oscar36 / api-bot-tutorial

Tutorial for Poe API bots

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

API Bot tutorial

Welcome to the Poe API Bot tutorial. This repository includes starter code and will help you quickly get a bot running. As part of this tutorial, we will go over how to deploy this starter code and how to integrate your bot server with poe. For more information on Poe API bots, see poe-protocol.

Deploying your bot

We will go over three ways of deploying your bot.

  • Using Gitpod, a cloud-based IDE (this method is the fastest).
  • Using ngrok (allows you to make public a bot running on your local computer).
  • Using a cloud provider like Heroku (most scalable but the most amount of work).


Gitpod is a browser-based IDE. Among other features, it allows you to run a publicly accessible Web service as part of your project. To get started:

  • Go to gitpod.io/workspaces and login or create an account.
  • Click "New Workspace".
  • Enter the address of this repo (i.e., https://github.com/poe-platform/api-bot-tutorial) into the "Context URL" field.
  • Hit continue. Gitpod will now take a few minutes to spin up the new workspace and start your server.
  • Note the URL in the address bar above "FastAPI Poe bot server" (see screenshot).
    • Screenshot of a Gitpod page with the URL for the server circled.
    • This is your bot server URL


ngrok is a tool to add Internet connectivity to any service. You can use it, for example, to make a Poe bot running on your local computer accessible on the Internet:

  • Install ngrok (instructions)
  • Open a terminal and run:
    • git clone https://github.com/poe-platform/api-bot-tutorial
    • cd api-bot-tutorial
    • pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Start your bot server using uvicorn main:app --reload
  • Confirm that it is running locally by running curl localhost:8000
  • Run ngrok http 8000 in another terminal and note the URL it provides, which will look like https://1865-99-123-141-32.ngrok-free.app
  • Access that URL in your browser to confirm it works. This is your bot server URL.


Heroku is a cloud platform that makes it easy to deploy simple apps.

  • Create an account on heroku.com
  • On the website, create a new application. Let's name it $YOUR_APP
  • Install the Heroku CLI
    • Login using heroku login
  • Open the bot creation page. An API key will be pre-generated for you.
  • Open a terminal and run:
    • git clone https://github.com/poe-platform/api-bot-tutorial
    • cd api-bot-tutorial
    • heroku git:remote -a $YOUR_APP
    • heroku config:set POE_API_KEY=$POE_API_KEY, where $POE_API_KEY is the API key you got from bot creation page
    • git push heroku main
  • Now your app should be online at https://$YOUR_APP.herokuapp.com/. This is your bot server URL.

Integrating with Poe

Once you have a bot running under a publicly accessible URL, it is time to connect it to Poe. You can do that on poe.com at the bot creation form. You can also specify a name and description for your bot. After you fill out the form and click "create bot", your bot should be ready for use in all Poe clients!

Where to go from here

  • The starter code by default uses the EchoBot which is a simple bot with no AI capabilities. You can comment/uncomment any of the other example bots to try them out or build off of them.
  • Refer to poe-protocol to understand the full capabilities offered by Poe API bots and see some additional tools and samples, including:
    • The specification that details precisely how API bots work
    • The fastapi-poe library, which you can use as a base for creating Poe bots


Join us on Discord with any questions.


Tutorial for Poe API bots


Language:Python 99.1%Language:Procfile 0.9%