ASR, default to OPENAI_PROXY.
    • CHAT_OPENAI_API_KEY: The OpenAI API key for chat, default to OPENAI_API_KEY.
    • CHAT_OPENAI_PROXY: The OpenAI API proxy for chat, default to OPENAI_PROXY.
    • TTS_OPENAI_API_KEY: The OpenAI API key for TTS, default to OPENAI_API_KEY.
    • TTS_OPENAI_PROXY: The OpenAI API proxy for TTS, default to OPENAI_PROXY.
  • AIT_SYSTEM_PROMPT: The system prompt, default to You are a helpful assistant..
    • To make sure AI response limit words to avoid long audio, we always append Keep your reply neat, limiting the reply to ${AIT_REPLY_LIMIT} words. to system prompt.
    • You can set AIT_REPLY_LIMIT to limit the words of AI response, default to 50.
    • Please use AIT_EXTRA_ROBOTS to set the number of extra robots, default to 0.
  • AIT_CHAT_MODEL: The AI model, default to gpt-3.5-turbo-1106 which is good enough. See link.
    • gpt-4-1106-preview: The latest GPT-4 model with improved instruction following, JSON mode, reproducible outputs, parallel function calling, and more.
    • gpt-3.5-turbo-1106: The latest GPT-3.5 Turbo model with improved instruction following, JSON mode, reproducible outputs, parallel function calling, and more.
    • gpt-3.5-turbo: Our most capable and cost effective model in the GPT-3.5 family.
  • AIT_ASR_LANGUAGE: The language for Whisper ASR, default to en, see ISO-639-1, bellow are some examples:
    • en: English
    • zh: Chinese
    • fr: French
    • de: German
    • it: Italian
    • ja: Japanese
    • ko: Korean
    • pt: Portuguese
    • ru: Russian
    • es: Spanish
  • AIT_ASR_MODEL: The model for Whisper ASR, default to whisper-1. See link.
  • AIT_TTS_VOICE: The void for OpenAI TTS, default to nova. Supported voices are alloy, echo, fable, onyx, nova, and shimmer. See link.
  • AIT_TTS_MODEL: The model to use for OpenAI TTS, default to tts-1. See link

Optionally, additional robots can be incorporated into various environments:

  • AIT_ROBOT_0_ID: The id for extra robot #0, for example, english-spoken-coach.
  • AIT_ROBOT_0_LABEL: The label for extra robot #0, for example, English Spoken Coach.
  • AIT_ROBOT_0_PROMPT: The prompt for extra robot #0, for example, I want you to act as a spoken English teacher and improver..
  • AIT_ROBOT_0_ASR_LANGUAGE: (Optional) The language for extra robot #0, default to AIT_ASR_LANGUAGE.
  • AIT_ROBOT_0_REPLY_PREFIX: (Optional) The prefix for the first sentence for extra robot #0, default to AIT_REPLY_PREFIX.
  • AIT_ROBOT_0_REPLY_LIMIT: (Optional) The limit words for extra robot #0, default to AIT_REPLY_LIMIT.
  • AIT_ROBOT_0_CHAT_MODEL: (Optional) The AI chat model for extra robot #0, default to AIT_CHAT_MODEL.
  • AIT_ROBOT_0_CHAT_WINDOW: (Optional) The AI chat window for extra robot #0, default to AIT_CHAT_WINDOW.

Less frequently used optional environment variables:

  • AIT_HTTP_LISTEN: The HTTP listen address, default to :3000, please use -p 80:3000 to map to a different port.
  • AIT_HTTPS_LISTEN: The HTTPS listen address, default to :3443, please use -p 443:3443 to map to a different port.
  • AIT_PROXY_STATIC: Whether proxy to static files, default to false.
  • AIT_REPLY_PREFIX: If AI reply is very short for TTS not good, prefix with this text, default is not set.
  • AIT_MAX_TOKENS: The max tokens, default to 1024.
  • AIT_TEMPERATURE: The temperature, default to 0.9.
  • AIT_KEEP_FILES: Whether keep audio files, default to false.
  • AIT_REPLY_LIMIT: The AI reply limit words, default to 30.
  • AIT_CHAT_WINDOW: The AI chat window to store historical messages, default to 5.
  • AIT_DEFAULT_ROBOT: Whether enable the default robot, prompt is AIT_SYSTEM_PROMPT, default to true.
  • AIT_STAGE_TIMEOUT: The timeout in seconds for each stage, default to 300.

HTTPS Certificate

You can buy and download HTTPS certificate, then mount to docker by -v as bellow:

docker run \
    -v /path/to/domain.crt:/g/server.crt -v /path/to/domain.key:/g/server.key \

Please make sure the file /path/to/domain.crt and /path/to/domain.key exists.


The changelog:

  • Support mobile and PC browser. v1.0.0
  • Request microphone permission when starting. v1.0.2
  • Support single assistant to talk with. v1.0.3
  • Dispose recorder and stream when record done. v1.0.4
  • Setup the website title to AI Talk whatever. v1.0.6
  • Limit the response words to 50 words by default. v1.0.10
  • Support multiple assistants and select before start. v1.0.11
  • Setup model and robots by environment variables. v1.0.12
  • Fix Android browser select button label issue. v1.0.13
  • Add micWorking and attention state to avoid data loss. v1.0.14
  • Refine the UI for mobile browser. v1.0.15
  • Fast require microphone permission. v1.0.16
  • Save user select robot to local storage. v1.0.17
  • Refine the UI and history message style. v1.0.18
  • Limit to 30 words and config in robot. v1.0.19
  • Use css to draw a microphone icon. v1.0.20
  • Refine the data loss before and after record. v1.0.21
  • Add text tips label to use microphone. v1.0.22
  • Refine the startup waiting UI. v1.0.23
  • Support setup chat AI model for each robot. v1.0.24
  • Support setup chat window for each robot. v1.0.25
  • Alert error when not HTTPS. v1.0.26
  • Support HTTPS proxy for OpenAI. v1.0.27
  • Support official OpenAI API without proxy. v1.0.28
  • Always use HTTPS proxy if not specified. v1.0.29
  • Do not require some variables. v1.0.30
  • Refine the logs for user and bot. v1.0.31
  • Detect user silent and warning. v1.0.32
  • Refine bot log for the first time. v1.0.33
  • Allow user retry when error. v1.0.34
  • Refine badcase for user input. v1.0.35
  • Fix bug for setting window for robot. v1.0.36
  • Support setup API proxy and key for ASR,Chat,TTS. v1.0.37
  • Support Tencent Speech to speed up. v1.0.37
  • Support share logging text mode. v1.0.38
  • Fix some badcase for sentence determine. v1.0.39
  • Speed up the ASR, without transcode. v1.0.40
  • Refine the stat for elapsed time cost of upload. v1.0.41
  • Refine the log label. v1.0.46
  • Support OpenAI organization. v1.0.47

Winlin, 2023.12


AI-Talk allows you to talk with OpenAI GPT.


License:MIT License


Language:Go 62.8%Language:JavaScript 28.3%Language:CSS 2.7%Language:Shell 2.3%Language:Dockerfile 2.0%Language:HTML 2.0%