osmannkartall / surveyme

SurveyMe is an application that allows you to create surveys and share them for anonymous participation by others.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


SurveyMe is an application that allows you to create surveys and share them for anonymous participation by others. Developed using React Native and Firebase services.


Client: React Native

Authentication: Firebase Authentication

Database: Firestore


Each survey document has a sub-collection called published. Each published sub-collection has only a single document. This single document has survey questions and a title which are accessable by only the survey owner until the survey is published(In other words, it acts like a private object).

The user can mark the new survey as published before sending it to Firestore. If the new survey is sent as published then published field of the survey document becomes true. Thus, any anonymous or logged-in user can get access to the document in published sub-collection if the given survey code is valid. Otherwise, the value of the published field becomes false and only survey owner can get access to that document. The survey code corresponds to the id of the document in published sub-collection and is created manually before submitting the new survey.

ownerId is used to prevent any user from accessing survey and submission documents of other users and participating in their own surveys. It is compared with uid values of the documents in users collection.


Clone the project.

  git clone https://github.com/osmannkartall/surveyme.git
  1. Create an emulator using Android Studio to run the application on an emulator or download Expo Go to run it on a real Android device.

  2. Create a Firestore database in Firebase Console.

  3. Paste the rules in firestore.rules file into rules section of your Firestore database.

  4. Create a web app in Firebase Console. See Step 2.

  5. Enable Email/Password sign-in method in Firebase Console/Authentication. Check the details.

  6. Change the values of firebaseConfig object with your project credentials.

const firebaseConfig = {
  apiKey: '<your-api-key>',
  authDomain: '<your-authDomain>',
  projectId: '<your-projectId>',
  storageBucket: '<your-storageBucket>',
  messagingSenderId: '<your-messagingSenderId>',
  appId: '<your-appId>',
  1. Install Node.js and npm if you haven't already.

  2. Install expo-cli globally.

npm install -g expo-cli
  1. Install dependencies of the project.
cd surveyme
npm install
  1. Start the project.
expo start

# Note: If expo command not found you may need to add the global prefix to path variable.
# You can run "npm prefix -g" command to get the global prefix.
  1. Run the app.
Android Emulator: Make sure that the emulator is running. Then, press a in terminal.
Your Android Device: Open Expo Go and scan the QR code seen in terminal/browser.


  1. Minimalistic Sign-in, Sign-up and Logout operations with Firebase Authentication
  2. Create published or private survey
  3. Delete survey and submissions of it
  4. Publish the survey created as private to able other users participate in it
  5. Participate in a survey anonymously(with/without login)
  6. Display surveys with their date of creation
  7. Display details of selected survey(survey code, survey questions, received submissions...)


Video for detailed demo with multiple emulators


  1. Optimize the number of get and exist requests in rules and cache surveys and submissions
  2. Complete the prop type validation
  3. User Profile Screen
  4. Delete/Modify user account feature
  5. Update private survey feature
  6. Max participants in a survey feature
  7. Time-dependent survey feature


SurveyMe is an application that allows you to create surveys and share them for anonymous participation by others.

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%