A small library written in Kotlin to help you with console colors.
The library uses the JitPack repository. By clicking on the link, you can choose the most convenient installation option.
// Direct color indication
println("Standard color".color(Color.GREEN))
println("Black on white background".color(Color.BLACK).color(Color.WHITE, Type.BG))
println("RGB supported".rgb(RGB(157, 78, 221)))
println("Hex is here too".hex("FFAC33"))
// String formatting
println(BOLD + "Bold")
println(ITALIC + "Italic")
println(UNDERLINE + "Underline")
// Get an ASCII color code as a string
val color = Krayon.code(Color.GREEN)
val hex = Krayon.code("FFAC33")
val rgb = Krayon.code(RGB(157, 78, 221))