ordex-io / ERC404Meme

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ERC404Meme: Next-gen Hybrid Memecoin Standard


ERC404Meme is an opinionated yet practical implementation of the ERC404 standard, aimed at adding substantial value and utility to memecoins on EVM chains (like Base) by enabling generative PFP NFT collections that are natively tied to them.

ERC404Meme Banner

Key Features

  • Generative PFP NFTs: Each ERC404Meme token is part of a vast generative PFP NFT collection, providing unique character and identity to memecoins.
  • Enhanced Liquidity and Fractionalization: Supports native liquidity on decentralized exchanges like Uniswap, which enhances market fluidity and accessibility.
  • Modular Architecture: Adopts the Diamond Standard (EIP-2535) for modular design and efficient contract management.
  • Secure and Transparent Processes: Utilizes Chainlink's VRF and Automation tools to ensure fairness and reliability in token generation and NFT reveals.

Distinctions from Legacy ERC404

  • Legacy ERC404: Combines ERC721 and ERC20, where each token equals one NFT.
  • ERC404Meme: Merges generative PFPs with memecoins, where 10,000 tokens represent one NFT, utilizing Chainlink VRF for randomization and Automation for operational efficiency.

How It Works

  1. Token Generation: Each token corresponds to a unique PFP NFT with specific traits.
  2. Minting and Trading: Tokens are minted and can be traded on decentralized exchanges, providing immediate liquidity and fractional ownership.
  3. Reveal Process: NFT traits are securely and randomly revealed using Chainlink's VRF and Automation, enhancing user engagement and trust.
  4. Dynamic Interaction: Tokens can be used within the ERC404 ecosystem for various interactions and transactions, providing a rich, user-centric experience.


Interaction Videos 🎬

These videos demonstrate the innovative interactions within the ERC404 ecosystem, highlighting how the tokens operate seamlessly on platforms like OpenSea and integrate with liquidity pools on Uniswap.

Workflow 🖼️

ERC404Meme drawio

Getting Started

To begin working with ERC404Meme, follow these steps:

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Install dependencies: npm install
  3. Run tests to ensure setup is correct: npm test
  4. Dive into various facets and functionalities available in the ERC404 ecosystem.


ERC404Meme was collaboratively developed with insights and contributions from the teams at 404.Pet and Ordex.io, along with significant individual contributions from: @NanezX, @pash7ka

We welcome contributions from the community. If you have suggestions, bug fixes, or enhancements, please submit a pull request or open an issue on GitHub. Let's build a more engaging and valuable memecoin ecosystem together!



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