osfreak / Walter20

Walter 2.0 Development

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Walter 2.0 Development


Arduino					Arduino (BotBoarduino) code

	IMU						Basic IMU tinerking
	IMU_Multi_Display		Basic IMU tinkering with multiple display use.
	Navigation				Navigation and reactive behaviors
	Navigation2				Navigation and reactive behaviors
	Navigation3				Navigation and reactive behaviors

	Sound					Four channel sound detection, and reactive behaviors

	libraries				Various libraries used in these sketches

ChipKit					ChipKit Pic32 development

General					General development
	C++						C/C++ Development
	Go						Go development
	Python					Python development

MegaADK					Arduino Meg ADK Development

	IMU						Basic IMU tinerking
	IMU_Multi_Display		Basic IMU tinkering with multiple display use.
	Navigation				Navigation and reactive behaviors
	Navigation2				Navigation and reactive behaviors
	Navigation3				Navigation and reactive behaviors, with all sensors

	Sound					Four channel sound detection, and reactive behaviors

	libraries				Various libraries used in these sketches

Raspberry-Pi			Raspberry Pi
	C++						C/C++ Development
	Go						Go development
	Python					Python development

UDOO					UDOO development
	ArduinoDue				Arduino Due development
	Linux					Linux
		Ubuntu					Ubuntu Linux development
			C++						C/C++ Development
			Go						Go Development
			Python					Python Development


Walter 2.0 Development