osfreak / BBB-Bot

Client and Server code to control a simple two motor robot using a BeagleBone Black

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A simple browser client that is able to send commands over web sockets to a BeagleBone Black running the server code.



Bootstrap/JQuery based web page that will connect to the server and send simple commands over web sockets to control the robot.


Control code written in Python.


  1. Adafruit_BBIO Python library (installed by default on newer BeagleBone Black images)
  2. Python json library (also installed by default)


Simple two-wheel (differential drive) robot. Motors are connected to a Sabertooth 2x12 motor controller allowing simple control and easy separation of voltages.

Control messages are sent to the controller using "packetised serial mode".

Client-Server Communication

Control messages are passed from client to server as JSON over a web sockets transport. Messages used are:

Client -=> Server JSON messages

  • speed is in percent and should be sent with every command.
  • Stop command will ignore speed, and stop robot.
  • Speed command when stopped will not start movement.
    { event: 'drive',
        cmd: {
                direction: 'fwd|rev|left|right|stop|speed',
                speed: '0-100'

Server -=> Client JSON messages

Sent in response to each command sent from the client

    { event: 'ack',
        cmd: {
                cmd: 'command and speed executed by server'

Sent when an obstacle is detected on one of the configured sensors. Robot will take "evasive" action when an obstacle is detected. Robot will reverse at 150% of set speed for a short period that is proportional to speed and then stop.

    { event: 'obstacle',
       data: {
                sensor: 'sensor designation that obstacle was detected on',
                name: 'descriptive name of sensor (eg: left, right)'

Client can act on obstacle message to take further action.


Client and Server code to control a simple two motor robot using a BeagleBone Black

License:MIT License