osamasayed585 / RAQ

RAQ -Real android questions -is questions that asked at real interviews

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


RAQ stands for (Real android questions) it is inititive to share questions and tips for android interivews. Everyone would share questions and tips to this repo.


we will have 2 folders (startup, enterprise) and each one will have 4 files (fresh, mid level, senior, tech lead).

├── enterprise/
│   ├── fresh.md
│   ├── mid level.md
│   ├── senior.md
│   └── tech lead.md
└── startups/
    ├── fresh.md
    ├── mid level.md
    ├── senior.md
    └── tech lead.md


Will share here list of links that are useful for prepartion to interviews. these resources will provide a solid foundation for your Android interview preparation


RAQ -Real android questions -is questions that asked at real interviews