orzhan / react-screen-orientation

Display React Components based on screen orientation

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



npm install react-screen-orientation --save


Also see the example.

@import "~react-screen-orientation/src/index";
import React, {Component} from 'react'

import DeviceOrientation, { Orientation } from 'react-screen-orientation'

class Example extends Component {

  render () {
    return (
      <DeviceOrientation lockOrientation={'landscape'}>
        {/* Will only be in DOM in landscape */}
        <Orientation orientation='landscape' alwaysRender={false}>
            <p>Only visible in landscape</p>
        {/* Will stay in DOM, but is only visible in portrait */}
        <Orientation orientation='portrait'>
            <p>Please rotate your device</p>




Required. You MUST supply children of type Orientation. Each child will only be visible if it's orientation prop matches the current screen orientation.

classNameString ('')

Passes CSS classes to the underlying div.

lockOrientationString or Array (undefined)

Try to lock the device using either The Screen Orientation API or screen.lockOrientation.

Valid values are: portrait-primary, portrait-secondary, landscape-primary, landscape-secondary, portrait, landscape and default. Multiple values are allowed.

onLockOrientationfunction (success) (undefined)

Callback which will be called after trying to lock screen orientation using lockOrientation.

onOrientationChangefunction (orientation, type, angle) (undefined)

Will be called in componentWillMount and when screen orientation changes are detected. Orientation changes are detected using The Screen Orientation API or window.onorientationchange

window.screen.orientation.type is split into orientation and type parameters.


  • orientationportrait or landscape
  • typeprimary or secondary
  • angle0, 90, 180 or 270


alwaysRenderboolean (true)

Set this to false to not render the component into the DOM if orientation does not match the current screen orientation. This can be helpful if you need your component to re-render when screen orientation changes.


Any children will be passed to the DOM.

classNameString ('')

Passes CSS classes to the underlying div.

orientationString (undefined)

Required Supply either portrait or landscape to indicate when the component should be visible.


Display React Components based on screen orientation

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 96.6%Language:HTML 1.9%Language:CSS 1.5%