oscardoudou / dijkstra

[CSC 505 Dsgn Analys Algorith]

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


In the usual formulation of Dijkstra’s algorithm, the number of edges in the shortest (= lightest) path is not a consideration. Here, we assume that there might be multiple shortest paths. Implement an algorithm that takes as input an undirected graph G = (V, E), a non-negative cost function w on E, a source vertex s and a destination vertex t, and produces a path with the fewest edges amongst all shortest paths from s to t. If there are multiple such shortest paths with the fewest edges, your algorithm should output the unique path with the lexicographically smallest sequence of vertices amongst all such paths. [A vertex sequence u1, u2, ..., ui-1, ui, ... um is lexicographically smaller than another vertex sequence v1, v2, ..., vi-1, vi, ... vn if u1 = v1, u2 = v2, ..., ui-1 = vi-1, and ui < vi for some i. For example, 0, 3, 21, 5 is lexicographically smaller than 0, 32, 1, 5 with i=2.]


The first line of input contains two integers separated by a space: the number of vertices |V| (1<=|V|<=50), and the number of edges |E| (0<=|E|<=100). The next |E| lines each describes an undirected edge. An edge is described by three integers separated by space: the end-points u and v (0<=u, v<=|V|-1), and the cost w(u,v) (0<=w(u,v)<=1000). The last line of input contains the source-destination s and t (0<=s, t<=|V|-1) separated by space.

13 13
0 1 2
1 3 4
3 6 12
6 7 2
0 4 3
4 2 2
2 5 7
5 7 8
7 10 3
10 12 2
7 9 1
9 11 1
11 12 3
0 12


This program would print two lines. In the first line, output the cost of the optimal path . In the second line, output the sequence of vertices in the path separated by spaces.


[CSC 505 Dsgn Analys Algorith]


Language:Java 100.0%