orlandocarnate / item-catalog

Data-driven Item Catalog web app with CRUD functions using Python, Flask, SQLAlchemy, and Bootstrap.

Home Page:https://havemerci.carnate.org/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Catalog - Udacity

Data-driven Item Catalog web app with CRUD functions using Python, Flask, SQLAlchemy, and Bootstrap.


A long time ago I created a static jewelry website for my sister-in-law and I thought I could apply what I learned and create a data-driven site with CRUD functions using Python, Flask, SQLAlchemy, and Bootstrap. This is Jewelry Catalog application provides:

  • a list of items within a variety of categories
  • a user registration and authentication system
  • Registered users will have the ability to:
    • CReate new items
    • Update items
    • Delete items
  • Only the original creator of an item can edit or delete it.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


You will need to install these software:

Start the virtual machine

From your terminal, inside the vagrant subdirectory, run the command vagrant up. This will cause Vagrant to download the Linux operating system and install it. When vagrant up is finished running, you will get your shell prompt back. At this point, you can run vagrant ssh to log in to your newly installed Linux VM. If the shell prompt starts with the word vagrant then you are loggied into Linux VM.

Run the Python Web Server

Make sure you're in the vagrant/catalog folder within the Linux VM terminal. Enter 'ls' to see a list of items within the vagrant folder. You should see project.py.

In the Linux VM terminal run this command: python project.py

Log In using Google or Facebook

If you have a Google or Facebook account you can click on the login button on the top right Nav Bar. This will take you to the OAUTH page. After successfully logging in you will be able to createm edit or delete items or modify the Category description. The login button will change into a log

Template Style with Bootstrap

I probably spent half the time researching Bootstrap for my Flask templates. Below are some of the sites I have been researhing:


Data-driven Item Catalog web app with CRUD functions using Python, Flask, SQLAlchemy, and Bootstrap.



Language:JavaScript 43.8%Language:CSS 43.0%Language:HTML 7.1%Language:Python 6.1%