orky / jquery-mobile-flat-ui-theme

jQuery Mobile Flat UI Theme

Home Page:http://ququplay.github.com/jquery-mobile-flat-ui-theme

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jQuery Mobile Flat-UI Theme

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Theme for jQuery Mobile based on Flat-UI.





We are going to use master branch to keep up to date with jQuery Mobile versions. Previous versions will be moved to corresponding branches.

Current branch layout

  • master - jQuery Mobile version 1.3.1
  • jqm-1.3.0 - jQuery Mobile version 1.3.0


  • Copy jquery.mobile.flatui.css, fonts and images from generated folder to your project. Include link to jquery.mobile.flatui.css
 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="jquery.mobile.flatui.css" />
  • jquery-mobile-flat-ui-theme is a bower component you should be able to install it by running:

bower install jqm-flatui

or if you already have a bower based project you can add jquery-mobile-flat-ui-theme to your dependency list in bower.json

 "dependencies": {
    "jqm-flatui": "latest"

Include link to jquery.mobile.flatui.css

 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/components/generated/jquery.mobile.flatui.css" />


In order to add a new swatch or colors you can add a new stylus file under src/stylus/swatches/ and run grunt from your command line.

  • brew install node
  • npm install -g grunt-cli
  • cd to project's folder
  • npm install
  • grunt watch
  • start modifying css/stylus files



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