In the shell inside the folder with the tictactoe.asm file, type : nasm -f elf64 tictactoe.asm
In the same shell, type ld -o tictactoe tictactoe.o
In the same shell, type ./tictactoe
Start to play
A board with 9 positions and the first player will mark a "X" and the second player marks and "O". The players don't play an occupied position.
The player wins if you complete the consecutives XXX or OOO horizontal, vertical or diagonal.
The user must type the number of the board in the following positions :
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
The system displays a board and starts with the first player selecting a position inside the board. The player must mark empty positions.
The player must type the number and press enter
main_loop: --- > Main page that iterates until the player wins or tie according with our game
call clear_screen --- > Clear the screen
mov rsi, game_start_message --- > Put the message "game_start_mesage"