orangedusk / wow-codetest-android

Code test for interview candidates

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

WOW Code Test App

This app is a simple Android Studio project which displays fuel station list in NY.

Fork this skeleton project or create your own project to make it complete as follows.

  • implement codes to display fuel station list from the server (URL is in the codes) and detail view as below
  • support orientation changes on Activity or Dialog without restarting network task (do not use configChanges in the AndroidManifest.xml)
  • implement codes for refresh button, proper title in action bar, home up button, etc
  • implement action menu to sort the data based on brand (BT, shell, etc)
  • download images in an asynchronous way
  • add more test cases for user codes

You may use best Android practices to meet the requirements and modern open source libraries (networking, parser, event, etc) are preferrable for better app architecture.

The UI will look like this:

alt tag

Any questions, please contact Daniel via


Code test for interview candidates