orionsolidified / LlamaIndex-RAG-WSL-CUDA

Examples of RAG using Llamaindex with local LLMs - Mixtral 8x7B, Llama 2, Mistral 7B, Orca 2, Phi-2, Neural 7B

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RAG with LlamaIndex - Nvidia CUDA + WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) + Word documents + Local LLM

These notebooks demonstrate the use of LlamaIndex for Retrieval Augmented Generation using Windows WSL and Nvidia's CUDA.


  • Windows 11
  • Anaconda environment
  • Nvidia RTX 3090
  • NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit Version 12.3
  • 64GB RAM
  • LLMs - Mistral 7B, Llama 2 13B Chat, Orca 2 13B, Yi 34B, Mixtral 8x7B, Neural 7B, Phi-2, SOLAR 10.7B - Quantized versions

December 2023 Notes
1: Update llama-cpp-python to at least v0.2.23 in order to run Mixtral 8x7B
2: Update llama-cpp-python to at least v0.2.24 in order to run Phi-2

Your Data:

  • Add Word documents to the "Data" folder for the RAG to use

Package versions:

  • See the "conda_package_versions.txt" for the full list of versions in the conda environment (generated using "conda list").
  • See/utilise the "requirements.txt" file (note that you need to have installed the CUDA Toolkit using the instructions below, the versions are very important).

Local LLMs:

Important libraries to "pip install":

  • llama-cpp-python
  • transformers
  • llama-index
  • docx2txt
  • sentence-transformers

Notes: Getting the Nvidia CUDA libraries installed correctly for use within WSL was challenging, I followed the steps from these two links:

  1. CUDA Toolkit version 12.3 (latest as of 2023-11-03)
  1. Install instructions within WSL:

To tell if you are utilising your Nvidia graphics card, in your command prompt, while in the conda environment, type "nvidia-smi". You should see your graphics card and when you're notebook is running you should see your utilisation increase.

Using a full Linux OS?

Check out the equivalent notebooks in this repository: https://github.com/marklysze/LlamaIndex-RAG-Linux-CUDA

Interested in LangChain?

Check out this repository which shows RAG with LangChain: https://github.com/marklysze/LangChain-RAG-Linux

Output examples

Question asked of the model based on the story:

Summarise the story for me

Mistral 7B:

The story follows Thundertooth, a talking dinosaur who has found a new home in a futuristic city. He is embraced by the citizens and finds purpose beyond merely satisfying his hunger. With the help of the city's brilliant engineers, he founded a toy factory that produces magical, interactive toys. As the years pass, Thundertooth meets a kind dinosaur named Seraphina and starts a family. Together, they explore the city and find a sustainable solution to satisfy Thundertooth's hunger without compromising the well-being of the citizens. The story highlights the importance of understanding and cooperation in overcoming challenges.

Llama 2:

Of course! Here's a summary of the story based on the provided sources:

Thundertooth, a talking dinosaur from prehistoric times, was transported through a time portal to a futuristic city. He found himself in a world filled with advanced technology and modern marvels, but he struggled to find food to satisfy his hunger. The city's inhabitants, led by Mayor Grace, welcomed Thundertooth and worked together to find a solution to his predicament.

With the help of the city's engineers, Thundertooth founded a unique toy factory that produced magical widgets that captured the hearts of both children and adults. He started a family with a kind and intelligent dinosaur named Seraphina, and they had four children who each possessed unique characteristics.

When a massive meteor threatened the city, Thundertooth joined forces with Mayor Grace and the leading scientists to find a way to divert or neutralize the threat. With his intelligence and resourcefulness, Thundertooth became an integral part of the team and helped save the city from disaster.

That's the gist of the story! Is there anything else you'd like to know?

Orca 2:

The story is about Thundertooth, a dinosaur who travels from prehistoric times to a futuristic city. He meets Mayor Grace and her people, who help him find a new home and a purpose. He creates a toy factory that makes amazing widgets, and falls in love with Seraphina, another dinosaur. Together they have four children and live happily. One day, a meteor threatens the city and Thundertooth must use his abilities to save everyone.

Yi 34B:

The story follows Thundertooth, a dinosaur who finds himself transported from prehistoric times to a futuristic city. Initially struggling to adapt and find food, he is taken in by Mayor Eleanor Grace and the citizens of the city. With their help, he establishes a successful toy factory that creates magical widgets, which bring joy to children and adults alike. Thundertooth marries Seraphina, another dinosaur, and they have four children who grow up in this advanced society. One day, the city faces an impending meteor strike, and Thundertooth, with his family and the mayor's support, works to save the city from disaster.

Note: Yi-34B created and answered more questions within each response.

Mixtral 8X7B:

Thundertooth, a talking dinosaur, stumbles upon a futuristic city where he finds acceptance and a new home [2][1]. Initially, he struggles to find food that satisfies his hunger without causing harm to the city's inhabitants. However, with the help of Mayor Grace, they discover a sustainable solution [3]. Thundertooth, inspired by the advanced technology around him, starts a toy factory that becomes a sensation, producing magical widgets that delight children and adults alike [2]. Eventually, he meets Seraphina, and they start a family together [2]. When a massive meteor threatens Earth, Thundertooth steps up to help, working with the city's leading scientists to find a solution to divert or neutralize the meteor [1]. Throughout his journey, Thundertooth becomes a symbol of unity between the past and future, teaching everyone about understanding and cooperation.

Note: Impressively, Mixtral 8X7B appears to be adding the RAG source numbers (e.g. '[2]') to the text, see the answer to the next question and response by Mixtral 8X7B that includes the source references and also lists the sources:

Q: Who was the main protagonist?

