optimizely / eleneor-fern-generator

Optimizely's Fern API which is used to generate SDKs.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Optimizely API

Tagging a release on this repository will update the following clients

What is in this repository?

This repository contains

To make sure that the OpenAPI is valid, you can use the Fern CLI.

npm install -g fern-api
fern check

What are generators?

Generators read in your API Definition and output artifacts (e.g. python-sdk, java-sdk, typescript-browser-sdk, go-sdk) and are tracked in generators.yml.

To trigger the generators run:

fern generate

fern generate --group publish --version <version>

The publish command currently runs in a GitHub workflow (see ci.yml). To trigger the generators using Github Actions:

1. Click on Releases

Step 1 screenshot

2. Click on Draft a new release

Step 2 screenshot

3. Click on Choose a tag

Step 3 screenshot

4. Specify a version

This version string is used when publishing SDKs to registries (e.g. npm, maven). Step 4 screenshot

5. In the title, re-enter the version number

Step 5 screenshot

6. Click on Publish release

Step 6 screenshot

7. Click on Actions

See the Actions that will run fern generate. Step 7 screenshot


Optimizely's Fern API which is used to generate SDKs.