oskikiboy / AwesomeTemplate


Home Page:https://oskikiboy.me/AwesomeTemplate

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


AwesomeTemplate, by oskikiboy.

Discord Server

A simple HTML website generator. Powered by Jekyll


  1. First fork the repository
  2. Go into the assets folder then continue to the img folder & drag & drop the desired image files into it.
  3. You will find the config folder in the root looking like this:
name: 'Awesome<span style="font-weight:300;">Template</span>'
meta-name: 'AwesomeTemplate'
description: 'A template to start everyone off with a cool site!'
url: 'https://oskikiboy.me/AwesomeTemplate'
keywords: 'cool, Awesome, Jekyll, HTML, template, easy, github'
class: 'HTML template'
icon: '/assets/img/icon.png'
meta-icon: '/assets/img/icon.png'
  1. Change to the desired settings & remember to follow the same format.

    Settings with double quotes cannot have HTML content in them, but ones with single quotes can.

Found an error?

You can either:

  • Fork the repository, fix the issue and then make a merge request :D


  • You can make an issue on the official repository!

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