ortenheim / erlyeditor

ErlyEditor – Simple video editor. Erlyvideo test assignment. WIP.

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A simple video editing tool. Test assignment for Erlyvideo. WIP.

Table of contents


  • cp .example.env .env and set required environment variables
  • npm install
  • install peer dependencies running npm install react react-dom react-motion
  • you have to npm install and build (npm run build:lib) modules that is pulled from github by yourself



erlyeditor primarily consists of two things: components and reducers.

  • top-level Redux reducers: editorReducer, playerReducer and html5videoReducer.
  • top-level React components: Editor, Player and Html5Video.

The reducers listen to dispatched actions from the component to maintain your state in Redux.


Step 1

The first thing that you have to do is to give the player and video reducers to Redux.

import { foo, bar } from 'my-awesome-reducers';
import { editorReducer as editor } from 'erlyeditor';

const reducers = {
  // ... your other reducers here ...
  editor, // <- mounting editor reducer

const reducer = combineReducers(reducers);
const store = createStore(reducer);

The default mount point for editorReducer is editor.


It won't work if you change mounting point. Right now you can't change this, so be carefull.

Step 2

Import and render the Editor component:

import { Editor } from 'erlyeditor';


// somewhere in your rendering method

<Editor player={{ width: 640, height: 480 }} />

Roboto Font and Material Design Icons

ErlyEditor assumes that you are importing Roboto Font and Material Design Icons. In order to import the fonts for you, we'd need to include them in the CSS which is considered a bad practice. If you are not including them in your app go to the linked sites and follow the instructions.


Almost any component allows use to specify className which will be applied to it via composition with existing built-in className. Additionally you can override built-in styles because everything is based on the react-css-modules. You need to export unstyled version of component to provide your own styles, to do this simple import { QuxComponent } from 'erlyeditor/components/QuxComponent'; instead of importing the default one.


Also you can use other components as well. Here is the full list:

  • Html5Video
  • Player
  • Icon
  • Button
  • Slider
  • hoc/tooltip - high-order component for tooltips

Every component is exported in 2 different ways:

  • To import unstyled version use import { FooComponent } from erlyeditor
  • To import styled use import FooComponent from 'erlyeditor

There is no FlashVideo component, unfortunately. See below



Build erlyeditor

Running the build task will create both a CommonJS module-per-module build and a UMD build.

npm run build

To create just a CommonJS module-per-module build:

npm run build:lib

To create just a UMD build:

npm run build:umd
npm run build:umd:min

Testing and Linting

To run both linting and testing at once, run the following:

npm run check

To only run tests:

npm run test

To continuously watch and run tests, run the following:

npm run test:watch

To perform linting with eslint, run the following:

npm run lint


player UI

Erlyeditor comes with examples to demonstrate its usage. When adding a new example, please adhere to the style and format of the existing examples, and try to reuse as much code as possible.

Building and testing the examples

Clone the repo, cd to example you are interested in and run npm install && npm start. It will take a while to start, but after the site is built, you can access the examples by opening http://localhost:3001/.


For a smooth dev process you can install these tools (not required):

Updates are arriving automatically as PR's, thanks to greenkeeper If you want to check for updates manually: npm-check-updates

After building in dist directory you can find webpack stats file named webpack.stats.json and feed it to webpack stats analyzer to see some useful info about your bundle.

The debug package is used for debugging. To turn it on simply specify the DEBUG environment variable:

  • DEBUG=app:server:(log|info|error) — to see nodejs server debugging output.
  • DEBUG=app:webpack — to see app-related webpack output.
  • DEBUG=app:* — to see everything.


Packages I use for testing:


Make sure that you've read this npm-module-checklist before starting to build your own npm package.


Check this out: react-gl. One of the examples places canvas over video to apply blurring and customize HUE. This technique makes possible to implement really cool effects.

Implementing FlashVideo component

To get some inspiration how to create a unified API for HTML5 & Flash player see:


ErlyEditor – Simple video editor. Erlyvideo test assignment. WIP.

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 86.0%Language:CSS 13.8%Language:Makefile 0.1%