The main protagonist in this story is Thundertooth. He is depicted as a highly intelligent and resourceful character who has made a significant impact on the futuristic city and its inhabitants. When a massive meteor threatens Earth, Thundertooth takes charge and works with his family and Mayor Grace to find a solution [1][2]. Additionally, Thundertooth is also the founder of a successful toy factory that produces magical, interactive toys using cutting-edge technology [2]. His unique abilities and leadership skills make him the central figure in this narrative.

[1] file_name: Thundertooth Part 3.docx, Source 1
[2] file_name: Thundertooth Part 2.docx, Source 2

Phi-2: [Quantized]

Note 1: Due to the smaller context size supported by the model (2K versus 4K and larger), I reduced the chunk sizes to 128 tokens (tried 256 and it wouldn't return answers consistently) and explicitly set the context_window and num_output in the ServiceContext to ensure LlamaIndex knows what bounds to work within. Previously, during testing it was trying to add too much context into the prompt and this was exceeding the limit of the model.

Note 2: I had to remove the typical persona and instruction text ("You are a story teller who likes to elaborate and....") as this caused it to not output responses consistently. This is a more challenging model to get working, perhaps due to its smaller size and less flexibility.

The story is about Thundertooth, a prehistoric dinosaur who found himself in the future and was invited by Mayor Grace to help with an impending meteor threat. He gathered his family and worked alongside the mayor and scientists to come up with a plan to divert or neutralize the meteor. Lumina, one of Thundertooth's children, would use her knowledge of technology to enhance the city's energy systems and create a protective force field.

It answered the questions well for such a small model, see another example below.

Q: Did anything eventful happen?

The Thundertooth family saved their beloved city from an impending disaster by utilizing their unique abilities. They enhanced the city's energy systems, echoed evacuation orders, offered comfort to those in distress, and unleashed controlled bursts of flames towards the approaching meteor. The citizens, emerging from their shelters, erupted into cheers of gratitude as they witnessed the Thundertooth family's heroic efforts.

Phi-2: [FP16]

See Notes above for Phi-2 [Quantized] regarding context-length and persona. They apply here, too.

The FP16 model generally provided more detailed responses than the quantized version and considering this is a small model, it's quite feasible to use this FP16 model.

The story is about Thundertooth, a prehistoric dinosaur who finds himself in a futuristic city after accidentally opening a portal. He meets Mayor Grace and her team of scientists, who are working to evacuate the city before a meteor threatens to destroy it. Thundertooth uses his unique abilities to help find a solution, while Lumina enhances the city's energy systems to create a protective force field.

Q: Did anything eventful happen?

Yes, several events occurred during this time period. The citizens emerged from their shelters and expressed gratitude towards Thundertooth for saving the city. Mayor Grace approached Thundertooth to thank him personally. Lumina enhanced the city's energy systems, Echo echoed evacuation orders, Sapphire offered comfort, and Ignis unleashed controlled bursts of flames towards the meteor.

Q: Did they have any children? If so, what were their names?

The family had four children named Lumina, Seraphina, Thundertooth Jr., and Sparkles.

For its response to this third question, I'm not sure who "Thundertooth Jr." and "Sparkles" are - these are clearly hallucinations. Looking at what was brought back by LlamaIndex for the LLM to use, it only had Lumina as well as the mother's name, Seraphina - so I can see why it may have got this wrong. Interestingly, for the previous question ("Who was the main protagonist?"), LlamaIndex brought back the four children's names.

Neural Chat 7B:

In these stories, Thundertooth, a talking dinosaur from prehistoric times, finds himself in a futuristic city. He meets Mayor Eleanor Grace and becomes an integral part of the community. Together with his family, they work to solve problems like hunger and impending meteor threats. The city embraces Thundertooth as a symbol of unity between past and future, teaching people about understanding and cooperation.

SOLAR 10.7B Instruct:

The captivating tale revolves around Thundertooth, a talking dinosaur who finds himself transported through time to a futuristic city. Initially startled by his new surroundings, he encounters Mayor Eleanor Grace, who shows compassion and curiosity towards him. Thundertooth shares his incredible journey and the challenges of fitting into this new world. The mayor welcomes him and helps address his predicament by assisting in creating a unique toy factory that produces magical interactive widgets. Over time, Thundertooth not only finds acceptance but also love with Seraphina, another intelligent dinosaur, and they have four remarkable children together. As their family grows, so does the bond between Thundertooth and the city. When faced with a meteor threat, Thundertooth demonstrates his resourcefulness by working alongside Mayor Grace and scientists to find a solution for the impending crisis. Through this story, we witness themes of acceptance, adaptation, innovation, and unity in the face of adversity.

Q: Who was the main protagonist?

In this provided context, we do not have enough information about a specific story or character to identify the main protagonist. However, we can infer that Thundertooth, the talking dinosaur who traveled through time, might be considered as one of the central figures due to his unique situation and interactions with other characters like Mayor Eleanor Grace. Nonetheless, without further details about the storyline or additional context, it is difficult to definitively determine the main protagonist.

Interestingly, it's the only model that wasn't 100% convinced that Thundertooth was the protagonist, though it did decide to go with them. Reading the context LlamaIndex provided, I think Thundertooth would be the protagonist.

On a separate note, LlamaIndex retrieves the section on the children when asked this question so perhaps if it found a more relevant section and presented it to the model, such as the first paragraph of the story, it would be clearer who the protagonist is.


Examples of RAG using Llamaindex with local LLMs - Mixtral 8x7B, Llama 2, Mistral 7B, Orca 2, Phi-2, Neural 7B


Language:Jupyter Notebook 100.0%