orbiting / questionnaire

DynamicComponent for questionnaires

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Questionnaire Dynamic Component

This components were extracted from republik-frontend - Questionnaire.


npm run dev:code
# run in seperate tab/window
npm run dev:server
open http://localhost:3000/

Development Server Env

You can use a git-excluded .env file in development. Add styleguide configuration there.

Bootstrap your .env file:

cp test/.env.example test/.env

The example assumes you'll have a backend running on port 5010. You'll will need to add the host of this dev app to the backends cors list:



npm run build
npm run deploy

Clear CDN

Goto https://app.keycdn.com/zones/purgeurl/87880 and enter:


If you change asset files be sure to purge those too.


Slider Question with Live Distribution

Example DB Setup

INSERT INTO "public"."questionnaires"("id", slug", "description", "beginDate", "endDate", "allowedRoles", "liveResult", "submitAnswersImmediately", "updateResultIncrementally", "noEmptyAnswers", "unattributedAnswers") VALUES('fc755123-e4a0-445d-86bd-febdac3ff2f1', mss-schwabb', 'mss-schwabb', 'NOW()', '2119-06-11 15:26:18.711+02', '[]', TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE) RETURNING "id", "slug", "description", "beginDate", "endDate", "allowedRoles", "result", "createdAt", "updatedAt", "liveResult", "submitAnswersImmediately", "updateResultIncrementally", "noEmptyAnswers", "unattributedAnswers";

INSERT INTO "public"."questions"("questionnaireId", "order", "text", "type", "typePayload", "metadata") VALUES('fc755123-e4a0-445d-86bd-febdac3ff2f1', 0, 'Wo liegt Ihre Frist?', 'Range', '{"kind": "continous", "ticks": [{"label": "Befruchtung", "value": 0}, {"label": "Geburt", "value": 1}]}', '{"histogramTicks": 250}') RETURNING "id", "questionnaireId", "order", "text", "type", "typePayload", "createdAt", "updatedAt", "metadata", "hidden";

Example Dynamic Config

  "autoHtml": false,
  "props": {
    "slug": "mss-schwabb",
    "hideAnonymize": true,
    "settings": [
        "order": 0,
        "colors": {
          "empty": "#ffffff",
          "min": "#EFEFEF",
          "max": "#7F7F7F",
          "clusters": [
          "answer": "#048e02"
        "slider": {
          "step": 0.001
        "augments": [
            "path": "[0].userAnswer.payload.value",
            "color": "#048e02",
            "label": "Ihre Position"
            "path": "[0].rangeResults.median",
            "color": "#ba5968",
            "label": "Mittelwert"
  "src": "https://cdn.republik.space/s3/republik-assets/dynamic-components/questionnaire/index.js"


DynamicComponent for questionnaires


Language:JavaScript 100.0%