orcasdli / imu_serial_node

IMU serial communicate with ROS

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Peter Li: I modify a bit to make it work in Ubuntu 16.04 with ROS Kinetic. Better try not to run in high frequence. Better to run with a median filter! Just 'git clone ' this project into your SRC directory and 'catkin_make'.

Also, currently the decoding is not entirly reliable.


a simple ros serial node for imu, such as mpu 6050.

you should change it by your serial Communication protocol. this package depend on serial: http://wiki.ros.org/rosserial/

Published Topics

  • imu ([sensor_msgs::Imu])

    The resulting Imu orientation.

Published TF Transforms

  • The resulting orientation is published as a tf transform, the frame names can be set using the parameters.


  • set_zero_orientation ([std_srvs/Empty])

    This service sets the current orientation as the new zero orientation so that from now on only the difference to this orientation is sent.


  • port (string, default: "/dev/ttyACM0")

    The name of the serial port.

  • time_offset_in_seconds (double, default: 0.0)

    This sets an offset which is added to the header timestamp of the imu-topic and the TF transforms. This can be used to synchronise the IMUs orientation values to values of another sensor.

  • imu_frame_id (string, default: "imu_base")

    Sets the name of the base frame for imu messages.

  • tf_parent_frame_id (string, default: "imu_base")

    Sets the name of the parent frame in the tf transform.

  • tf_frame_id (string, default: "imu")

    Sets the name of the own frame in the tf transform.


IMU serial communicate with ROS


Language:CMake 100.0%